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Author Topic: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort  (Read 12368 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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[Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:27:50 am »




A Dwarf Fortress Community Fortress

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« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 10:45:34 am by Dohon »
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 10:28:29 am »


List of Humies


Kerlc as Agish, the Special Operative with an attitude.
Pan as Biff, the Farmer with a wicked scythe.
Conan, the Medic with a gun.
Dohon, the Work Enforcer with a silver-tongue.
IT 000 as Hank Ire, the Mining Engineer with a temper.
Shintaro Fago as Jacob Schwartz, the Doctor who rests on Shabbat.
OREOSOME as Nerev, the Soldier using bait.
Scuba, the Commander aching for revenge.
Sven, the Leader of them all.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 08:34:02 am by Dohon »
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 10:28:55 am »


1) What is this exactly?

Angelgate is a Dwarf Fortress Community Fortress, using the Corrosion mod. This means that instead of bearded little fellows with steel axes and a penchant for alcohol fighting off gobbo's and monsters, you'll see humans blasting zombies in a post-apocalyptic world.

If you want to know more about IT 000's mod, you can find it here.

2) Why should I read it?

I intend to create a story-driven fortress. So, if you like a good read, I will do my best to oblige you. At the same time, this is a community fortress. That means you will be able to name a human and see him / her try to survive in a hostile environment. Afterall, the entire fort will be built outside instead of digging it safely into the ground. But you'll also be able to influence the future of the whole thing by voting.

3) What do you mean, voting? 

Every update (bar a few exceptions), I will present a choice to you. This votes will vary from what kind of building should be created first to what kind of punishment a coward should receive. Your human will be able to vote for one of the options and if the vote is passed (using a simple majority), it will be implemented. You cannot directly initiate a vote yourself (meaning you can't bring something up and then have everyone vote on it), but if I notice that some of you feel strongly about starting a new still or something, I'll bring it up in a vote myself. I control 2 characters myself (those being Dohon and Sven), but those only count for one vote and a tie-breaker.

4) Do I have to write too?

Not at all. If you just want a human, that's okay. I'll do my best to give your character an interesting run. :) If you however do write background material, I'll do my best to incorporate it into the story.

5) I want a human!

No problem! You'll have to specify a few details though.

Spoiler: The name of your human (click to show/hide)

The preferred gender.

Spoiler: The preferred caste. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The preferred job. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The backstory. (click to show/hide)

5) How many times do you intend to update?

That would be once a week. That isn't a lot, but this is a guaranteed update. I'm currently very busy with a thing called Real Life and I don't want to make promises I cannot keep. So, once a week. This also allows everyone who wants to to vote.

6) Do you know what you are doing?

No. I have very rudimentary experience with Corrosion and as such, I haven't seen a lot of the mod just yet. The embark won't be too exotic (no Glacier). Fun will ensue. I'm also be doing it “Iron Man” style. No savescumming unless I experience a crash. So, if I really screw it up, we'll do a reclaim. :)

7) I have a question!

Post it here and I'll get to it asap.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 10:36:37 am by Dohon »
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2011, 10:37:28 am »

Prologue: Aggresive negotiations

The room was in chaos. Arguments spread like brushfire, with raised voices creating a bizarre chorus. Some conversations sounded like rumbling thunderstorms wrestling, while others were akin to intense exchanges of gunfire. All together created something akin to art. Director Nathan couldn't help to smile, despite his mounting frustration. He had known all along that calling a meeting of this kind would result in a storm of feuds being brought to the surface. “At least they aren't shooting each other” he smirked. It all strangely resembled how humanity really is: divided and afraid. Nathan reached for his hammer on the table. His people, the Privations, had survived the Sundering, now 20 years ago. The Immortality Drug was intended to give eternal life to mankind. What it did instead was give an eternal scar on the psyche of every man and woman. Zombies had been a part of folklore and horror movies, but they were real this time. Nathan grasped his hammer tightly and studied the notches and blemishes on the weapon. The zombies, the Infected, quickly overwhelmed the cities. They were hard to kill and while the military kept them at bay for a while, they too succumbed. Now the survivors must make due with simple weapons and guns. To make matters worse, survivors banded together and formed several clans and affiliations. Humanity was divided once again. But today, that would change.

CLANG. Several of the closest delegates startled at the sound, sending questioning looks towards the main desk. CLANG. More delegates seized their discussions. CLANG. CLANG. CLANG. It took several more swings to get everyone to quiet down, but silence did reign supreme at the end. Nathan put his hammer aside, slowly, deliberately. It was an act and he knew it, but one he had to play.

