Well I did a bit of rummaging around to see if there was an area for this... or a communal introduction thread. Instead I found a somewhat recent introduction thread which seemed to indicate that the practice was acceptable so I'm making my own.
I've been playing Dwarf Fortress, though more specifically a 'Suika Fortress' which is mostly a graphic set for Touhou nerds. Though it does change the names of several items and animals. I got sidetracked there; I've been playing it for about a day and a half... I've had several worlds and as I progressively figured out what I was doing I've been deleting them and making new ones until now. Where I've finally managed to lose my first fortress. If you're curious I lost because I was a stupid newb and didn't realize I needed to build a Well... and then when I did all the water in my selected region was frozen... o my suikas all decided to die of thirst.
Anyway, this world will be sticking around as I feel I know what I'm doing enough to not need another pocket world clean slate to trial and error my way through.
Wait this is supposed to be an introduction. Hello there people... I'm... Vault and I'm from Canada... so hello and stuff. I did try Dwarf Fortress a couple weeks ago... but found it too overwhelming and deleted it. Yesterday I found the 'Suika Fortress' version and the only time I've spent away from it so far has been the hours I spent unconscious last night. >.<;