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Author Topic: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: So long, a-bowser!  (Read 220711 times)


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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68: SURPRISE!
« Reply #1410 on: October 10, 2012, 08:33:15 am »

Shadow Ochita fell into hysterics, as he burst from the chest, scaring Bradley like it was nothing. Nearly doubling over, he worked out the last of the laughs out. Settling down, his laughter turns to chuckles, which turns to a silence. The grin on his face fading. Closing his eyes for a moment, Shadow Ochita sighs.
"Aheheh.. This is fun, right? So much fun.. And so alive."

Shadow Ochita runs after bradley, trying to avoid the bullets as he goes.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1411 on: October 10, 2012, 03:06:06 pm »


Mushroom Kingdom Wars:
Gameplay tutorial!

Mushroom Kingdom Wars uses a fairly elaborate game system I originally created and expanded on for use in my suggestion game, Luigi Quest. I originally used a simplistic D6 with abilities and penalties/bonuses, but that proved to be too constraining, so upon rebooting this game, I moved it to a 2d10 system closer to Dungeon and Dragons than anything. I didn't have a proper explanation until now, so I figured I'd write out a proper explanation of the game mechanics. To do this, I've recruited two volunteers!

: "What?"

: "Hey, everyone! I'm Fuzz, a former recruit of the Mushroom Kingdom's royal guard! This here's my gender-ambiguous boy/girlfriend, Counselor Grimtoad. You can just call him/her Grimtoad."

: "Oh, another one of these. Okay. Where do we start?"

: "How about with the basics?"

Playing the game

: "The goal of the game is to free magical objects - Power Stars - from their guardians. Peaceful guardians may be perfectly willing to just hand over the stars, but some may be more hostile than others."

: "The guardians are often found hidden away in large Dungeons. These areas are themed - forest, ice castle, volcano - and take up a major portion of the game. Don't worry if you don't know what to do in some portions of the dungeons: they're filled to the brim with hidden enemies, loot and nasty traps."

: "As a player, you should consider doing two things in a post: roleplaying and acting. Roleplaying is speaking as your character - you can do it in the same way I am right now!"

: "Acting (or "taking action") is letting the GM know what you want to actually DO in the upcoming turn. Generally, your actions should be bolded to seperate them from roleplaying."

: "During combat, you generally can make 1 action per turn plus movement, but out of-"

: "Hey, hold up, we'll cover that later!"

Dice rolls

: "Okay, this one's a little complicated, so you'd better let me explain it, Fuzz."

: "Awww."

: "For every action that has a chance of success or failure, two ten-sided die, or '2d10', are rolled. The results are added up and any modifiers are added to it. The final number is compared with a target number - the 'difficulty' - that represents how hard the action taken would be to complete."

If 1d10 + 1d10 + modifiers >= difficulty: success!
If 1d10 + 1d10 + modifiers < difficulty: failure!

: "Oh, I think I get it! Let's say I'm up against an iron-hewn door, but I want to knock it down with my maul. The iron door's pretty tough, so it would be really hard to knock it down. The difficulty might be 15 in this case."

: "Generally, most actions would have a difficulty around 10. But yes, in this case, 15 would probably be appropriate."

: "Okay, so I roll two ten-sided die. 4, 9... 13! Uh oh, that's not enough to knock it down."

: "But wait, let's say you have a bonus to actions requiring strength. +2, perhaps. We'll cover this later under character creation. Then your result would be 13+2 which is greater than or equal to 15."

: "Success! The door's knocked straight down. Am I cool or what?"

: "Yes, Fuzz. Now let's get to the next section."

Critical failure and success

: "Okay, now we get really silly. Most actions will just fail or succeed, but some can critical, meaning they fail or succeed with more spectacular results than usual."

: "Ooh, wait, I remember this one. It has something to do with how high or low you roll, right?"

: "Right! Any action result that's less than or equal to ten minus the difficulty number is a critical failure. Similarly, any result that's equal or greater to ten plus the target number is a critical hit!"

: "So let's I'm knocking down that difficulty 15 door from earlier, it would be like this, right?"

If 1d10 + 1d10 + modifier >= 15+10 (25) then CRITICAL HIT!
If 1d10 + 1d10 + modifier <= 15-10 (5) then CRITICAL FAILURE!

: "That's right! It's also important to note that a natural 2, the lowest possible result of 2d10 - 'natural' here meaning 'before modifiers are applied' - will always result in a critical failure. Similarly, a natural 20 will always result in a critical hit! Neat, huh?"

