vote to keep this guy from lieing to more people.
EDIT: Sorry guys, I have to agree with the last poster's review on this game. Loads of hype for pretty much nothing
. All flash no substance.
Edit 2: I gave it another try just because the game cost me money and I honestly am in disbelief of the fact that the creator lied so much about what he was making. He touted it as a hardcore realistic hacking simulator with open world unscripted gameplay as well as other hackers that you could ally with.
His defense is that he HAS given us all this in the following forms.
1: Crappy mouse driven ui, I don't use my keyboard for anything, am only given 2 generic attacks and a crappy firewall button. The "attacks" were supposedly these intense minigames that everyone interpreted as difficult console or kernel hacking simulations that would test our prowess and emulate what a real D dos attack would be like.
What I ended up with was an emp button that prompts a ridiculous little sattelite picture that turns around that I have to click when it alligns properly. I think monkeys throwing their own shit against the wall have a harder time than this "realistic emulation of hacking." on a side not, SINCE WHEN DO HACKERS USE FUCKING EMP SATTELITE ATTACKS??? And you would think that would mess up the entire building but no, it only reduces that single computer's integrity by one. Wow, that is truly a masterpiece of crap there.
And the DDOS "simulation" is even worse. I don't even know how a denial of service attack works, but I think it is somewhere along the lines of forcing various computers to send useless information to a single server at very fast intervals. This evokes thoughts of me accessing many servers all over the world (MUCH LIKE IN UPLINK, THAT PSEUDO REALISTIC HACKING GAME THAT NEVER CALLED ITSELF A SIMULATOR WITH A STRAIGHT FACE.) and bombing it with said information, overloading it and causing the website to crash. How this elminates physical server integrity (according to the most realistic hacking simulator ever, mind you) is beyond me, maybe Romanian hackers are cool like that. The fact is that we don't get that, what we DO get is a very realistic depiction of four sliders, a prompt that tells you what number to put the sliders at, and thats it. Seriously, that is the ddos attack.
Don't even get me started on "hacking" a firewall. Click the big FIREWALL button and away it goes, in a very SUPER realistic manner, prompting you to exit the server because your hack was a complete success! WOW hacking has never been easier!
Sorry about the rant here, but seriously I am quite pissed off! Now on to the second point....
2: the "hardware store" that everyone was hyped about because we thought it would be an uplink spin off with dozens of pieces to make your own terminal, turned out to be a very, VERY shoddy display button with three generic purchasable upgrades, firewall cpu and some other one that boosts integrity. All these do is serve as an arbitrary number so that you know that the higher your number is against theirs, the better you will do. This is so realistic, in real life hackers just push a single button and go into a server, withdraw the money and exit the server without having to eliminate any traces or anything!!! Also, you would think that in a realistic hacking simulator you would either A:) set up the firewall, even in an arbitrary manner, let's say by selecting from a preset series of defence algorithms that may or may not work when attacked in different manners or B: purchase set firewall types, or hell, even a GENERIC firewall that can be levelled up in different ways. But hey, what the hell do I know, I'm no elite hacker right? Oh, and don't even get me started on
You see, last year when I was fucking stupid enough tu purchase this garbage, I purchased it because of a very distinct blurb on the website. "PLAY AGAINST THE AI THAT OTHER OPPONENTS MAKE". In a series of posts on his forums he would inform us that what he would be doing would be take the first 200 pre orderees, and have them stress test the game, and record their information, their log in times, the way they hacked the servers and how the played in general. He would then make "custom A.I opponents" that would be available to team up with against other people, which when I hear it sounds really neat. What we got was, our names, shamelessly posted on the game and the dumb as bricks ai arbitrarily attacks anyone it wants. Wow, really awesome "teamwork faction system that lets me bribe people, or blackmail them into helping me!"
I HATE being lied to, and this guy is a shameless charlatan. I am really ashamed at what he has done, seriously I am ASHAMED for HIM.
Anyways, I'd give it a low score, but I can't really calculate how low it would be, as being lied to directly by the dev for the whole time, and I don't mean peter molenyeux lies, I mean the whole game is something else. Like imagine the new quake comes out right? Oh shit, it's a first person shooter and it'll probably be in the vein of the other ones. Wait no, it's a puzzle bobble clone HAH tricked you, no refunds.
Yeah, that's how I feel, I purchased a quake 5 puzzle bobble clone.