I've got a few problems, which I've largely created myself. First, this game will not start until the first Madness is closed off - partly because beginning to maintain this game will draw me away from finishing that final update indefinitely, but mostly because having two Multiworld Madnesses running at the same time will not do. Which leads into the second problem - I can't let myself leave the final update unfinished, I can not let myself omit any of the things I've planned for it, but the whole thing is bloody long. Which finally leads into the third problem - for increasingly contrived reasons, I am continually unable to work on that update. I've no idea what to do other than to try again and again, but that will take a while, and it annoys me to no end. Not to mention I'm constantly feeling like I'm letting you people down - which may or may not be the way you feel about it, but it's something I promised to do, and being unable to deliver is driving me crazy.
In the idle hours when I'm contemplating why the hell am I not working on that update, I'm also thinking over some variations to the Madness game that I could introduce. While this is entirely my domain as the GM, I'd still like to describe these to you so you could tell me how you'd feel if one of these was included in the (eventual) game.
First, I could do away with intercontinuity. This will mean that any powers you acquire are only yours within the universe they're native to, with a small chance of them actually carrying over and staying with you. Same for equipment - anything you've picked up along the way has a significant chance of disappearing into oblivion. Once it does pass though, it won't be checked again, and will always transcend with you as long as you keep it on your person.
Second, I could introduce scenarios. This means the powers behind the Cube and the whole dimension-hopping business will not simply transport you to the target universe, but will kit you out according to whatever position/profession/class/race(?) is chosen for you, along with any recognition and authority that would come with them. (This would obviously be best used in tandem with the first variant) The more practical upshot of this is I'll be able to include a few universes and scenarios that I'd otherwise avoid - like having you be, say, pirate ship captains, each with your own ship and crew, working together on a common goal. Normally, you'd never be able to get a setup like this.
Third and final, I could let you pick your character's race from the start. This only makes sense, the primary drawback being that enlisted players would have to resubmit their sheets. Choice will be the same - Human, Mii'Ari, Dolean. I'll even throw in some Mii'Ari lore so you know what you can choose for appearance, etc. Might even use "canon" Mii'Ari instead of the genericized "catpeople" I've used in the first game. Obviously, humans would be at a disadvantage, even against the Doleans, so I'll probably allow humans to pick a few starting skills, etc, etc, bla-bla-blalancing. I had the impression race changing wasn't very popular, so I didn't give this one a lot of thought.
If you have an opinion on any of these variants, let it be known! Thinking over new ideas is refreshing for me, and more posts will keep the thread up so I'll be reminded more often. As I've said many times before, Multiworld Madness will live on!