Characters and stats

: "You can't have an RTD without players! Every sentient foe, NPC and player character in this game is built upon the same rules."

: "Ooh, handy. So what are these rules?"

: "It gets a little complex, but once you learn them, they're simple enough. Why don't we take your character sheet as an example, Fuzz?"

Name: Fuzz
Level: 2 (0/20)
Race: Human

: "Hey, this is simple enough! My Name is just what you call me, and my Race determines my starting abilities and biological features."

: "Right right, but don't forget those can be tweaked over time. As for Level, that's a representation of how powerful and experienced you are. We'll cover this more in the section on Leveling, but the '2' means you're level two, and the '(0/20)' means you have 20 EXP to gain before you reach level 3."

Element: Neutral
Health: 12/12
Magick: 5/5

: "This is simple enough, I think. Everyone has an Element, and many attacks have an element. I assume that's covered later, too. As for Health, that's how much damage I can take before I'm too bloodied to fight."

: "Magick, on the other hand, is consumed by magical abilities and spells. How much you can have at once depends on your INT modifier and your race - similarly, your maximum Health depends on your CON modifier."

Status: Cooldown: Fireball (One turn remaining)
Attributes: STR 12 (+1), DEX 8 (-1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), CON 14pt (+2), CHR 10 (+0)

: "Uuurgh... so many numbers and acronyms. I can at least say that Status represents any temporary effects, bonuses or penalties applied to you. Sometimes you can hover your mouse over these to get a description."

: "The attributes can get a little confusing, so I'd probably better lay them out simply like this."

STRENGTH (STR): Your character's raw physical power. The STR modifier is often added to physical/weapon attacks and rolls involving brute force.
DEXTERITY (DEX): Your character's nimbleness. The DEX modifier boosts speed-based abilities and is added to your base Armor Class and Initative Bonus.
INTELLIGENCE (INT): Your character's brilliance. The INT modifier is added to your max MP and some magical attack and damage rolls.
WISDOM (WIS): Your character's worldliness. The WIS modifier is used to help resist negative effects from oncoming attacks and solve situations requiring a little common sense.
CONSTITUION (CON): Your character's toughness or 'stability.' The CON modifier is added to your max HP and occasionally used to resist lasting physical effects or debilitation.
CHARISMA (CHR): Your character's allure or companionship. The CHR modifier is added to most tricky NPC or other social interactions and occasionally used to pacify foes or reason with them.

: "Modifiers? Huh? This is too confusing!"

: "No, it's quite simple! Most attributes start at 10 for a 'regular' Human, and all attributes get a bonus or penalty called a "modifier" for each two points above 10 or below 11 like in the following table. There's some modifier added to nearly every action!"

6-7: -2
8-9: -1
10-11: +0
12-13: +1
14-15: +2

Secondary attributes: Initiative Bonus -1, Armor Class 9, Move 3, Damage Resistance 1
Inventory: 300 coins, Steel maul
Equipped: Bronze Platemail, Cute One

: "Okay, I think I understand... why don't we move onto the simpler stats? Armor Class is just the difficulty level for targeting me with attacks and abilities, I know that much - it starts at 10 for most characters. Move is how many combat grid spaces I can move per turn. Damage Resistance (DR) is directly subtracted from nearly all damage I take! Initiative Bonus is covered later. And lastly, Inventory just covers whatever I'm storing on me that isn't equipped - that's what Equipped is for. Roll over items to get an explanation!"

Active abilities (mouse over to view details):
Power Crush
Fireball I
Passive abilities:
Royal Loyalty

: "Now the fun stuff! Active abilities are anything that you have to manually use, often instead of other actions. There's usually a cost like a Cooldown (time before you can use it again) or a reduction in current Magick (MP). On the other hand, Passive abilities are abilities that aren't activated - they're always active. Abilities can be gained in many ways, but the main ones are equipment and leveling up."

: "Wait, what's that "I" next to Fireball?"

: "Oh, right. Sometimes abilities will have an EXP counter on them, like how Power Crush and Fireball say '0/2 EXP.' Whenever you score a critical success with that ability, it gains a point of EXP! When it gets the amount of EXP required, it'll either grant another, more powerful tier of the ability or something else entirely."

: "So if I throw hand flames enough then I can learn Fireball II?"

: "Yep! Now, onto my favorite part."


