Hey, MetalSlimeHunt. A similar thing has happened to me for several years. We use an electric shower, and the blasted thing ALWAYS managed to trip the fusebox whenever I used it, but it never happened for the other people living in the house. It happened often enough (i.e. every time) that we collectively found it very unlikely to be a coincidence, but we have no idea what the actual cause might've been.
First we thought that maybe the buildup of steam in the room was getting into the light fixture and causing a short there. Installed a completely new room light, and I resolved to shower in the cold with the small bathroom window open to let steam out. It still happened every time, without fail.
There was no set time it would happen, either. It might happen after 5 minutes, or 15 minutes. I usually showered as quickly as possible to avoid it, but it still usually caught me. The water would turn freezing cold and someone had to go flick the switch to get power back into the house. -_-
Anyway, we never figured out what was causing it. I never changed the dials, never used settings that other people didn't use. About a month ago, a misshap required us to replace the shower unit, and it hasn't happened since then.
For lack of any better theories, my best guess is that it has something to do with the field of electricity our bodies supposedly have, and perhaps mine was just generally strong enough to interfere with the circuitry in the shower- which must have been not properly shielded in some way. Beyond that, I have no idea why I regularly caused those house-wide powercuts, but I'm just glad it doesn't happen anymore!