Hmm how does the combat system actually work?
Pretty standard classical Roguelike combat from what I understand of roguelikes (not that I've played many). You walk into a creature, and you hit it with the wielded weapon. It's not as complex as Df in that you can select a certain part of the creature to target, but you yourself are an assemblage of parts that, when wounded will give off negative effects such as slower running when your legs are obliterated or in general a lot of pain.
Of range combat, you hit f and choose a target the menu will also allow you to aim at the ground or choose a path the bullet with fly through as well.
Combat takes turns as per the game's mechanic of turns per action. Speed however dictates who hits more, and by hitting more I mean manually attacking as hitting a creature multiple times with a fast weapon before it can hit back will be don't by continually pushing at the creature. As an example, the favored tactic of encounters with tough opposition is to hide behind a window and allow your opponents to come at you through the window. Since the time needed to crawl through a window is substantial, the player standing behind the window will be able to hit the entity climbing through the window multiple times before they can recover enough time to launch a counterattack of their own.