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Author Topic: You are King! (Spring 315a)  (Read 185559 times)


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1830 on: August 12, 2011, 06:03:51 am »

"I'm not entirely sure what's going on.  Hopefully my colleague is still within the area."

Search of for my alchemical colleague, who with I was total buds with.
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1831 on: August 12, 2011, 07:01:29 am »

OOC:  Knave's post will have to wait an hour whilst I draft up a map.

Help with the subjugation of Miring (AKA support Terenos)

[3]  You set your troops to subjugating the population.  They aren't happy about it, but they're so worn out and scared from all the fighting already that they rather sullenly comply.  It's probably a good thing you opted not to loot the port, though, as that would likely tip them over the edge into open rebellion.

They are within range of your bow, but close enough that should you choose to fire at them they will be able to close the distance and meet you in close combat within one round. So...about 200 meters, or 1/8 of a mile.

@Drua: He tells you everything, I assume, including that you were (briefly) Queen of Miring. I don't know how you tell someone that their husband has been killed because he was a traitorous prince disguised as a low level nobleman without sounding like the biggest jerk in the world...but you were probably told everything.

Yep, they tell you everything they know - which is more or less only what Terenos has been telling people - that your husband turned out to be the treacherous next in line to the throne, killed his own brother and masterminded this entire war.  And then got his head cut off by Terenos.

He tries, but the physician does sound like a bit of a dick explaining it.  The Elbrethan troops that start appearing and forcibly pacifying the terrified citizens of Miring don't really help his case.

Pompulion continues his journey to the lands of the Manskinner.

You journey south, into an uninhabited valley.  In the waning evening light, you spot a pair of figures stumbling out of a cave...

A call echoes through the cave as the blood flows from his wound. Answering the call, Ehndras identifies himself and hopes Jormund yet lives.

Ehndras attempts to drag himself to the survivor(s) and regroup, as well as somehow re-light his extinguished torch. Barring that,  defensively make his way out of the cave with the survivor quickly while the beasts are still hesitant to return.

Flee to the safety of the light to check out wounds and supplies. If I can light my torch, check the bodies of our companions for coin, food, supplies, or anything be can scavenge. If we can somehow find their families, take a memento from each to return to their loved ones.

Jormund is amazed by the ferocity of the monsters that they just fought, but still it was a victory even if it nearly cost him his life. He realized the first thing that he and his companion needed to do was to find safety if they could. Jormund calls out to the other person that's still with him and asks him how he's doing. If possible he wants to try and leave the cave and get back to civilization (if the Highlands actually count as that).

Jormund tries to find out who else is in the cave and how they're doing. If they can, he tries to get both of them to the shelter of the town(even if he has to drag/carry/assist the other person).

[1]  Endras: You try to light the torch, desperately striking flint and tinder.  In your frustration and fear you lose your grip and the tinderbox clatters to the ground.  Pitch dark as the cavern is, it's as good as lost.  [2]  You fumble about with your hands but only find cave floor.  A moment later, a hand grabs you by the arm.  He manages an unsteady grasp of your shoulders and you put your arms around him, still loosely holding on to your weapon.  You try to stand, but your leg barely responds and then only with pain.  He shoulders your weight and begins to half-crawl, half-stumble towards the distant glimmer of light.

Jormund:  [5]  You scrabble blindly for survivors, but from the wet, still sensations most of your companions are dead.  Your grasping fingers finally seize upon one living soul, though in the darkness you cannot tell who.  You also retrieve your weapons safely.  Your shield arm hangs limp, though, so you grab hold of the figure as best you can.  He helps you, grabbing, but lets out a gasp when you try to stand with him.  Looks like you'll have to walk for the pair of you.

