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Author Topic: Welcome to Workpuzzle! Please take a crossbow and two (2) capybara bone bolts.  (Read 2143 times)

Nil Eyeglazed

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I like to hang out in the dining room.  It's between the workshops and the bedrooms, so everybody's always coming through, picking up a bite.  They let the jaguars wander around, and the bear, and of course, all of the dogs and rabbits.

The next floor up is the hospital, and that's depressing.  I don't have a bed, not yet, but I will someday, if I'm good.  But for now, sometimes I have to sleep in the hospital, if there isn't any room in the barracks.  It's kind of creepy up there.  And the floor below the dining room is the depot, and I don't mind the sun, not so much, but below that are the workshops, and you have to walk that hall to get anywhere else in Workpuzzle.  And that hall is really creepy.  Erush says I should respect the dead, but every time I walk down that hallway, there are more coffins, and they're spreading toward the stair like something liquid, and I think someday they're going to reach the stair and keep going and just, like, spread out, and fill the entire Mythical Dimensions, flowing out across the continent until they reach the ocean and then reaching across the ocean floor.

Except everbody is up here in the dining room today, everybody except the soldiers, who Ber has gathered downstairs for something separate, and Minkot, who just put the last stone in the wall.  I guess that's a big deal, so Mosus has all us gathered here for her speech, and she's just begun, shaking hands, and she was sitting on the Duke's throne, which doesn't seem right to me, but I guess we don't have a Duke anymore, and she stands up and says, "Today, The 14th of Felsite, in the year 276, we have begun a new era at Workpuzzle," when the horn blows, and everybody shuts up, and the horn blows again, and I guess the goblins are back, but it's going to be different this time, right?  Because of the wall?  And I squeeze Erush's hand, hard, but of course he doesn't feel it, and he just kind of sucks in his breath.

*     *     *

Erush Swamfloor is probably my weirdest friend.  He just hangs out in the dining room.  He knows everything there is to know about meat.  It all just tastes like quarry bushes to me, but Erush tells me that Workpuzzle has the finest kitchen anywhere, that caravans used to come leagues out of their way for a taste of our roasts, that they'd bring us exotic meats and cheeses in the hopes that when they returned, we'd give them a taste of the dishes we had prepared with what they had brought.  They would show up one year with llama cheese, and Alath, who was still cooking back then, and still alive too, before that goblin's curse came true, would say, "I had an omelette once of llama cheese, turkey hen eggs, and prepared ewe heart, and I swear, it almost made my heart stop," and the next year, the caravan would pull up into the depot with more llama cheese, and with a caged turkey hen, and sheep organs packed in ice, and Alath would give each of them a small bowl of llama cheese stew, and tell them, "I hope it curbs your appetite, it was really something of a failure on my part, a bit of valley herb is what it really needs," and the next year the caravan would be carrying bushels of valley herb.

Erush likes to watch me eat, but I never see him eat.  I don't know how he eats.  His left hand is twisted, atrophied, and he doesn't have a right hand.  His whole body is criss-crossed with scars like a puzzle with all the pieces just mashed together.  I wonder if somebody feeds him?  Does he just bury his face at the table, like livestock at a trough, when no one is looking?

Once I asked Erush what he does.

"I was a butcher, when we had livestock."

"Do you mean the dogs?" I asked.

"No, we don't eat dogs.  After the lifestock, I was a swordsdwarf, and a judge.  It was I who ended the terrifying reign of Stakud Ceilingunions, Tyrant of the Guinea Cocks, and it was I who struck down Mato Systemthieves last year, and Stozu Dungeonearth three years ago.  Didn't you know that, Vucar?"

"I was only 7 then.  What do you do now?  Don't you have a job?  Everybody has to work."

"I'm employed as a trainer of the social skills to the children of Workpuzzle."

But none of the other kids talk to Erush.  Erush barely knows how to talk.  They make fun of him to his face and he doesn't even realize it.

*     *     *

I asked Atir about Erush once.  Atir only has one hand too, and she can't walk without a crutch, but she still works.  She gardens, down in the cavern.  Atir was here when they Struck Earth.  I asked Atir why Erush doesn't have to work once.  Atir said, "Everybody has to work."  That's all she would say.

It was down in the cavern where I asked her.  There are walls there too, but the cavern rises high above the walls, raised in rough stone, and you can smell the underground sea to the north, and the cobwebs collect in every corner.  They built those walls years ago, when the goblins came and stopped stopping, and the caravans started stopping, and the mausoleum begun to reach toward the stair, to coagulate out of the scattered coffins pushed into corners, stone beds owned by people I forgot or never knew, people that died before I was even born.

