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Author Topic: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike  (Read 1272885 times)


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4815 on: August 09, 2011, 12:28:10 am »

I was was thinking of doing a wounds system, earlier, but haven't yet. Right now I'm working on adding an electronics store. maybe after that I'll tackle a wounds system.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4816 on: August 09, 2011, 12:51:56 am »

I was was thinking of doing a wounds system, earlier, but haven't yet. Right now I'm working on adding an electronics store. maybe after that I'll tackle a wounds system.

I would love to see a simple system that adds serious damage as the appropriate broken bone condition (broken arm/leg/ribs/jaw/skull) and maybe givens a chance of infection for any untreated wound of yellow or worse.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4817 on: August 09, 2011, 05:25:33 am »

How about a chance of infection on every cutting or piercing damage but not on bashing?


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4818 on: August 09, 2011, 05:32:39 am »

How about a chance of infection on every cutting or piercing damage but not on bashing?
And the next thing I'll mod into this game will be badgers. Lots of them.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4819 on: August 09, 2011, 05:37:49 am »

Blunt force trauma can cause open wounds and infections, it just isn't integral to the effectiveness of it.

One thing I'd like to see is some more variation in the way cities are structured.
For example:

Insignifatown: has a single grocery store, a gas station, 10 houses and a bar. The forests grow right up to the edges of town, and the highway is the only way in or out.

Superopolis: Covers 50 or so general town spaces, with a zombie population in the millions. Everything is abundant, but it is ridiculously dangerous to even leave your house.

These are just two examples, but it would be nice to see both much bigger and much smaller population centres.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4820 on: August 09, 2011, 06:19:50 am »

Since I can not yet dig from my basement to others and create a traped tunnle network that drops zombies down onto a forever burning pit of fire to farm them like a minecrafting whore, I feel let down.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4821 on: August 09, 2011, 06:45:27 am »

Guys, linux is the way. Windows is developers' hell.  :P

You bet, it doesn't even seem to support C99 in any way.

Anyway, update! That's a good thing. I find the nerfing to the MP3 amusing. I'd nerf it a bit further, but increase its total effect duration (getting more or less the same value but over more time). We are having MP3 players that last 30's kind of odd.

Begin rant:
Also, a wound system on the plan? That doesn't sound good. We already have localized damage and pain and I think severed body parts. Why complicate the system needlessly? You don't need to know your left rib is broken, you just need to know your torso HP is low and it's very painful. Do you guys plan on forcing us to a healing menu every so often like in Metal Gear Solid 3, but with the added value of Dwarf Fortress? (Hint: That's not a compliment). Unless Whales sets it up in stone I will refuse such change due to redundancy.
End rant.

@Saurus33, well, it's up to the random generation, but such cities are present already. You can see an example of "insignifatown" in PlumpHelmetPunk's latest video, and superopolises...fairly regularly (big seem to be more common than small). Although an option to define sizes would be sweet.
I often play devil's advocate for the sake of debate. Don't take it personally.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4822 on: August 09, 2011, 08:31:47 am »

Guys, linux is the way. Windows is developers' hell.  :P

You bet, it doesn't even seem to support C99 in any way.

Anyway, update! That's a good thing. I find the nerfing to the MP3 amusing. I'd nerf it a bit further, but increase its total effect duration (getting more or less the same value but over more time). We are having MP3 players that last 30's kind of odd.

Begin rant:
Also, a wound system on the plan? That doesn't sound good. We already have localized damage and pain and I think severed body parts. Why complicate the system needlessly? You don't need to know your left rib is broken, you just need to know your torso HP is low and it's very painful. Do you guys plan on forcing us to a healing menu every so often like in Metal Gear Solid 3, but with the added value of Dwarf Fortress? (Hint: That's not a compliment). Unless Whales sets it up in stone I will refuse such change due to redundancy.
End rant.

@Saurus33, well, it's up to the random generation, but such cities are present already. You can see an example of "insignifatown" in PlumpHelmetPunk's latest video, and superopolises...fairly regularly (big seem to be more common than small). Although an option to define sizes would be sweet.

Tracking each individual zombie hit as a wound would be mind numbing. That said I like the idea that you need to take care of your injuries. So for less severe ones, that's probably some anti-biotics or first aid and then some bandages. When you're dealing with serious (that deep red color) I imagine injuries that impede with more than just pain. Think a about a broken leg. It doesn't matter how any pain killers you arn't running anywhere. Especially not with 100 lbs of gear. Right now you can go from near death (1 torso hp, 1 head hp and a couple of zeros on limbs) to full health with a couple of days of rest and some painkillers. No first aid required. That seems very action hero-ish to me, not very survival-ish.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4823 on: August 09, 2011, 08:32:37 am »

- Different genders start with different clothing (randomized).

I like this change.