You stumble along for an age until at last the dim light grows and becomes the entrance to the caves.  You collapse out into the valley and lie there for a few minutes, trying to get your breath back and fight against the overwhelming pain.  The sun appears to be setting, bringing the threat of darkness in the coming hours.  Spurred on by this, you take stock of what supplies you still have.  Weapons, yes.  Armour, yes.  Some food.  You don't have any proper medical gear, but Endras tears bandages from your clothing and does his best to arrest your gaping wounds.  [6]  The bandaging is perhaps a little too tight and the splints too stiff - you'll probably live and maybe even keep the limbs, but Endras still can't walk on his own and the affected limbs are simply going to be useless.  You might have to stumble together all the way back - only one with both arms functioning, only one with both legs.

You look up after dressing your wounds.  A pair of distant figures are approaching you, blessedly human.  One is stumbling and has his hand on the other's shoulder, like a blind man being led...

Shoot as much as I can till they reach 10 meters. Then pull out another arrow, put it on the bow, but do not pull it back. Make it like I will, the rush forwards and kill the with my sword.

((By the way, its nocking not notching. According to my calculations, I should be able to fire at least 4 arrows.))

OOC:  Your calculations might say so, but GM fiat says otherwise!   ;D  We'll say they had cover on the way down, since it seems they've put away their own shortbows for now.

Kytuzian:  Weapon +1, Armour +1, Ranged Weapon [1 free shot]
Bandits:  Weapon +1, Armour +1

[2+2 vs 2+2]  It's a narrow shot and you expose yourself unduly during it, but you manage to take one of them down with an arrow as they approach.  Had they been using their bows as well, you would have taken a hit there.  [Bandits 1/4hp]

[1+2 vs 5+2]  You prepare your feint with the nocked arrow, but are too slow in changing weapons.  You only have your khopesh readied in time for the remaining bandit to jam his dagger hard into your shoulder.  You feel it cut something important, and soon enough blood is gushing all too freely from the wound.  [Critical hit!  Kytuzian 1/3hp]

[1+2 vs 3+2]  You try to bring your khopesh up to sever the man's head, but he grips the dagger and twists.  Blood flows freely, and the dark spots in your vision grow to swallow it whole...

You regain consciousness later, bound around the hands and feet and very, very faint.  Someone is smacking you across the face to wake you up, though they appear to be holding you up by the hair as well.  When you open your eyes a crack and murmur, the raider gives you a last kick in the jaw and lets you slump to the ground.  You feel a heavy pressure on your shoulder and an intense itching - it seems someone bound your wound, saving you from bleeding out from the nicked artery.  You still feel very faint and your vision blurs in and out of focus.

A tall, dangerous looking man sits on a wooden chair above you.  He speaks with one of the raiders in an unfamiliar language, then looks at you in preparation to speak.

Kytuzian is wounded, taken captive and brought before the Nahk for judgement.  He has killed three of the four raiders sent to bring him to the Nakh for questioning.

Put one ducat into creating a wall around our land.

[1-1+1]  You try your best to build up defences, but morale is so shaky after the return of the blighted workers from Jormund's Valley that there are several major construction accidents.  You won't be able to try to build another wall until next season whilst the workers heal and new stone is cut.

See notes at end.

A perfect building, a perfect location, and an extremely expensive price. Well, Locanil thought, they're would'nt be a school for some time. Best to just continue teaching . Perhaps they could be taught a bit of history or theology...They could also use their new found skills to get a bit of money...

Actions- Continue teaching in archives. Advise students to use their skills to get some writing or reading work.

[3]  Teaching work progresses as usual, but you were close to completion any way.  You can now release your students as accredited scribes if you wish (although since there isn't a scribe's guild or the like, the accreditation would be from you).  [2]  Sadly, the few that have been enquiring have found rather a dearth of work requiring learned men.  Probably due to the war.