Erush isn't the only dwarf named Erush.  Erush is named Erush Swamfloor, which is kind of funny, I guess, but there's also the Canyon of Seeds, who is kind of a war hero, and I guess there used to be a bunch more Erushes, and they were all swordsdwarfs, all together in one unit.  Erush Girderscholar, who is the Canyon of Seeds, almost came unscrewed, and the Duke took him out of the squad and put him in the garden, which was supposed to be good for his nerves or something, and the Canyon of Seeds always tells the truth.  He was down there in the garden when I asked Atir about Swamfloor, and I noticed Girderscholar listening.  So I asked him later, when I snuck in early and nabbed a dorm bed next to his before most folks were done with dinner.

"Swamfloor and I were in the same unit, the Spotted Pages.  When the vilers started coming-- really coming in earnest-- there was a good defense at first.  Nice, tight, controlled.  Bridges closed, the Moist Paints took to the towers, the colossus was shown, and Ber's dicers cleaned up after most of the siegers lost heart.  We were in fine shape in those days, plenty of bolts stockpiled, fresh squads of dwarfs that had been training together for years.  But there were a few goblins to the southeast of the keep that never retreated, and the Duke wanted them gone, so he sent the Pages down.  We were green then, and the Duke wanted to see us tested.  Erush Eastspears the Lacy Misery of Sabres earned his name leading us then, and lost it a month later, forgotten to starve, banging on the keep's walls.  Erush Swamfloor earned his name too, in a way.  The vilers were swamp whisky and we were just watered sunshine.  We outnumbered them five to one and it's not by Shesam that any of us lived.  Swamfloor was never the same.  He used to be handsome, did you know that?

"They tried everything after he got out of the hospital.  Duke gave him a desk job for a while.  Couldn't hold a pen.  You know that tower on the south of the keep, with the steep drop?  Tried to get Swamfloor involved on some renovations on it, but Swamfloor was too smart for that.  You ever hear of Ral Distancetown?  The Poet of Bravery?  Finest marksdwarf in Workpuzzle, until some viler's arrow blew through his spine, and stupid Ral, too proud for a crutch, or maybe we just never had the wood for one.  Ral was the last dwarf to attempt renovations in that south tower.  Swamfloor never was much with a sword, but he's smart enough to look after his own skin.  You want to know why Swamfloor doesn't work?  Because he knows that the second he does, there's going to be an accident.  All he is around here is a mouth to feed, and that's just because he's too stubborn to let them sew it shut for him.  Just watch-- bet you bolts to baubles he'll be the only one to ever leave this place."

*     *     *

There was supposed to be a big speech, something big culminating in raising the bridges, but with the horns, there wasn't time.  Somebody ran for the levers, and Mosus tried to act like everything was fine, but you couldn't even hear what she was saying over the grinding of stone against stone.

And then it was only afterward that I really realized.  That was Udib's horn that had blown, the horn of the last real champion of Workpuzzle, a finer shot than even Ral had been, some said, and leader of the Moist Paints.  And we all sat there watching Mosus talk but who even knows what she was saying because all we could hear was the sound of the Paints abandoned out there, wall finished, bridges raised, and everywhere, everywhere beyond the walls, a sea of murder.  Mosus was saying how it was all going to be different now, better, while I heard Udib screaming, and Ast, and Dumed, wooden crossbows splintering against iron shields, and of course that snicker-snatch, snicker-snatch, so quiet you might miss it.  I guess this was what we working toward for so long.  Mosus tried to look proud of herself but didn't do a very good job of it.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm running out of stone!
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Interesting narrative; exactly like a work of fiction.

Can we get dorfed? If so, I'll take any axedwarf or marksdwarf, and name him/her Conan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Very nice read. Makes for a well-contained narrative, but I hope there is more!

Nil Eyeglazed

  • Bay Watcher
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Interesting narrative; exactly like a work of fiction.

Can we get dorfed? If so, I'll take any axedwarf or marksdwarf, and name him/her Conan.

Sure, why not?  Although I think i'll stick to dubbing the migrants, and I'll warn you, migrant mortality is alarmingly high.  Got any migrant preferences?  At this rate, pretty much every damn migrant turns into an axedwarf or marksdwarf for his short and unhappy life....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 04:07:26 pm by Nil Eyeglazed »
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Not all who wander are lost.
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I respectfully request to be dorf'd. Marksdwarf, if that's possible.
So far it has been really interesting, looking forward to seeing it come to completion.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm running out of stone!
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Axedwarf for sure. Try to keep him alive long enough so he can get to adequate.

Nil Eyeglazed

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"Workpuzzle?  Are you sure it's still standing?  Torment of Stability's a nasty bunch.  Told those seven to find better earth to strike.  Used to see a lot of merchants heading that way, though.  Not anymore.