“Honoured representatives, while I encourage debate, senseless shouting will not get us anywhere. We must not lose track of what we are trying to achieve here. The founding of this central settlement will be the first step on our road towards retaking this world.”

There came a grunt from his right. Blair, the Warlord leader, was an impressive man. Tall and muscular, he dominated everyone in the room, both physically as emotionally. It took all your willpower to stare into his one remaining eye, let alone do that when standing right in front of him. “I agree. Talk will not get us anywhere. Witty remarks and fine speech won't stop the Infected from eating you and using your bones as a toothpick. I have fought long and hard in order to rid the pests from my lands, a fight done without the pleasantries of high society. We should go forth, take the land away from the Mutants, with a roaring gun in our hands.” His aides cheered at the bravado. Nathan wasn't surprised that Blair preached the aggressive way. The Warlords as a whole were known for their agression. And their pride.

“I respectfully disagree.” The whooping died away instantly. At the left side, another delegate rose. Covered in colourful robes and hoods, Mistress Helena also proved an imposing sight. But while the Warlord ruled by strength, Helena ruled by using intelligence. She was one of the Enlightened, preservers of what remained after the Great Sundering. They guarded both human life and nature. The future generations needed both to be alive and actually have something to return to once the Infected had been extinguished. “While the Lost indeed are a potent threat to the Human race, one would be wise to think before he acts. Rash decisions will only lead to loss and strengthen the hand of the Enemy. We must be cautious and preserve all our resources, both intelligent and sentient. The gun might indeed be the solution, the bullets for its righteous task do not grow on trees. Planning will prevail.”

Blair laughed loudly. “You and your damn trees. Who cares if we have to destroy a few forests here and there in order to win? Why should we be so hesitant to spend the resources we have? You cannot win a war using sticks and stones from afar. A man with a gun and enough bullets can easily match the Infected.” Helena replied coldly: “I had expected nothing else from a man who uses his followers like his bullets: the more you throw at the Wicked, the merrier.” This caused Blair to spring to his feet and point an accusing finger at the Enlightened delegates. “At least I'm not afraid to fight the Mutants. I'm not afraid of using life to fight death.”

Before long, the room returned to chaos once more. Nathan buried his head in his hands with a sigh. It was going to be a long day.


While the negotiations were progressing at a snails pace, the atmosphere in the dining hall was more relaxed. The guards of both the Warlord and the Enlightened delegation sat together at a long table, with members of the Privations spread amongst them. The drink was flowing freely and the food was plentiful. Dohon was enjoying the camaraderie immensely. In a time where death lurked about every corner, one had to enjoy all the moments of peace when they showed up. Dohon was just to ask one of the Warlords about the peculiarities of Infected hunting when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. When he glanced about, his eyes met the gaze of an old friend. “Sven, you old dog!” He got up and embraced him. “I started to think you wouldn't come to the feast.” Sven smiled back. “I'm not.” Dohon gave him a puzzled look, but Sven motioned to follow him. By the time Dohon had managed to pry himself loose from the mob at the table, Sven was already waiting at the exit. “What's going on?” “We'll talk in my room.” Dohon got the hint and so they marched alongside eachother to the residence area of the fortress. Outside, the sun was lazily drooping down to Earth, sending red rays across the towers and buildings inside the walls. They marched across the central courtyard and down a few alleys. All the while, Sven seemed to look tense and Dohon's small talk was always met with jovial, but curt answers. Clearly he had something big on his mind.

Sven unlocked the door swiftly and ushered his friend inside. Afterwards, he glanced about the hallway before locking the door again. With darkness fast approaching, Sven ignited a few candles and a lantern. The lights gave the small room a cosy glow. Sven seemed to think alike, because he immediately opened up a bottle and poured a clear substance in two small glasses. “Isn't it a bit too early to already start on the vodka?” Sven handed him a glass and then settled down in his comfortable chair. “You'll need it.” Dohon stared for a few moments at his glass, before gulping it down in one go. “Enough with the secrecy. Out with it.” Sven looked at the lantern for a few moments.

“You know about the negotiations, right?”
“You know the meaning of them?”
“I guess we are trying to find an alliance between the three biggest factions there are in this part of the world. I wouldn't mind that. The more guns we can point at the Shamblers, the better.”
“That's what I want to talk to you about.”
Dohon laughed. “If you wanted to talk politics, we could have done that at the Inn.”
Sven however remained serious. “Others cannot hear about this. Especially not the other delegates.”
Dohon motioned for him to go on.