There is some good news, though.  Word of your project has spread and a local historian has come to seek your services.  He has a large collection of historical scrolls and books pertaining to Elbreth and the surrounding area and would like copies made of all the books.  The collection is very large, but he is willing to pay the princely fee of 3 Ducats on completion if you and your scribes will take the project on.  This is a Difficulty 0, Length 9, Time Limit 5 project, should you choose to accept it.  The even better news is that because your scribes have not been able to find any work you can use them in this project for a +1 bonus to rolls throughout.

See notes at end.

The King grinned...too broadly, too openly for Corv. He was certainly cunning and dangerous at that. Below the mask of Honor and Mercy this man was one to be reckoned with. he took his leave and then lead his men towards the Suulian borders.

travel to Suulian borders, send scouts to find rich ill-defended monasteries and then the usual procedure: attack at night, kill everybody, plunder the hell out of it and leave a burning shell...

[1-1]  One scout returns.  He reports that the rest of his men have been caught and executed - it appears that Suul runs an active counter-scouting policy in their lands.  When his men attempted to approach the city they were shot by arrows at range.  Worse, he could find no monasteries beyond the city itself worth raiding.

If you want to do any scouting in Suul for the rest of this season, you'll need to use a dedicated scout unit.  (Or wait until Winter.)

"I'm not entirely sure what's going on.  Hopefully my colleague is still within the area."

Search of for my alchemical colleague, who with I was total buds with.

[4]  Fortunately, you do have some friends in the Order of the Thyme, a local monastic order of herbalists and alchemists.  You talk to your contact, Dr Jones, asking him about the monkey merchant's son.  He knows the man and can get you an introduction, though with regards to actually making money he says you'd have as much luck just trying to gamble the monkey off him with a dice roll.  Or, he notes with a glance at your rather frisky companions, you could always try less reputable means of gathering money.  Not that he would endorse such a thing.

Finally, there was word from the Archbishop that they were looking at installing some new catapults and could use a little engineering help.  No doubt you'd be paid well for assisting with that.

((So Iituem...this game looks interesting and i would like to join. Course given the play methods i used in your last game, what are the odds i could wrangle something similar here? I do so enjoy motivations of profit

If not, i have another plan that requires some consent from select players))

Well, we've got a fairly well-established setup for land raiding.  If you wanted to try your hand at piracy off the bat I could wangle my way into letting you have an un-upgraded warship as your first 'personal guard' though, since I know you'll make it interesting.  You won't have the rules exceptions I gave you in F@W because there isn't a need for them, but you'll have every resource at your disposal that would be available to any other player in your position.

The only difference that might require a rules exception adaptation is if you were going to keep up your completely nomadic strategy from before - rather than seizing land, keeping mobile all the time instead.  This wouldn't be a problem on the high seas (you could take the sea raider upgrade and capture the sailors from ships to man new vessels) but if you were doing it with land raiders you'd have issues with raising manpower.

If you were committed to that angle, I'd probably implement a rule allowing people to opt to raid manpower instead of Ducats during a raid attempt.  You would thus be able to gain unused manpower from a region without having to own land there, allowing you to stay fully mobile.

Rules additions

These will make it into the revised rules, when I have time to finish revising them.

Guaranteed Success:  For tasks where it makes sense that throwing enough money at it would guarantee success, paying Difficulty+3 Ducats (i.e. three Ducats more than the task's difficulty) will make the task succeed automatically without a roll.  This is a normal success and does not grant any benefits that might come of a critical success.  Magic may never make use of the guaranteed success rule.  e.g. Building a wall (+1 difficulty) with guaranteed success would cost 4 Ducats.

Projects/Contracts:  Using a similar system to research/training, characters can take up one contract/project per season rather than per year as with training.  Unlike training/research, projects do not typically give permanent rewards.  Projects have a Difficulty (the negative modifier to the roll), a certain Length (the score to be attained for completion) and a certain Time Limit to be accomplished in (the number of attempts allowed to complete the project).  Difficulty is usually Ducat Reward*3 (or its equivalent), though the Time Limit can vary.  If the project does not reach completion before the time limit, it is considered a failure.

