This is
Make-A-Role Mafia Simple BYOR, a mafia game where you send in the name of the role you wish to use and has always been as such no matter what anyone says. Don't believe Steve. He's a lying sack of crap and owes me 10 dollars.
Now, I'm probably incredibly lazy, but that in no way influenced my decision to copypasta BYOR 6.3's description. Which has always been here and anybody that says otherwise--Steves included--are filthy liars.
This game is different from my usual choice of BYORs as I am doing my best to tone down the number of actions I give everybody. Why? Because I enjoy making BYORs, and I really want people to play a frickin' game. Maybe stop being a bunch of pansies, you know? Sign up for King of the Mafia, or something. Yeah, this means you!
Now start reading.
Bring Your Own Role Mafia. Basically, you pick the name of your role, and I pick how it acts and interacts with other roles. Any name shall do, and if it is obscure, a link to a data source might help. ...But please not TOO obscure.
This is otherwise known as U-Pick. I shall do my best to insure playability and avoid broken games. I will not guarantee this, as I'm slightly action-crazy with roles. Oh well.
If you're looking for a crazy game, this is the game for you. It goes beyond the impossible. Twice, sometimes. If you wish to avoid craziness, I suggest you don't join. You have been warned. If you wish to learn about this craziness, I'd suggest looking at BYOR 4, perhaps one of the greatest BYORs played. My hope is to make a game of that caliber.
Therefore, let's play!
As for rules:
PMing: Disallowed unless Role Allows
Hammering: Semi-Allowed (Hammer ends Day, Days are timed [48 Hour Days, 24 Hour Nights, Weekends do not count in that])
Extensions: 48 Hours, Requires more for than against
Quoting Mod: ALWAYS Disallowed
Editing Posts: ALWAYS Disallowed
Along with never under- or over-estimating your own significance.
And, send your role in when you sign up! Please provide a Wikipedia link (NO VIDEOS/50-PAGE ESSAYS [SOMEONE ALWAYS MISSES THIS!]), if obscure. Or a description, if you're feeling extra keen that day. I do enjoy descriptions, and it makes making your role much easier. Plus, you could pretty much slant it towards a role you would prefer, but I'm just saying...
Please note that sometimes I make your role slightly more or less powerful than average. Please note that this may be intentional, or it may be you over or underestimating your role.
If you want to sign up, you'll have to send in a role. Otherwise, you're not in. Got it? Good. And if your name is here for some reason that has nothing to do with the name of this thread changing, which never happened, then you may feel free to remove it or change your role choice.
Any other questions? Feel free to ask!
Toaster - Lolcat: Lynched Day 2
Bdthemag - Bdthemag: Died Day 1
breadbocks Solifuge
Pandarsenic - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Dariush - Utsuho Reiuji the Hell Raven: Lynched Day 1
Bdthemag - Bdthemag
You are Bdthemag, constant lurk
(Auto) Anti-Lurk System: Because of your constant lurking, if you do not post in thread for 24 hours (except on weekends), you die.
(Mafiakill, Night) Roll To Dodge [target]: If your target is targetting another player, you roll a die with the following outcomes. This action replaces the mafiakill.
1: Your action fails. Also, lose all your actions and votes. Oh, except Anti-Lurk System.
2: Your action fails.
3: You kill the target.
4: You kill the target and learn the target's target(s).
5: You kill the target and learn the target's target(s) and the target's action.
6: You kill the target and one of the target's targets.
Utsuho Reiuji the Hell Raven - Dariush
You are... blah blah the Hell Raven. You're some bionic nuclear robot cybord ninja robot thingy. I have no idea.
(Auto) Nuclear Sun Reaction: When you die, the next Night is skipped.
(Auto) Evil Robot Lady: You appear Mafia to inspections.
Lolcat - Toaster
U r a Lolcat, lurkin' on da interwebs. Unfortunately, teh internets have destroyed most of the emotional control center in your brain, leaving you a heartless monster. But the cutest one anyone's ever seen! LOL, that one's making an angry face!
(Mafiakill) Ceiling Cat [target]: Your kill is untrackable. Because lol, u r a ninja!!!
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - Pandarsenic
You are My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, and you're here to prove that friendship is the strongest magic of all. By having you and your friends LOVE everypony!
(Auto) Pony: You show up Town to in-equestrigations.
(Night) Love [target]: If you are the only player remaining on your team, you may recruit the target to join your team.