"North nor'east though, if you feel like robbing any tombs.  Just follow the creek.  Who knows, maybe there's a few eking out what life they can under the shadow of that mountain.  Maybe they could even use a couple of talented potash makers like yourselves.  Conan?  Umune?  Unusual names.  Sure you're Feral Tongs?"

*     *     *     *

Fath Mightyboard never asked for this.  She had come to Workpuzzle so long ago, it seemed, with dreams of high art, of helping tell the story of the glorious new settlement that she knew would one day seat the King of the Feral Tongs.  Now it was almost ten years later, and the glory of Workpuzzle was anything but, and she had smoothed a lot of stone, yet had never engraved a single story.  Now, with Mosus dead, with the fort in shambles, more than half the people she had ever known here dead, she stood in the new office in the south tower, with the elite of the Singed Razors around her-- and she was the one behind the desk.

"I'm afraid there isn't a lot of time for formalities.  Kubuk, first thing is first.  I am officially resigning from the Guard.  I'm not going to declare any formal position on the wisdom of Ber exercising her authority as commander of Mosus, and neither of them are around to tell us whether Ber's sally was the best idea, but I am not going to allow any any confusion of command here.  Until the Feral Tongs sends us a new Duke, I am solely in charge here.  Got it?"

Kubuk nodded.

"That out the way, we'll start with you.  Law and order.  How is the fortress holding up?"

Kubuk Tomescactus was the most meticulously groomed dwarf in Workpuzzle.  A recent arrival to the keep, the Duke had picked him to lead the Guard, despite his complete inexperience with military matters, and Kubuk had settled into the role like an door settles into its frame.  Despite the constant tragedies, Workpuzzle remained under civilian law.  Kubuk scratched his head and began his report.

*     *     *

They were dead.  They were all dead.  Everyone I had ever known.  The hallway was coming.  Another siege now and it would reach the stair.  Workpuzzle was a crypt, not a home.  The masons were working overtime and the stench was still overpowering.

Ber had come up to the dining room personally and whispered in Mosus's ear, and Mosus had looked angry, but she excused herself, right in the middle of the speech, and left, and I could hear the bridge coming down again, and I never saw Ber or Mosus again.  I don't want to go outside now, the bodies are piled up out there.

There's a troll that stumbled, wounded, into a trap.  He's caged now, below the workshops, but I can hear his screams.  They gave me a bed.  The Captain himself assigned it to me.  I don't sleep there.  All the other beds are empty.

*     *     *

Everything was in shambles.  The wall was complete, sure, but the bodies were piled too high to close the gates.  Masterpieces lay in the moat where the buzzards picked at the bodies.  Half of the survivors were on the verge of tantrum.  Half of the militia were dead, half of the remainder wounded.  Blind marksdwarfs and limbless axedwarfs.  No bolts in the stockpiles even if the marksdwarfs could see.  Bembul wouldn't permit the moat refilled, arguing that the creek would carry their priceless artifacts into the wilderness; but with the moat dry, the wall couldn't be repaired without leaving the crew open to ambush.  It didn't matter anyways, with every mason carving coffins at breakneck pace.  One of the furnace operators was lost in the labyrinthine veins deep under the keep, and some miner, screaming, frothing, had taken over a mason's shop, and everyone was too scared to stop him.  The hospital was full, and Mebzuth said there was nothing he could do, not without plaster, and Fath secretly suspected she might never see another caravan.  To make matters worse, Atlelidin, the human law-giver, who had been the Duke's guest before the sieges began, had followed Mosus out, and hadn't been seen since.  No corpse had been found, but Fath didn't have a lot of hope left.  Eventually, the Mysterious Unions would start asking questions, and Fath didn't know that she had the answers that would be needed to keep the peace.

It was too much.  Fath reached in her pocket and fingered her chisel, then looked at the brick floor of her new office and sighed.  The floor was smooth, the blocks shaped by dwarven masonry, but the thick joins left no room for engraving.

*     *     *

Tikes Kateng climbed off his camel and surveyed the wreckage at the base of the mountain.  A low rough wall, almost low enough to see over if he jumped.  A few modest towers at the gates.  Decent sized keep, high enough for a few birds nests.  Ambitious, for a bandit camp.

And of course the bodies, some fresh, some skeletons, mostly stilled clothed.  Dwarfs and goblins, mostly, but a few elves, a few humans.  The bones lay piled in a dry moat and against the wall, almost high enough to climb it.  Dwarfs scattered to and fro, looting the choicest bits.

Tikes whistled and his spearmen dismounted.  So this was Workpuzzle.  The Mysterious Unions would be avenged.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh my, human siege!

This sounds like one dangerous fort.