“They are indeed trying to form an alliance and they intend to do so by creating an outpost at a central location. It would be a camp, fortress, whatever consisting of members of all the factions. This would facilitate research, cooperation and allow for a launching pad for further expeditions. Basically, a step further in sweeping across the land and reclaiming land.”
“That's all swell, but what does it have to do with you and me? Are we volunteering or what?”
“Not exactly. Despite negotiations, there is still great reluctance to actually commit to the project. If this project isn't getting off the ground, it will take months or even years before another joint-initiative can be undertaken. So, the Director decided to force the hands of the other parties involved. The Privations are going to start the project alone and the others will join in once it is up and running. If the Warriors and the Weirds see that we are willing to commit fully, they might be more persuaded to bring in their own resources as well.”
“This means ...”
“This means that you are looking at the new administrator of that outpost.”
Dohon blinked. “You are going to lead that outpost?”
“Congratulations are in order then.” He grabbed his glass before noticing it was already empty. Sven got up and poured a refill for them both.
“Thank you. Now, I wanted you to join me.”
“You know I will. I owe you for saving my butt at Fortunepeak.” Sven smiled sadly and they both remained silent for a few minutes. Fortunepeak still haunted them both. It was Dohon that broke the silence.
“Why you?”

Sven reached for a stack of wooden slates on his desk. He sorted them, then wrapped a small binding rope around them.

“Take those with you. I have compiled some plans regarding the outpost. We'll meet again tomorrow morning because I still have a few errands to do. You know where the quarters of Captain Ivanov are?”
“Erhm, yes, but why ...”
“He gave me the mission.”
“Oh. I see. Well, I'll give them a look and see you then.”
“Alright. We meet at dawn.”

The two friends separated. As Dohon returned to his own chambers, he looked at the first slate. In large letters, it said: Angelgate.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 02:11:09 pm by Dohon »
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 11:42:29 am »

P-P-P-P-P-Posting spree.

Questions, suggestions and "humies" welcome! :)

I haven't embarked just yet, so, there are 5 slots available for new humans. I should be able to get the next update out by Tuesday.
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 12:27:14 pm »


any caste, except luddite and hill human

herbalist (adequate), carpenter (novice), rifleman (skilled or proficient)

hunting rifle (later, whaen you make one), leather armor (robe later), iron/any steel helmet. (this is the military equipment)

He lost his brother, Kerlc at fortunepeak. he has served in recon missions into reinheit territory, so he knows about plants, and building shelter (carpentry), he is also a very good rifleman. he uses his trusty old Mosin, with a sniper scope. he is also very nervice and tends to get violent when irritated. just a warning, before the murders start.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 11:52:56 pm by kerlc »

IT 000

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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2011, 01:33:25 pm »

Name : Hank Ire

Caste : Preferably a Male Berserker, if not possible any caste will do.

Competent Miner, Adequate Mechanic, Adequate dodger* novice fighter*. (Feel free to change any of this)

Equipment : Copper Pick (embark)

* Later in the game put him in the military with a better pick. Legendary Miners with picks are awesome. Should be Fun :D


The tunnels were small, Hank sat on the cold stone, holding his legs tight to his body for warmth. He could hear the screams and yells of fright from above. One day, just one day and those, those things would be gone. One day. Another scream shook him from his thoughts. He clenched the wall, he mined out these veins. He swore never to come down here again. He had seen to many people die in the mines. He swore he wouldn't, yet here he was.

Suddenly he heard a scuffle, he pulled himself up, and looked down the dark runnel. Could it be Horris? That miner was down here hauling stone too.

Another scuffle occurred, Hank wiped his brow, now he it was to hot down here. Suddenly two small lights turned on down the hallway. Horris! He brought help! Then they got closer, they looked like the eyes of a tiger when you took it's picture at night.

They found me.

Standing up, he grasped his bent pick, he wouldn't go down without bringing two or three of them with him. Then several more eyes appeared, several dozen lit up the tunnel. Hank's face went pale, he looked up at the ceiling.

You win again. He thought as he raised his pick above his head. The first thing jumped at him, it's white teeth were clearly visible in the darkness. Hank swung his pick, it clipped the roof, lodging in a crack.

Eyes wide, he delivered a fierce grunt. I won't lose this time. The pick dislodged, and so did half the ceiling, collapsing on the approaching horde. But also trapping him in.

