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Author Topic: Peasant Fort Sucession (Skills Schmills, skilled labour is for elves!)  (Read 10713 times)

magic dwarf

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K, downloading now! can't wait to start building.  ;D


EDIT 2.0: It's late summer and the river is still frozen?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 05:22:03 am by magic dwarf »


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Yeah, the river is eternally frozen. You could use 'something' to heat it up, but I'm not sure if you want to dig a pump stack... yet.
I'm mining out and admixture every section of adamant ore I can get my easily on to alternation my armoursmith up to allegorical so he can accomplish actively alarming armour for my aggressive. again I'm traveling to do the aforementioned for weapons.


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Slaughter the friggen panda. No bamboo=starvation for pandas, and tame animals that die from anything other than butchering cannot be butchered.


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Oh yeah if your concerned about constant messages that things have died its because fights break out in the meeting hall.
Every puppy that was born during my rule was killed later by a turkey  :'(
So was a cat which was a shame as the vermin are a bit of a problem...
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Do any of you even know how to set pastures?


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I do, but the turkeys still come inside during the snow.
Aka Most of the time
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I put all strays in outside pastures cause no one would care when goblins come and slaughter them. I might go for a cavern pasture on my turn.
Quote from: Corvidae
So here I am, logging into the Bay12 Forums.  I'm not sure whether to feel happy about this, or sullenly admit the loss of what little remained of my soul after all of this Fun.  So much Fun.  So, so much Fun.  <shudders>
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.


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But then they will have no grass to eat. I suppose once moss starts growing it could be okay but I think its more convenient to keep all food related stuff near the top of the fort.
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Oh, yeah, now I remeber, I took a panda from the elves before I slaughtered them.
I'm mining out and admixture every section of adamant ore I can get my easily on to alternation my armoursmith up to allegorical so he can accomplish actively alarming armour for my aggressive. again I'm traveling to do the aforementioned for weapons.

magic dwarf

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The Panda has been slaugtered, I've dug down to the first magma pool i found, reorganized some workshops,
and increased our drink stockpile.

Also my original megaproject of creating a glass dome has been scraped due to time constraints :(

EDIT: should be done with my turn by tommorow.

magic dwarf

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Brimir wakes up from an exceptionally vivid nightmare, he dreamt of a giant buzzards flying around the entrance of the
fortress,picking off any dwarfs courageous enough to try to step outside of the fortress. He saw dwarfs missing eyes,
 and having part of their internal organs exposed. scared by this deathly senario, he decides he is going to take control
of the fortress and will build a giant glass dome to protect the dwarves from buzzards. He steps up on the only table he
could find and proclaims that he will take this fortress into a new age of architecture.

Upon reviewing the available resources he determines that no dome is going to be built without a magma glass furnace.
in order for this construction, and future projects to be done in a timely manner they will need a magmaworks near the ground floor.

He orders an expedition to search for magma.
the miners report back that they have found some, about 50 levels below ground.
after a few seconds of foresight, Brimir decides they will set up shop around the magma vent, to build glass components, so that they can constuct a pump stack.

after only a few months of work, a pump stack reaches up all the way to the aquifer level!

At this point he commisions the constuction of a new hydro electric plant. Seeing as the river is frozen 90% of the time,
he decides to try something a little outside of the box, using the aquifer.
at first he designs it as a regular perpertual motion machine, but soon realizes that the aquifer counts as a moving body of water!

The project progresses fast, but not quite fast enough, as the end of his reign nears, he
decides to scrap the silly dome in favor of a more functional project, a wall/ magma moat.

As dwarves place the final bricks into the wall, Brimir suddenly goes into a fey mood. he
walks over towards the stairs into the fortress and looks up into the sky. raises his hands
and says a quick prayer to the god of rock.

Nom Id (god of rock)
Nom nom nom nom (we tribute this wall to you)

all of the sudden a spec appears in the sky

it slowly gets bigger...

and bigger...

untill it almost blocks out the sun.



A giant obelisk lands infront of him killing 'Max' and some other lesser dwarves.

Brimir instructs his minions to build a trade depot inside, so that the obelisk may lead traders to the fortress.

This ends Brimir's turn.

//For more fort info see
// note to next overseer
// - we're running out of alcohol!!!!
// - the justice system has been killing dwarfs, look into this maybe?
// - the wall/entrance bridge needs to be completed... for whatever reason the magma moat is just not working :(

//if the fps is too slow, turn off the pump stacks by deconstructing any of the axles going to it.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 10:36:38 am by magic dwarf »


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HighZealot’s Journal: 26th Obsidian
Holy fucking shit! After magicdwarf handed over leadership to me I looked through his files and by Armok, WHERE IS THE PRISON! And never mind the fact that the mayor and captain of the guard did not have the rooms they needed. First order of business is to put of the fortress guards into the militia to slow down the deaths. Conan can do a much better job than Alath.
(ooc: Also stayed true to the peasant way and gave everyone almost each job)
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Same day
Our front door is messed up so that needs to be fixed and would you look at that, a perfect back door! That needs to be walled off.
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27th Obsidian
SNATCHER! Conan might just get some action today.
Oh and just moments later, another snatcher appears.
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28th Obsidian
Why did I not hear of this? God what has the overseers been doing?
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1st Granite
Finally one of the snatchers have been caught in a cage.
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6th Granite
The mayor has decided to ban war hammers from being sold. Just as long as mugs are banned.  I’ve also noticed that there are no craftsdwarf workships anywhere! That must be fixed!