I'm really curious to learn more about the backstory that led to such a death-filled encampment, but the mystery is so compelling.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm running out of stone!
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Very, very well done. I am thoroughly enjoying this story.

Could you post pictures of the fortress?

Nil Eyeglazed

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Alas, I have given up on that fortress-- framerate hell :(  Doesn't hurt matters that it looked doomed anyways :)  Just couldn't keep up with 4 sieges a year....
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm running out of stone!
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Four sieges?   :o

Even the mountainhomes hated you?


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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It's a shame that you gave up on this. The first post looked like something you'd read in an anthology of short fantasy literature or a college lit. class or something else like that.

I...I don't suppose you'd mind continuing it without actually using DF? Like...just, tell the story as you think it would have gone?
Did Erush survive the attack? It seems like he didn't, but still... (that, and you have the sort of writing style that I'm really bad with, so I figure reading more of your work in that regards will eventually help me get better at the sort of first person narrative found in your first post)
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.

Nil Eyeglazed

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Well, I do have the save...  And I suppose I could bring it to some kind of ending.  Although I really haven't a clue how I'm ever going to see another migrant.

The fortress just got too valuable, too fast.  There were more than 200 of them two years ago, and then the goblins started coming, every season.  The dead wouldn't be buried by the time the goblins came, and then that just meant more dead, more to bury, more stragglers the next time the goblins came.  Meanwhile, my marksdwarfs stopped putting bolts in their quivers, which I've represented as shortage in this, but really it was a little buggy.  Assign a squad 500 bolts, lucky to see a single dwarf with any ammo.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.

Nil Eyeglazed

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When the Tall Folk came, there were still a lot of us out there beyond the wall, trying to bury the dead.  Now no one goes out.  Fath's orders.  Nil didn't listen, and Fath had the bridge raised.  Nil was screaming for days.  He said the rats got his leg.  He's quiet now.

It's not even our fort anymore.  Goblins withdrew to let the humans attack, but they must not have gone far, because it sure didn't take them long to come back.  Erush says that goblins eat bones, and there are a lot of bones out there.  Rovod went to the wall with a handful of bolts, came back with one, stuck through his hand.  They mill about during the day, sing goblin songs at night.

   Did you ever wonder how's a dwarf bone?
   Gnaw on it all night 'till my teeth shone
   Use it instead of a sharp'nin' stone
   Gotta get me some more of them dwarf bones.

They're still building coffins, but they're empty now.  I guess it's done.  The bodies are spreading out across the world already, coffins or no.

*     *     *

It wasn't much to look at.  Unprocessed, the stuff was pale, wispy, loose.  The entire vein had been dug out, leaving a cavernous hole in the obsidian and dorite around it, save for a single, twisting column that snaked from the obsidian floor high into the darkness.  The patch, made of the same raw stuff, was above the floor, now that everything around it had been excavated, but Fath could just make out the hurried stonework if she raised her lantern.

"Who else knows about this?" she asked Melbil.

Even Melbil bore war wounds.  Maybe the puzzle of Workpuzzle was how anyone there managed to work.  "You, me, and Olin. Olin won't be talking."

The caravans couldn't penetrate.  The metal was exhausted.  There were bones all around her-- outside the gate.  And every time one of her marksdwarfs went out to shoot at the horde, the armory was depleted further.  80 dwarfs, 13 of them children, maybe 150 eyes, 140 legs, and 120 hands to share between them.  What could she do?  She tried to justify it to herself.  This is what leaders do.  What they have to do.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.

Nil Eyeglazed

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She looked up at the column and emptied the beerskein into her mouth.  It didn't matter, not anymore.  She ran her fingers across the blue ore: rough, unfinished.  Curiously warm here, icy there.  A stray strand pierced her and she muffled a gasp.

She took out her chisel and began to tell the story of Workpuzzle.

This is an image of dwarfs laboring.  This is the founding of Workpuzzle.

This is an image of Atir Tongsgale.  When she was appointed militia comander.  265.  More than a decade ago, before Fath had even come.

This is an image of Tirist striking down Olngo Hatredreign during 271.  That's when it began.  Such a long time ago.

This is an image of Rakust Twistedseals, raising that rope he made.  That rope still sits in the jail.  No one to jail now.

This is an image of Erush Swamfloor striking down Stozu Dungeonearth.  Fath was crying now.

This is an image of Dobar Slingpost.  It relates to his election as Mayor of the Singed Razors in the early summer of 273.

This is a masterfully designed image of dwarfs.  The dwarfs are travelling.

The column was covered now, dwarfs victorious, glorious, in the smooth blue stone.  One spot lay bare, where the grout of the rough stonework permitted no engraving.  Fath hoisted herself up and started working at letting the rock loose.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.
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