Last alert PM dispensed. Barring their reappearance in the next 24 hours, or RAM answering the ping PM as a higher-position waitlister, Jay Kayell (as himself) and Frelock (as Frederick Barbarossa, a name that doesn't fit him in the slightest considering he's blonde and beardless) will be silently and painlessly (maybe) retcontinuity-ed to always have been being Akhier (as Zarkov Dragonheart) and DreamThorn (as Jac Loscure). Exactly who replaces whom is a good question, since you will retain all skills and added equipment (and wounds). Zarkov seems like a... poor match for Frederick personality-wise, but then Jac is almost worse, and doesn't seem to have the same physique. Plus, Jac already has a name that starts with J, and already has a dagger that he otherwise would not have. So, my proposition is to have Jac replacing JK, and Zarkov replacing Frederick.
If you're alright with this setup, then please post your actions in the game thread. I will start making the turn with the assumption that JK and Frelock don't reappear, but will make provisions to re-retcon them in, should they manage to reclaim their spots in time.
edit: I will roll for the equipment here.
Zarkon has... oh dear. [2][2]. In his locker, Zarkon discovers a papier mache replica of a top hat (and a plastic monocle), plain grey shorts, and bunny slippers. Yep. >_<
Jac has [3][5]. In his locker, Jac discovers hooded black velvet coveralls, black leather boots, black leather belt with black leather pouch, a full body black leather gimp suit... and a squeaky mallet. A small, black, and leathery squeaky mallet.
So, a fail and a minor overshot. Heh. ^_^' Hope you find a clothing shop you can pilfer purchase some decent clothing from soon, Akhier.