1. how do most people set up their meat industry, as in where do you actually keep the animals, should they all be grazing outside where they can eat?
I don't uses grazers ( also playing .18, predating pastures and grazers ). So my layout's like
v v
{and so on}
v = restraints
F = fortification (stylistic choice, anything that blocks movements works)
j = cage
The grown up male goes in the upward-facing restraints, females goes in the side-way facing restraints. The unsurrounded ones are used to cull the newlyborn and to check the caged adults. The cages are used to hold the culled newborn until they matures and get checked again. As each selectively culled critter grows up, they get placed on restraints, opposite the older creature and butchers the older one so they don't dies of old age.
I expects grazers to need MUCH more space to eat, and thusly different layout from non-grazers. As well as not being able to cage up the newlyborn either without starvation.
4. Is there a way to cage an animal without using a cage trap?
Assign the animal to a built cage.
2. I want to create a zoo for my dwarves to enjoy, will they still visit it even if I put it in a remote corner of the fortress where they won't naturally path?
They won't if you don't designate it. Preferable to me to just place them in dining room so they can pass it often and admire it. Or just designate it in there.
7. Just to clarify, in order for an animal to breed you need a male (only one) and females both trained and uncaged, but they do not need to come in contact with each other correct?
Yep, you only need one male. You don't need trained females, but you do need tamed females ( I'm not sure if wild animal breeds in wild even with PET_EXOTIC replaced with PET currently ). All the meat industry breeding layout I've seen relies on the sporing
Any tips for keeping FPS manageable? My plan right now is have a few animals designated as breeders constantly grazing and assign their offspring to cages when born. The offspring will still grow in cages right? I can assign different types of animals all to the same cage?
By having as few breedstock as possible. You can have at maximum of 50 animals before they stops breeding ( though those already pregnant will give birth above that limit ). I tend to only keep one male and four or five females in my layout above. Restraints and cages helps with FPS issues, but culling them down to small groups works better in practice. And you can manage it easier that way also. Yes offsprings grows up in cages, that's why I uses it in my design.
Yes you can assign all tame animals into one cages, in fact, I don't think there're any storage 'limit' for a cage