: "To best teach the flow of combat, Fuzz and I will beat the snot out of each other in a training arena!"

: "WAIT, WHAT!?"

: "At the start of combat, we roll for initiative. Each combatant is assigned a 2d10 result, and their initiative bonus is added to it. Each combat turn, whoever is highest on the list acts before the next highest and so on until the bottom. People who come in after combat starts are stuck on the bottom of the initiative list."

Spoiler: Initiative (click to show/hide)

: "Hey, looks like I'm going first! I'll, uh... throw a fireball!"

... Fuzz throws the fireball and misses horribly!

: "Yep, that'll happen! Roll over the little ellipses to see the roll. If it's under my Armor Class, you miss! Now, since I have a Move of 3, I'll just do this..."

... Counselor Grimtoad moves toward Fuzz and strikes with his/her REPLICA STARLANCE! Fuzz suffers FOUR DAMAGE!

: "Bwuhuhuu!"

: "An explanation: my Replica Starlance (1d8+STR damage, +1 to attack from DEX bonus) struck Fuzz for six damage. The -1 damage from my STR modifier plus Fuzz's Damage resistance brought it down to a mere four damage. Luckily, Fuzz's HP was only brought down to eight."

: "We don't have time to cover it all, so here's an analysis of common combat terms...."

Move: A free action that you can usually take alongside any other action in your turn. You can always move up to your Move in grid spaces - even diagonally!
Range: How far an attack can reach. You can target anyone up to that many spaces away. Yes, even diagonally.
Square: Some attacks spread out over a "square" from their target location. A 3x3 square, for example, would affect the target square and every space up to 1 square around it. 9 in total. Some area attacks may have even larger squares - or even stranger shapes!
+X to Damage/Attack "Attack" means your attack roll - whether you hit or not and whether it's a critical hit. "Damage", on the other hand, refers to your damage roll. +STR, +INT, +DEX and so on mean that for this attack or ability, the appropriate stat modifier is added.
Major/Minor Actions: During combat, only one Major Action and one Minor Action may be taken per turn. Most actions are Major Actions unless otherwise stated, but movement is a Minor Action.
X save vs. Y "(Something) unless the target fails a WIS save vs. 15" means that when this attack connects, the target's WIS modifier is added to an extra "save" roll. If the result is lower than 15, (Something) happens.


: "This is the really fun part! Whenever you level, you gain a choice of abilities! These might be anything from passive abilities with simple stat bonuses to whole new powers! Most people have three on level up, but some (like Fuzz) can choose between four. Generally, one of the abilties should be common to your race, and two should be based on your character - what you do most, your personality and so on. Here's an example."

Quickblade (Any time an adjacent attacker misses you, you attempt an immediate counter-attack with -3 to your attack roll. +2 DEX.)
Inspection I (Gain useful information on one enemy, person, object or other piece of scenery. The usefulness of the information depends on your Measure of Success. Range 5. Major action, no cost. +2 to INT. 0/2 EXP.)
Balance of Magic (A soothing, familiar aura surrounds you. In a time of need, it may grow stronger...)
Double Fireball (You can cast two Fireballs at once, and at different targets if you want! However, the cooldown for Fireball is increased to four turns.)

: "Who's this for?"

: "No idea. Let's move on."

Puzzles, terrain effects and more!

: "Do we really have time to cover all this?"

: "Nope! Besides, this is information you'll discover on your own throughout the game! Fuzz and I wish you well on your journeys. Happy questing, and GO GET THOSE STARS!"
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 10:04:54 am by freeformschooler »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1412 on: October 10, 2012, 04:14:40 pm »

??? : "Well, I think the group is doing well, And Oomph's acclimatized to his intelligence rather nicely although I do think he ought to start beating things up like he used to.

And Dammit Bradley, I did not die while making you breifly omnipotent just so you can repay me by running away again. GROW A BLOODY BACKB- Oh, right. Get some courage in you. And just phase through the bullet bills.

Now, just like to warn you guys you'll have to deal with a watery mini-boss a little bit later, So I'd stock up on swimwear if I were you. Possibly floatation devices too. I mean, can have you lot drowning

And now, in other news, Fuzz is a complete fool, getting beaten up by a woma- Waitaminute, is that..." *Squee* "Dammit Fuzz, I am SO damn jealous of you right now. SO JEALOUS. You know how much I wan-" *Crash* "What are you doin-" *Sounds of fighting* "Don't touch tha-" *More sounds of fighting.* "GIVE THAT BACK DAMMI-" *Even more fighting* "YOU BASTARD, I SWEAR I'M GOING TO STOMP YOUR SHADOWY BEHIND SO HARD I'LL SEND YOU INTO THE NORMAL WORLD!