Each attempt follows RtD rules; on a 2, the player makes no progress in the task.  Every point above 2 adds 1 point to the task's completion.  Every point below 2 deducts 1 point from the task's completion.  A natural 1 deducts 1 additional point from completion.  A natural 6 deducts 4 additional points from completion (effectively making it the same as a natural 2).

On successful completion of a project, the player is paid or receives whatever reward was forthcoming.  On a failure nothing may happen or the player might be subject to a forfeit.  Owning a business relating to the task will give a +1 to the roll (assistants help out), as will training in the related skill.  You cannot use troops to help projects except where unskilled labour or military projects are concerned.  You can spend ducats to help with rolls, though this might be counter-intuitive unless you are very close to the time limit and want to guarantee completion.

This is a rather experimental rule right now.

A couple of new upgrades, too:

Volley:  Allows ranged units only to get in a free shot at the start of battle.  Ranged, volley-capable units make a standard attack vs all other enemy units (unless they split via tactics - count only volley unit bonuses for the Tactics roll).  On a draw they do 1 unit's worth of damage, on a success they do 2 units' worth of damage.  The volley units do not suffer damage on a draw or fail.
Special:  If there are volley units on both sides, they do not cancel each other out.  They simply engage in two simultaneous volleys, rolling first at the same time and then taking damage at the same time.
Cost:  1 Ducat
Upkeep:  +1 Ducat/year

Broadshield:  Large shields give the unit a +3 Str bonus vs ranged units.
Cost:  1 Ducat
Upkeep:  +1 ducat/year

And a new Tactic:

Target Unit:  Aim to destroy a specific unit rather than the weakest on the battlefield.  If successful, on a victory this unit and only this unit is destroyed.  On a draw, the weakest unit is destroyed as normal.   If the Tactics roll fails, -1 to battle roll.
Special:  Can be combined with Force Rout, in which case on a victory both the specified unit and the weakest unit on the battlefield are destroyed.  Can be combined with Capture Unit to capture the specified unit on a success instead of destroying it.
Difficulty:  +3
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1832 on: August 12, 2011, 07:07:19 am »

((Damn, I think this makes my military reforms much more important now. Moreso than before))
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1833 on: August 12, 2011, 07:14:57 am »

Ah, Oritziem truly had given his blessing, a scholar had provided an honourble task for the scribes and would also provide a godly amount of money! Locanil also wanted to read these records; he'd have some made for the archives. Some would call Locanil optimistic to expect a bunch of newly-trained scribes to do their jobs properly, but everyone had their first task.

Action- Accept the historian's commission. Work on it immediately.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1834 on: August 12, 2011, 07:16:15 am »

((Dang. I wish I was a better fighter. Don't really know what to do... Will my wound be permanent?))


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1835 on: August 12, 2011, 07:24:33 am »

((I thought I made it clear that the female one was in fact not a prostitute, just mistaken as one, and by made clear, I mean barely mention it in a single post.  The dude's king of gigolos though.))

"Bah, the Archbishop shoving religion were it doesn't belong. It isn't by magic or faith that things happen, there isn't something greater, just hidden.  You blind yourself with faith so you cannot see further.  Also he's an imbecile, called my thesis on material combustion, flawed and unnatural."

Mahtan bids his colleague goodbye as he makes his way to the monkey man.

"Where are you going to get the money for the, what was it called?  Monkey?" asked the not-a-prostitute-just-a-poor-farm-girl-who-was-asked-by-men-if-she-wanted-work-which-she-naively-answered-yes-to.
"Do you trust me, ((guess I should giver her a name)) Lilith?" Mahtan asked ignoring her question.
Lilith stop in her tracks."Goodness no, I'd be a fool to trust you!"
"Well you really should start, it'll make it much easier for you to go through with what I have planned."