"Not today you cursed mines!" He yelled at the top of his lungs

He stood there, gasping and clenching the pick, he could hear scratching on the other side. he had to get out of here. He was two levels under the bedrock, it would take a few days. He might die from the dust, but better then being zombie chow. Grabbing his pick he delivered a firm stab into the flaky rock...
Spoiler: Misc Notes (click to show/hide)
Have Fun :D

***CORROSION v2.14***
<<<More Than Just Zombies>>>
Back from the Dead!


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2011, 03:45:41 pm »

Name: Scuba
caste: military man
proficient rifleman  proficient miner
military rifle leather armor leather pants

likes to dig but when the time comes give him a rifle and he will save you

Shintaro Fago

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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2011, 04:11:48 pm »

Name: Jacob Schwartz the rabbi, male

Caste: doctor guy
Diagnostician 2
Surgeon 1
Suturer 2
Wound dresser 3
Appraiser 2

Never joined the army because of his beliefs and the Immortality drug just wasn't kosher. As a son of a religious butcher he learned a bit about anatomy and now uses his knowledge to help other people. Jacob tends to get annoying as he always throws the bible quotes everywhere but is generally likable as the only person who will know how to help you if your body or your mind is injured. (don't forget about shabbat)


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2011, 10:35:43 pm »

Caste: Farmer
Name: Biff
Proficient Pikeman (Minimum at Competent, if you don't have the embark points for a Proficient)
Skilled Grower

A simple farmer who was at the edge of society before the whole shitstorm. He never took the drug because he simply could not afford it, barely making a living with his infertile land. When the infected broke down his door he fought off three of them with his rusty old bronze scythe. Then he loaded his truck with all he had (wasn't difficult) and managed to find what's left of society. He volunteered for the expedition to make a new life in a new land.


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2011, 11:58:40 am »

Chapter 00: Rocky beginnings

He was late. Dohon glanced up for the umpteenth time, but there still was no sign of his friend. The meeting had gone on as planned, although Ivanov seemed on edge and hurried. Sven received carte blanche and if he wanted supplies, the quartermaster would give them all without complaint. Sven had brought up the files of the other members of the expedition for approval, but Ivanov waived it away, saying since Sven was the administrator, it was his responsibility. Afterwards, he shoved them out the door.

Sven didn't trust the entire affair and so he sent Dohon ahead to one of the meeting rooms to check up on the other members of the team. He promised to check back by midday. Noon had passed though, yet no word on the whereabouts of their leader. He felt worried, but decided that for the moment waiting was the better option. In order to distract himself from being anxious, he rifled through the files again. Sven had made pretty complete records, asking the essentials, doing a brief personality sketch and adding personal remarks on what role they would play. Dohon had scribbled his own opinions on the slates too.

He looked up, at the group clustered together at the other side of the room. There were a few that had caught his attention earlier. Take Agish for instance. A lean man, with worn leather armour and a battered trench helmet besides him. He sat hunched over his handcrafted maps. Again. An excellent tracker with some carpentry skills, the file said, but Sven had noted that there are no records of his forays into the wilderness. When asked about it, Agish simply commented that it was “classified”. Dohon had pressed him, to which Agish responded irritatedly with a “on a need to know basis”-answer. Dohon had intended to push harder, for what is the use to have such big secrets when you are forced to depend on eachother. But Agish flung a murderous glare his way and Dohon chose to let it go. He did note on the file that he might be a security risk. He might have lost a brother at Fortunepeak, but everyone has lost loved ones.

The next two slates gave details on Hank Ire and Scuba. Dohon knew Hank from the disaster at Fortunepeak. Not quite a friend, but Dohon knew he could be trusted. He knew how to mine through rock, which was a huge asset considering miners seemed to fall like flies ever since the Sundering. He also tinkered with mechanisms in his spare time, so Dohon understood the “Mining Engineer” job Sven had jotted down. Hank's last name was a well-chosen though. Although far from hostile, he was prone to sudden bursts of fierce anger. Hank told him that that rage had managed him to survive and that he could control it. It was just life that he couldn't control. Dohon had talked with him longer than with the others.

Scuba on the other hand was a true soldier. Tall, proud and way too serious for his own good. Skilled with an assault rifle, as was to be expected. Had even volunteered to work in the mines beneath the fort. Sven had earmarked him as an instructor and as a possible commander. Dohon couldn't agree more. He did ask him earlier why Scuba didn't provide a real name. Scuba had replied with a voice full of chilly sorrow. “I died at the Sundering”. Dohon could do nothing but nod.