Oh. Shit. Next time I need to remember to turn this thing off. Oh yeah, [REDACTED]'s mother is apparently in an affair. How the hell I knew that, I'll never know, but then again Not like her mother knows where she keeps running off to, though I would suggest for her to buy a TV if she wanted to find her. Oh well, back to your regularly scheduled game."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doofus ghostus
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« Reply #1413 on: October 10, 2012, 04:45:54 pm »

Suddenly, A shadow Ochita Appears though a crack in the 4th wall!

: "Psh, you forgot to Add in what terrain does, and as mr toad and Fuzzy here decided not to tell you, I'll give my views on whats what."

Shadow Ochita pauses for a moment, before idly continuing.

"Another thing to keep track of is that even though some terrain may not directly deal damage, it can still impact you negativly! Ice, sludge, and other nasty things will most likely slow you down, and if you're not prepared for it, can turn the tide of a battle. Some creatures will do better on some terrain types than others. Bradley, being used again as an example, will float across most terrain, making a lot of dangerous terrain inert for him. However, some creatures will react badly, such as a podoboo being exposed to ice, or to water."

Playing with terrain!

"Ah, this is a fun one. Some skills that you have will affect the terrain, usually on a critical, or if its just a general effect of the skill. For example, a proper human's fireball skill is a fire element, and so will do a range of effects on different terrain, for example, setting grass on fire, melting ice, and burning wood. Different elements will do different types of things on the same kind of terrain. For example, fire may turn water into steam, ice will freeze it, electricity will shock the puddle. Using terrain to your advantage in this way can be the turning point for an otherwise hard battle."

Shadow Ochita clears his throat, and then shrugs.

"Well, thats all I wanted to say. Keep in mind however, most of these things are educated guesses, so take them with a grain of salt. And With that.. I go!"

Shadow Ochita finishes, and jumps though the crack in the 4th wall again.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1414 on: October 10, 2012, 11:10:42 pm »

((That tutorial, going into my bookmarks :)) ))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1415 on: October 10, 2012, 11:56:13 pm »

-snip- just phase through the bullet bills -snip-

(...Can I actually do that? :D)
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1416 on: October 10, 2012, 11:57:05 pm »

-snip- just phase through the bullet bills -snip-

(...Can I actually do that? :D)

(If you roll well enough, yes :P)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1417 on: October 11, 2012, 12:24:08 am »

(Ah. So it's just flavor text for a dodge, then.

...Can I phase through other stuff, like doors? Or just smoosh through keyholes like the T-1000? :D)
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1418 on: October 11, 2012, 12:25:34 am »

(More seriously, that's the kind of thing you see in the ever-increasing line of level up abilities. I'll put something like that in for next level. Seems appropriate :)))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1419 on: October 11, 2012, 07:17:39 pm »

Oomph knocks down the fourth wall with his club.

"Numbers and rules and plot hurt Oomph brain! Oomph want back to more smashing! Author back to writing!

Also, Oomph want chatsprites for handsome face before talking-happy, angry, doofy and snarkish."


Oomph strolled back through the gaping hole, passing a hero looking guy with a shield, Ghost-Nepthym, three Kathryns (one with a crossbow, one with a rifle, one making out with a snarky fellow in a fancy hat), a Warlady named Averys and Friar Greenmoore sleeping in a hammock.

"All characters get back to jobs! Cept Friar, him on vacations."


"...don't forget about me!" Sadie chirped from somewhere in the back.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 68.T: GARGANTUAN TUTORIAL!
« Reply #1420 on: October 11, 2012, 07:24:59 pm »

Author think Oomph make too many demands. No turn tonight, but here's a preview.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 69: So many rooms!
« Reply #1421 on: October 12, 2012, 09:10:51 am »

Turn 69!
Weather: Dank
Time: For a puzzle
Light: Wall torches

Shadow Ochita fell into hysterics, as he burst from the chest, scaring Bradley like it was nothing. Nearly doubling over, he worked out the last of the laughs out. Settling down, his laughter turns to chuckles, which turns to a silence. The grin on his face fading. Closing his eyes for a moment, Shadow Ochita sighs.
"Aheheh.. This is fun, right? So much fun.. And so alive."