"Vhat do you need me to do?" Gunther asked, leaning far to close to the both of them.
"Keep your clothes on."
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1836 on: August 12, 2011, 07:26:39 am »

I'm going to delay Knave's response until this evening, actually.  I'm ruling that you can upgrade any troops you wish before dealing with the newly arrived 4 regiments.  You have time.

Knavston poured over maps of the surrounding terrain. The looting had gone fairly well, but the Army scouts had reported a 2nd Prestoner force coming up from the South. Apparently another, smaller force was shadowing them. It could be Rebel Miring troops for all Master Black knew. The man commanding them was not familiar to the Grand Master.

“We can't stay in the city any longer, if we linger here we'll be trapped between both the Preston forces. Where the blazes are the rest of the Royal Army reinforcements?”

Pull back the Elbreth Royal Army to meet the new Prestoner Force that has arrived from the South.
Look over maps of Preston Terrain (From the mapping mission?) And look for terrain that will give us the biggest defensive advantage (Perhaps some sort of river crossing) while keeping them from linking up with the defenders in the Fort.

Send messengers to both the Southern Preston Army and the force following it looking for parle and negotiation.

[3]  The messengers to the force following the Prestoner army report that they are commanded by a Captain Manning, Lord d'Avistral's aide.  [2]  The messengers sent to the Prestoner army itself respond that the regiments are not willing to parley, but they are not moving to attack yet either.

[5]  For once, the terrain is clearly in your favour.  The local river (the Press) splits the city into something approaching a delta at several points.  Each of these can be crossed at certain bridges.  You should be able to get a good defensive bonus from holding a bridge against the arriving army.

Spoiler: Preston (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 08:03:40 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1837 on: August 12, 2011, 07:39:06 am »

Knavston had, it seemed, acquired a shadow after these recent developments. A shadow named Trubaldsome.
"Where are we going to go?!" The young lord was demanding. "These... These barbarians will kill us all!"
Trubaldsome was wide-eyed and jumpy. He had consumed rather too much snuff to help cope with the news of the newly-arrived Preston force, and was showing its effects more clearly than usual as he followed Kvavston around, demanding to know what was planned.
He had abandoned his quarters when the Preston army had first been reported, and Waery was leading his heavily-laden horse along behind him. He was clad in his travelling clothes, a simple black tunic and leggings with a blue trim and green silk collar, bearing the Trubaldsome crest on the front, not unlike what his Captain wore, although he filled it out rather less impressively.
He paced back and forth before the grand master's field desk, muttering to himself now.
"I could... We have to... Preston bastards! Maybe... No, have to try... Gah!" He placed his hands on the desk, staring at Knavston, his eyes gleaming madly and his fingers digging into the wooden surface.
"You must have a plan, Grand master! If you do not, we are lost! Lost!" His voice was hoarse and his face clammy. Waery began to look rather worried, stepping fowards, ready to support his master if need be.
"You alright, M'lord--" He began, but was waved to silence by one ringed hand. Trubaldsome watched Knavston intently.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1838 on: August 12, 2011, 07:53:15 am »

"he doesn't look like a messenger, is he awake? ok, please take a rock"
Kytuzian is picked up and dropped roughly on a rock
"You are lucky to have survived, if i were on a hunting trip, you would have been dead by now,
several of my men had been voting to decide what things to do to you, some of them voted for things that would make a Weylander berzerker weep and cry for his mummy, HAHAHAHA,
 oh but i convinced them that if you cannot give me a good reason for what you did i will let them try out #127 on you,
 but first you will tell me your name, then why you came to the mountain,oh and welcome to the CAVE"
New words are made by general useage
Mutie? My eldrtich fluffykins? He is a graceful and proud creature! That may or may not be the essence of every nightmare since the beginning of time and will cause you to go mad by being near it.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1839 on: August 12, 2011, 08:11:03 am »

Ouch, thought Kytuzian. I really hate getting dropped on rocks.

