I ran another test, this time, embarked with goblins, with use_any_pet_race, I checked their dark fortress in the local map, in all the local maps with a piece of the dark fortress I took note of the biomes:
*Temperate conifer forest
*Temperate grassland
*Temperate shrubland
*Temperate savanna
Most savagery is either calm or wilderness and one distant biome as serene...
So far so goood, I checked the animals they can embark and the pets and cross-referenced them to the biomes, I found these oddities:
No Worms, [pet]
No Pandas, [pet]
Has badgers but no giant badger, I suppose these giants need to have a savage biome??
the same with moose and giant moose, moose man....
No elk nor musox, [pet_exotic][benign]
No rhino lizards, nor fox squirrels, [pet_exotic][savage]
No demon rat, knukle worm nor phantom spiders, [evil][pet_exotic]
No moghoppers, they have pools since they do have toads....
No lizards, [pet_exotic]
No gray squirrels nor red squirrels but they do have chipmunks...
Underground is even more confusing, they got:
cap hoppers, elk birds, dralthas, gremlins, trolls, cave crocs, g. toads, g. olms, g. rats, g. moles, gcs, cave spiders, olms, bats,
cave swallow but no g. c. swallow [benign]...
No ogres
And plenty of other creatures that didn't make the cut, when they have the same biome tags...
So any idea?? I was inclined to think maybe it has to do with the benign and savage tags, as in savagery of the biomes, but that alone doesn't explain many of the cases... (and its a pain to check) maybe there's some limit to the creatures they can have access to? or something hard coded? (like the trolls)....