Dohon heard loud laughter coming from a group. Must be Jacob again. Dohon's eyes confirmed his suspicion. Jacob was telling a story to a group of Privations. He noticed Hank and Scuba sitting there, alongside Biff. Dohon groped amongst the pile of slates and fished out Jacob's and Biff's.
Jacob Schwartz. A rabbi with a big bushy beard and an appropriate pair of glasses. Sven had noted that more information had to be collected about his faith, time permitting. Seems that Jacob was adamant on honouring Shabbat for instance, the Jewish “rest-day”. That might prove to be a problem, but then again, Dohon knew nothing about Jewish Religion. He had asked Jacob about it and he gave up after an explanation that lasted the better part of an hour. Besides his religion, Jacob was a competent doctor. Slightly worrisome that he has a butcher-background, but the world was drowning in madness since the Sundering. Jacob would make a fine Chief Medic. If he stopped spouting proverbs and Bible quotes all the time. Dohon couldn't prevent a wry grin from creasing his face.

Biff was something totally different. A big man. Not fat, but huge, with muscles that made Dohon jealous. A farmer at heart and as such, he knew how to tend to crops. Always handy when you want to erect an outpost in the middle of hostile territory. Besides, someone has to make sure that we have the resources to brew beer! Biff never went far without his old bronze scythe and he knew how disembowel an Infected with one deft stroke. He also had an old truck, which was a true asset in these times. Normally the state would impound a car if it was workable, but Biff had hidden the car in plain sight. The burly farmer had whisked away the spark-plugs and since replacement parts were rare to say the least, the car was left alone by the authorities. Biff just wanted to get out though and start a new life. Angelgate was his ticket outta here.

Dohon was rummaging through the other slates when noticed from the corner of his eyes that someone had entered the room. Sven paced quickly over to Dohon, his face lined with worry. Before Dohon could ask anything, Sven yelled for Ashig, Hank, Scuba, Jacob and Biff to come over. Once everyone had assembled at the table, Sven wasted no time and dove right in. “We have a problem. As you all know, this mission is considered to be classified. The idea was that we would go on, set up a small camp and then the Director would notify the other parties of the negotiations of the plan. As such, only a few people know of our intentions since popular support for an alliance is fragile.”

“However, things have changed. It appears that the alliance-opposers have found out about the plan. My source told me that they are still deciding on what to do. To make things even better, there is a huge force of Infected prowling about the region outside this city. We have gone into lock-down. We cannot leave and notifying all the guards of our mission would create a huge security breach. This mission cannot be postponed and as such, we have no choice but to up the time-schedule. As such, we have precious little time remaining and a lot of opposition in our way, while our allies are few. We must leave at dawn.”

There was silence and some uneasy breathing. Only Agish seemed unfazed.

Sven reached in his pockets and produced a map and a stack of slates. “Here are our options.”


A: Take Biff's truck.

You believe that the best defence is a great offence. A fully loaded truck can burst its way past the guards faster than anyone can run. The truck also allows more supplies to be taken along for the ride. You like your vodka!

B: Smuggle supplies outside using the cover of night.

When strength fails, intelligence prevails. While there are impressive defences, you believe it would be possible to secure a less-protected section of the wall and lower supplies down a rope. You can't smuggle a whole lot of stuff out, but you believe it is safer than going in, guns-blazing.

C: Make a run for it.

Discretion is the better part of valour. You believe the risks are not worth it. One can escape easier when lightly-packed and using the element of surprise. Only the bare essentials can be brought, but there is also little chance of ending up with a few extra ventilation holes.

What would you do?

Spoiler: OOC Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 05:23:57 pm by Dohon »
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2011, 12:10:55 pm »

I'd like to be a doctor-soldier. It's always good to be able to fix your own wounds  8)

And I'd go with C, but A would make for a better read. C would go for a better read in the long run though...


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2011, 12:13:32 pm »

go with A Lets take the truck. its better to be prepared and cause mayham as we leave then be underprepared and die when we get their because we didnt have enough supplies


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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2011, 12:46:09 pm »

wow, i really am a true SpecOps operative.  :D

let's go Rambo! do A!

everybody do the rambo!

Shintaro Fago

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Re: [Community] Angelgate, a Corrosion Community Fort
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2011, 01:11:13 pm »

As Talmud says, "Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house.". We should wait for the proper moment and smuggle supplies outside using the cover of night, carrying only necessary stuff. B!
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