8th Granite
Why the hell is there a body is this random place of water marked for dumping? Well no one’s going to get him out so slabs here we go!
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9th Granite
I’ve made myself the new book keeper and manager. I’ve noticed that there used to be an old book keeper so what the hell happened to him? Also, another snatcher decided to call a cage his new home. Same place as before.

15th Granite
Well the front door has been finished and now closed for now. I’ve also demanded a new area for drinking.
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1st Slate
Shem has finally died after being depressed for Armok knows how long. On the bright side, the mayors office and dining room is almost done. They’re right next to my little office. Why is there some random guy in my office?
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3rd Slate
Looking at what animals and people are out there I noticed this. Either I’ve overlooked this is the magicdwarf’s notes or something. Good thing it can’t fly and take magma.
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7th Slate
Kadol the clothier has gotten an idea and is now in a fey mood. Hopefully he can get what he needs. We also ran out of logs.
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9th Slate
Kadol is currently standing in his room. I’ve ordered a bunch of workshops to be built in hopes he’ll claim one of them

10th Slate
He took one of the new bowyer workshop. Should be a nice crossbow assuming he can build it. He needs logs though. Time to open our doors.  I’ll have the militia standing by the door. I should have written it down early but they’re called the diamond gods.

12th Slate
Oh migrants have arrived. First one to arrive is a markdwarf. An expert at that. He’s leading the inky cudgel-shocks. We also got an axedwarf who’s gonna lead the vigor of gold. A swordsdwarf came with him. We have 102 dwarves now.
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16th Slate
Kadol has begun to build with some wood and a stone block. I still question why we have so much blocks. I’m really in need of a drink. I also need a better journal.
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Quote from: Corvidae
So here I am, logging into the Bay12 Forums.  I'm not sure whether to feel happy about this, or sullenly admit the loss of what little remained of my soul after all of this Fun.  So much Fun.  So, so much Fun.  <shudders>
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.


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I died?!? Please tell me at the least I'm buried in the basement of my manor.
I'm mining out and admixture every section of adamant ore I can get my easily on to alternation my armoursmith up to allegorical so he can accomplish actively alarming armour for my aggressive. again I'm traveling to do the aforementioned for weapons.


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You're buried there while your wife is still living in your home. If it didn't belong to you, I would have given it to the mayor.
Quote from: Corvidae
So here I am, logging into the Bay12 Forums.  I'm not sure whether to feel happy about this, or sullenly admit the loss of what little remained of my soul after all of this Fun.  So much Fun.  So, so much Fun.  <shudders>
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.


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HighZealot’s Journal: 16th Slate

I’ve got the make-shift prison up and running though I’ve somehow managed to build most cells too small so only three of the nine cells are three by three. Oh well, there are still beds there.
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20th Slate

Ah shit. Kadol has finished what he was building but guess what, it’s a blowgun. Worth only 4800 too. At least he’s a legendary bowyer now.
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22th Slate

Fucking damp stone ruining my plans of better stockpiles. I’m fairly sure digging it out is bad since they are some water filled holes nearby which could only have water due to an aquifer.

26th Slate
Well the aquifer only cut off the edge. Not that bad I suppose.

27th Slate

Congrates to Dumat Bunemilral and Edem Balsigun’s first son, Erush Kegethatir. Edem is the mother.
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2nd Felsite

I’ve started going after some more gold and silver. I hear mechanisms are good trade products though I already have those mugs made.

8th Felsite

Thob Ducimsazir has come back as a ghost. He’s harmless though and we’ve already got stone slabs ready.

14th Felsite

A third snatcher in a cage. Exact same place as the others. What the hell is wrong with them? Oh well, good practice for us. Oh look, another one in the cage trap south of the first.

17th Felsite

Some elves have arrived to trade. We could use some wood and maybe some of their heads. I’ll think about it.

18th Felsite

There appears to be two forgotten beasts down there. They look like twins. It seems they’ve been here before I rose to power. I’ll leave them alone for now. Also another snatcher ran into the elves. I hope the goblin does something at least. Nope it ran away.

20th Felsite

Those goblins must be homeless running into cages for no good reason. Well they’ll be dead soon enough.

22th Felsite

These goblins are becoming too common to write about. Well this one wasn’t in a trap but still relatively harmless. It tried to attack someone but missed.

26th Felsite

Put another ghost to rest. This time the ghost appears to have been from before my reign. Why do I not know about this stuff? You think it would be important for the last overseer to tell me. On a side note, we captured another goblin.

27th Felsite

I gave the elves some mugs for what little logs they had and also drinks, barrels and a wolf. Should stronger than a dog even though they can’t be trained.

1st Hematite

Well summer has come. Such a shame not much new stuff worthy of my pictures were around. I’m gonna head for that party I heard about and party for the rest of the day. God, I’m worn out already. Here’s a look of our records.
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(ooc: Plan to try and do at least a season per day. No more today cause I've had way too much fun.)
Quote from: Corvidae
So here I am, logging into the Bay12 Forums.  I'm not sure whether to feel happy about this, or sullenly admit the loss of what little remained of my soul after all of this Fun.  So much Fun.  So, so much Fun.  <shudders>
First things first.  You're all soulless husks of what might have once been decent human beings, drafted into a sort of moral apartheid from your better natures in the pursuit of things made out of cute animals.  I love it.
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