First of all, thanks so far for everyone's help in answering my previous questions, this community is really great!
1. After butchering an animal is there a quick way to check what it produced? ie. is there a way to view what's inside a workshop? Viewing with k doesn't seem to work.
2. Can dwarves walk through workshops? If I built a workshop in the middle of a hallway that completely blocks it can people get through? The reason I ask is I thought the answer was no but I recently got a dwarf stuck behind a mason's workshop.
3. I currently have my butcher's shop at the top level of my fort, but its still underground. I'm a little worried of miasma problems as I have no ventilation for it at the moment, but I do have it sealed in its own room with a door. Should I channel out the layer above it as ventilation? I've been afraid of doing that for fear of fun, and the supposed flying mounts I've heard about.
4. What does it mean when an army dwarf becomes attached to a weapon?
5. I'm fiddling around with danger rooms right now, but I'm having trouble getting my army dwarves in there. I currently have them as a 1x4 room, and I try to get dwarves in there through a scheduled "defend burrows", the burrows is defined exactly as the 1x4 room but when the dwarves goto defend it, one or two may enter the room and the others will chill in the hallway outside.
6. I've only used the lazy newb pack, and have no experience with modding or downloading previously generated worlds, is there a good way to find an embark site with a volcano or at least shallow lava?
Thanks again for all your help!