I know you are joking, but hey, those items finally get an use like that. I mean, you will end up with cargo pants and trenchcoats or whatever, so at least give use to female clothing at start, because otherwise almost nobody will be using it, even female characters.
Which gives me an idea. How about males getting a random chance to wear "female clothes", as they would be the kind of person who dresses in drag? The chance would be fairly low, though, but still existent.
Perhaps a kind of skirt that has pockets maybe? Might be something to put in the game. And a least wouldn't cripple female characters spawning with a skirt, seeing as they have no storage.
Females should have a high chance to spawn with a hand bag :P. They ALWAYS carry them around haha.
Haha, actual sexism!
It's funny when we make generalisations about a whole group of people! 
(please don't actually start making skirts female-only and giving women a higher chance of handbags, that would just ruin a good game)

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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4824 on: August 09, 2011, 08:33:16 am »

I'm relatively certain that was a joke mate. :P


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4825 on: August 09, 2011, 09:00:13 am »

Wound tracking has been discussed here and elsewhere.  It was my plan to use wounds when I started writing the game, but now I am wholly opposed to them.  As Dalgren says, the HP system is already complicated for a roguelike, using a different HP for each body part.  I think that any wound system would just be an obnoxious complication to the system, and detract from the streamlined combat of roguelikes.  This is a similar situation to when people suggested that individual magazines be reloaded rather than the gun--there's a reason 99% of games do use HP and not a wound system, and it's not because they're uninventive or they're pandering to the Halo-playing crowd.

But as always, nothing changes my mind like a good demo, so if anyone wants to try coding, I'll give it a chance.  Just remember that over-complexifying a game is a great way to make it seriously unfun in the eyes of most players, including myself.
I am planning, of course, to at some point give a significance to low HP in legs, for instance, where it's currently meaningless.  This would be a good place to start for any wound-like system, as it's much more likely that I'll be interested.

Minor bug report, every half hour I get the debug message "health: ########". Unless your health is supposed to be a 7 digit number, I suspect buffer overflow.

Also-Clothes get ripped up way too easily. I mean, what is this, a bad porno?

Very odd, health is a regular (signed) int, shouldn't overflow like that.

Clothes only get ripped up if you're attacked by a monster with cutting damage--like the large claws of fast zombies, or the vicious sting of triffids, both of which would destroy a shirt pretty fast.

Blunt force trauma can cause open wounds and infections, it just isn't integral to the effectiveness of it.

One thing I'd like to see is some more variation in the way cities are structured.
For example:

Insignifatown: has a single grocery store, a gas station, 10 houses and a bar. The forests grow right up to the edges of town, and the highway is the only way in or out.

Superopolis: Covers 50 or so general town spaces, with a zombie population in the millions. Everything is abundant, but it is ridiculously dangerous to even leave your house.

These are just two examples, but it would be nice to see both much bigger and much smaller population centres.

Both these towns can be generated; in fact, towns with just 6-8 houses have cropped up before, and towns that span 400-500 town spaces are generated as well.

Tracking each individual zombie hit as a wound would be mind numbing. That said I like the idea that you need to take care of your injuries. So for less severe ones, that's probably some anti-biotics or first aid and then some bandages. When you're dealing with serious (that deep red color) I imagine injuries that impede with more than just pain. Think a about a broken leg. It doesn't matter how any pain killers you arn't running anywhere. Especially not with 100 lbs of gear. Right now you can go from near death (1 torso hp, 1 head hp and a couple of zeros on limbs) to full health with a couple of days of rest and some painkillers. No first aid required. That seems very action hero-ish to me, not very survival-ish.

Dunno if you've noticed, but there's a lot about this game that's cinematic, and very intentionally so.  Survival action is fun and all, but hitting ^ for 2 in-game weeks so that your broken leg can heal isn't.  I might consider a "hardcore mode" in the future which doesn't permit healing without the appropriate supplies, but for now I think that healing rates are appropriate.
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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4826 on: August 09, 2011, 09:05:01 am »

Most clothes are ripped by climbing through windows.
Getting cut by windowglass will shred your tshirt near instantly.

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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4827 on: August 09, 2011, 09:05:17 am »

Also-Clothes get ripped up way too easily. I mean, what is this, a bad porno?
Concidering all of the blood and corpses, I think it's more of a snuff film.
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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4828 on: August 09, 2011, 09:12:07 am »

I just found out that, at the cost of about 3 moves, you can move a turret 1 tile. To do it, you've got to take advantage of the fact that turrets act the same as other friendly creatures in that they can be displaced. All you have to do is walk in front of the turret, front being the direction you want to go, and walk towards, really "into", the turret, and it will magically teleport to your former square. Now, if you repeat this, then you can move the turret wherever you go!

Now, why 3 moves and not 6? Well, because of diagonals. To move a Turret east when you're standing to its west, go NE, SE, W, and repeat.


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Re: Cataclysm: A Zombie-Survival Roguelike
« Reply #4829 on: August 09, 2011, 09:30:32 am »

I just found out that, at the cost of about 3 moves, you can move a turret 1 tile. To do it, you've got to take advantage of the fact that turrets act the same as other friendly creatures in that they can be displaced. All you have to do is walk in front of the turret, front being the direction you want to go, and walk towards, really "into", the turret, and it will magically teleport to your former square. Now, if you repeat this, then you can move the turret wherever you go!

Now, why 3 moves and not 6? Well, because of diagonals. To move a Turret east when you're standing to its west, go NE, SE, W, and repeat.

Heh, I was wondering how long it'd take for someone to figure this one out.  I'm planning on making it attempt to pick the turret up and convert it back into an inactive item instead (with a Y/N prompt, of course).
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