Three guards are to keep the goons at bay, three are to help me with taking Trubaldsome/Waery down. Number seven goes around screaming that Trubaldsome is a traitor.
You forgot this, unless you're waiting on Yoink's action...
[6] Taric's man runs into the corridors, screaming 'Traitor, traitor! Trubaldsome is a traitor!". Soon enough, the sound of armoured men running up the castle steps can be heard, as his screams have attracted the attention of a guard. Sadly for the man, the closest guard at hand was Trubaldsome's own, who swiftly silence him. This will delay, but not prevent, the arrival of the palace guard who almost certainly will want to resolve the issue as well.
Sir Taric, prepared, has a Weapon (+1), Armour (+1) and Guard (+1) advantage, and the men assisting him provide 3 extra hp.
Lord Trubaldsome, unprepared, has a Weapon (+1) and Guard (+1) advantage, with Waery providing 1 extra hp. Lord Trubaldsome has been caught without his armour, mid-relaxing foot bath.
[3+3 vs 4+2] Waery moves to place his sword at Sir Taric's throat but one of Taric's men intervenes and deals Waery a hard gash to his forearm, forcing the manservant to duck back. As Trubaldsome draws his own sword, the injured Waery switches his sword to his uninjured hand and disembowels the soldier who injured him with a clean stroke. Taric gets back to his feet, sword in hand. [Trubaldsome 3hp, Taric 5hp]
[5+3 vs 1+2] Taric kicks Waery in the gut, forcing him to the side and swinging his blade overhand at Trubaldsome. The heavy sword crashes into Trubaldsome's desk, splintering it and forcing it back. The impact knocks Trubaldsome off his feet, though the noble is able to retain control of his sword. [Trubaldsome 2hp, Taric 5hp]
Several of Trubaldsome's regiment arrive, charging at the three guards holding the door. A couple are able to muscle their way past and join in the fight on Trubaldsome's side, though the rest are busy fighting their counterparts. (Trubaldsome gains 2hp from guards.)
[5+3 vs 2+2] Taric puts one foot on the desk and wrenches the sword from it, swinging it backward in a wide arc and slicing clean through the torsoes of the members of Trubaldsome's guard that made it through, instantly removing his fleeting advantage. [Trubaldsome 3hp, Taric 5hp]
[4+3 vs 6+2] Waery, distracted whilst trying to hold off Taric's fellow soldiers, finally gains enough of an advantage to pull off a riposte and run one of them through. [Trubaldsome 3hp, Taric 4hp]
[5+3 vs 2+2] Taric advances on Trubaldsome once again. The rather foppish noble raises his sword and tries to pull off an intricate maneouvre, but Taric's simple swing smashes the blade to one side. Trubaldsome feels something crack in his sword hand, but he can still hold the blade. [Trubaldsome 2hp, Taric 4hp]
"Boss!" shouts Waery, headbutting Taric's lone remaining guard, "Time to go!"
Taric has the advantage. Will Trubaldsome try to fight, flee or surrender?