"Let's see here...", started Kytuzian. "My name is Anakyrtó, which I'm sure means nothing to you, and I'm here to make a map of the mountains."

((No offense Noah, but can you please start using proper grammar?))
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 08:15:12 am by kytuzian »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1840 on: August 12, 2011, 08:22:55 am »

((What program is that again, Iituem?))
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1841 on: August 12, 2011, 08:33:54 am »

"So 'Anakyo' you are here to make a map?, well that would explain this" Stated the Nahk just before a raider passes him the map
"My Nahk I have an idea you may wish to hear" exclaimed one of the guards.
"Very well"
"That is a good idea, you five over there take 'Anakyo' to the Healer to change his bandages while i prepare" ordered the Nahk
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:07:29 am by NoahTophatz »
New words are made by general useage
Mutie? My eldrtich fluffykins? He is a graceful and proud creature! That may or may not be the essence of every nightmare since the beginning of time and will cause you to go mad by being near it.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1842 on: August 12, 2011, 08:35:33 am »

((the mapping program Iituem is using is hexographer, I believe))

Jormundur is relieved to be alive and outside the cave. He's amazed to see two other figures nearby and calls out to them with a tint of distress in his voice, "Hello! Can you help us? Me and my comrade were injured in a fight against some horrid monstrosities. If you can help us get back to a village in the Manskinner's lands we'd be greatly appreciative."
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 08:40:56 am by Jormundur »
I'm having money troubles so they disconnected my internet at home... No way to post outside of work. :\ Thankfully I work from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, though its 6:45 and I'm still at the office. (Manager, I can stay as long as I want, hehe)

...And yes, I'm here just to post on B12 in RP posts. Can't get geekier than that.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1843 on: August 12, 2011, 08:37:06 am »

((Woah Woah Whoa... Who says I write my name on the maps...I know I wouldn't have done that.))


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1844 on: August 12, 2011, 08:41:53 am »

((Hurray for upgrading troops!))

Knavston had to prevent himself from rolling his eyes at Trubaldsome's hyperbolic cries. Being on campaign would be good for the young lord, especially if he was heir to any titles in Miring. Instead he met his gaze calmly and nodded, sparing perhaps a pitying glance to the veteran soldier that acted as Percy's aide for having to deal with these tantrums on a daily basis.

“My lord Trubaldsome, calm yourself and rest your fears, I will not allow us to be taken by Preston. The looting of Preston City left us rather flush with resources. Now I've taken those resources and invested them into our forces, using weapons and armour found in city as well as training forces with gold found and we are much more a force to be reckoned with.”

He unfurled a map of the surrounding area onto the table for those present to see, pointing towards a river south of Preston, “See here?” A small collection of the bridges sat near a bottled point on the river, labelled 'The Press' “These crossings should give us a large advantage over any force that attempts to cross it forcibly We can reposition ourselves to meet them at any crossing they try to take. We have Pikemen and Archers proper now. If they want to link up with their fortress they'll have to go through us, or take the long way round.”

Knavston pulled his hand back, resting it on his chin, where he stroked his dark beard and pondered. “Now we must find out the true intentions of this Preston force. I must confess that I find it puzzlesome that they would travel alongside an Elbreth regiment without coming to blows. Yet they will not talk with us. Perhaps that d'Avistral aide would be able to shed more light on what is going on in Miring."

He paused a beat before posing a question to the Miring heir, “Perhaps you would like to talk with them and discover their true intentions Lord Trubaldsome? That seems to be somewhat of a speciality of yours.” His lips curled upwards every so slightly into a smirk.

Invest 1 ducat to upgrade a regiment to Pikeman
Invest 1 ducat to upgrade a regiment to Archers
Invest 2 ducats to upgrade 2 regiments to Heavy Infantry
The last 2 ducats will be saved for further upgrades

((Anyone in the army let me know if you want your regiment upgraded specifically, otherwise I'll dole them out as I see fit))
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