Shadow Ochita runs after bradley, trying to avoid the bullets as he goes.
"Be coming back now Bradely!" Oomph said, whirling around a bit. Oomph magic hard!

Action: Try to cast shield on Bradely again as he and I retreat from the cannon blasts. Stay in between the cannons again!
Zachary inspected his new artefact closely, looking at the runes and running his hands over the pair of gloves. Without a second thought he slipped them on, hoping for the best.

Equip my new gloves and go find the group again. Maybe through that big door they went through?
Bradley, terrified beyond all belief by the jump scare/springloaded Ochita, retreated straight for the 'To Cliffside' door and attempted to open it and pass through it while screaming like his life was in danger. Technically it was due to the Bullet Bills, but nevertheless.

Running his hand over the runes in on Catena Aevitus a moment, Zachary feels a faint magical glow. It feels familiar, comforting. ... However, he can't quite tell what he recognizes it from. He slips them on and is imbued with a sort of protective power: the power to stabilize the chaos between two, three or more planes of existence. He then walks back toward the large rubble door and heads inside the ruin.

Meanwhile, Bradley flies as fast as humanly possible toward the door as the Bullet Bill trap goes off yet again. ... This time, though, Oomph successfully casts Protectus Whimpy Ghostus, imbuing Bradley with a whopping ONE damage resistance. The poor Boo tries to dodge bullet bills, ... but his efforts aren't enough, and one of the bullets knocks him in the side, dealing ... ONE damage. Bradley is a little dazed, but heads toward the door out anyway. He comes to a halt when he sees Zachary come through, not wanting to bowl the poor guy over like the previous accident.

Oomph puts his hands triumphantly on the sides of his shell, successful in his spellcasting, but ... distractedly watches Zach-ach-achary come in as another Bullet Bill whirs by, knocking his head to the ground. ... Luckily, Oomph feels intact and protected.

Ochita follows Bradley to the door. Zachary is stricken with a sudden rememberance of horrifying, distorted faces upon seeing his shadow-covered friend. Faces of shadows trapped in the void for an eternity and finally released, using their last bit of free will to warn him of the dangers ahead.

Joe: Boggle vacantly at shenanigans letter. Then let someone else figure it out and go explorin'.
Dirk leaned in and carefully observed the note, reading every note with rapt attention. "Mm-hmm, yes, I see... very interesting."

He looked at the others and with a confident smile said, "I have no idea what any of this means."

The next Bullet Bill to fire reminds him he should probably get to safety. What's that thing to the north? Is that a door? Looks like one. Well, better take this key if nobody else does, and check out that door.

Through all the chaos, Dirk and Joe decide to get away and go exploring. Dirk heads through the northern door, grabbing the red key before he goes, and Joe, no destination in mind, follows him.

They find themselves in an elaborate, mechanical-looking room. Nearby, a half-circular stone with golden triangles embedded in the sides seems to be missing something on top. Right above it, a plaque covered in shiny glass stands tall. Candle-holders hover above them, but contain no light. To the west they see a simple wall, but to the east another room can be seen. A pipe beyond the triangle-stone looks to lead underground.

Spoiler: Zachary (Zako) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Shadow Ochita (Ochita) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Joe (TherosPherae) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: OOMPH (Dwarmin) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dirk (CJ1145) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 02:19:35 pm by freeformschooler »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 69: So many rooms!
« Reply #1422 on: October 12, 2012, 09:13:14 am »

((Gotta love that fourth wall. Nice one Dwar!  :P

Also, story twist coming up, I presume? :)) ))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 69: So many rooms!
« Reply #1423 on: October 12, 2012, 01:07:49 pm »

((Cooooool, I like these gloves already, and they level up with me! But where's my extra damage resistance from both my armor and my gloves?))

Zachary froze the moment he saw the shadowy version of his friend, a look of blank confusion followed quickly by horror.

He screamed wordlessly for a few moments as the memory hit him like a sack of bricks.

As soon as he stopped, he took a few deep breaths and steadied himself, kneeling over onto his knees for stability.

"S-Sorry about that... You reminded me of something..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Wars RTD: Turn 69: So many rooms!
« Reply #1424 on: October 12, 2012, 01:11:41 pm »

As soon as Zach started screaming, Bradley immediately assumed something terrifying was going on and resumed freaking out, immediately retreating and going for the door Joe and Dirk went through.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.
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