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Author Topic: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation  (Read 4341 times)


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BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« on: June 18, 2011, 08:53:42 pm »

I decided to try my hand at a community fort, inspired by SoapLanterns. It'll never be as good as SoapLanterns, but here it goes...


My game is heavily modded. I've added numerous entities, weapons, metals, and industries.

The Story Itself...

The Forest of Heather... that place was known for its beauty. The plants... the animals... even the annoying gorlaks themselves blatantly called out to the Dwarven race. The Great Drunken Queen herself, Goden Sareksazir, believed it to be her duty to send Dwarves there and rectify the issue by, of course, absolutely destroying the local ecosystem and exploit the land to its fullest extent.

I, the cartographer, the renowned Zero Nakislorbam, pulled out a map of the Forest, and showed it to my fellow acquaintances. Mistem, the miner. Lor, the eccentric mason. Rigoth, our excellent ranger who likes apples. Unib, the brewer. Stukos, the head chef, known for his kitten roasts. And of course, Lorbam the hillbilly.

Without further ado, I present to you, the Forest of Heather:

Rigoth especially enjoyed the thought of living in a broadleaf forest. The apple trees that grew there bore her favorite kind of fruit, pick-able by an herbalist. The rest of us also grinned at the thought of untold wealth. The butter-bees of the mirthful forests were known for their distinct liquor, and many merchants--especially those hippy elves--were always eager to buy some.
Things looked good, so we went ahead and packed our things. I grabbed my axe, Mistem got the pick, and the rest of us loaded some meat, seeds, cloth, and other important items into our assigned-yet-rickety wagon. Then, we left the capital embarked on the journey that awaited us.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 03:22:35 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
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A Turn of Events...
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2011, 08:54:13 pm »

1st Granite, 26

What. The. Heck. This isn't right.

"Where are we?" I asked Mistem.
"Zero, you're the cartographer. All I know is that this is obsidian we're standing on."
"But how..."

I was interrupted by a loud creaking sound. I jumped a bit and turned to see the pack animals pulling what was left of the wagon after the wheels had snapped off. The contents were now strewn over the mountainside. I felt both dismayed and horribly embarrassed.

"Well, it seems I have made a slight miscalculation." I said, raising my voice.
"This is not the Forest of Heather. These are... the Dunes of Drilling..."

Regoth spoke first. "I don't see any apple trees around here..."
I replied, "Rigoth, this is a wasteland. This land has not seen water for decades. This soil... it's not normal soil. This used to be a swamp in the age of myth. Now it's dried out by--"
"Zero, look here!" interrupted Mistem.

I reluctantly paused and strode over to mistem. I looked down, almost fainted, and looked back up.
"Mistem... do you know what this means?"
"No Zero.. I don't... but it sure is warm up here."

"Mistem! That's a volcano! There's magma... we don't need fuel to power the forges! We still have hope!"
I turned to Rigoth.
"We might not have apple trees, Rigoth, but we can still start a fort here! Our entire civilization has never been lucky enough to have a forge on a volcano! I don't know what lies under this retched former swamp, but if there are metals we may outlast even the mountainhomes. We can't turn back at this opportunity!"

One by one, each dwarf reluctantly began to agree. Unib the brewer was the only one who still doubted our future.
"Zero," she started. "You say we can live here... but we don't have any water, do we? There's no river in sight! We'll die of thirst!"
"I can settle that!" shouted Mistem.
"There are caverns all over the place. I've even been to one myself. I'm sure there's water down here, but we'll have to pump it up. Zero, you're our mechanic! I'll dig some tunnels to explore and you can design a pump to bring up the water. We can do this!"
"We'll have to butcher the grazers, then..." remarked Stukos, solemnly.
"We'll have enough food to last through the winter, then! Righoth, get around to milking and shearing the sheep and goats. We'll have to butcher them when they get hungry, but that doesn't mean we can't get a bolt or two of cloth out of them."

And thus, our story begins...

People can sign up as dwarves!

These are the dwarves so far:

Spoiler: New Stuff (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 09:28:38 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
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Re: Boltorbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2011, 09:02:05 pm »

So, another community fort. (amirite?)

Can I add it to F.O.R.T.?


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Re: Boltorbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 09:23:57 pm »

So, another community fort. (amirite?)

Can I add it to F.O.R.T.?

Yup, go ahead if you want. This is my first try at a community fort, though. Nothing too special, just a savage wasteland with a lucky volcano and no river. It's a shame I didn't get a sand desert... I modded in giant sandworms. If we catch a GCS we could even capture it and train it to kill enemies... oh well.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Boltorbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2011, 09:29:43 pm »

I wish to be dwarfed. Can I be Lor/Mason?
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


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Re: Boltorbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2011, 09:37:38 pm »

Alright. Turns out you're the only other male dwarf.

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2011, 11:45:28 pm »

18th Slate, 26, Mid-Spring

Camels! Too bad Rigoth forgot the crossbow!

I ordered the dwarves to set up camp on the north side of the volcano, to the east of the magma pipe. Before we can get a military going, we must first establish livable conditions after all! The dwarves first hauled the animals into a makeshift pasture. In reality, it was just a hollow rectangle composed of shoddy pictures of Stukos holding a large machete, but that was enough to keep the livestock from crossing it.

Mistem got to work digging out a future entrance to the fort, but I ordered him to stop and instead dig a lower level near the dirt. He agreed and proceeded to dig a staircase directly into a vein of disgusting bog iron.

After some time, I went down there to check on his progress. He had dug a space for seed storage, but he happened to leave a section roughly two beard-decades by two beard-decades un-mined.

"Mistem... why didn't you mine out that space?"
"Uhh... I really don't know. I was digging, and then--"
"Never mind."

After all the animals were hauled, I ordered Rigoth to begin shearing the sheep and milking the animals. We will have to butcher the animals later, since this place is an inhospitable wasteland, but the more we can get out of the animals before they go, the better. Rigoth immediately complied.
Afterwards, she came back to me telling me that she needed a bucket for the milk! How could I forget such an obvious necessity!? Regardless, we brought some tower cap logs from the mountain-homes, so all I needed to do was get HighEndNoob, our mason and carpenter, to fashion one for Rigoth to use.
Meanwhile, Stukos began to prepare for the inevitable by setting up her butchery next to the animals. I thought I saw one of the goats faint, but I'm not too sure they do that. Bah, what do I know, I just make maps! And pumps.

Anyways, shortly after the butchery was finished, the animals started to search around for something to eat. I was carrying a plump helmet and I'm pretty sure I saw the buffalo giving me a cold-blooded stare. Well, off to the butchery with it!

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2011, 11:47:15 pm »

I have to note: Nice pic of those creature statuses.


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2011, 12:56:25 am »

Heh, thanks.

27th Felsite, 26, Late-Spring

This month was a long and boring month. It was long and boring for a reason, and I knew why.
I had no office. For my entire life I'd been sitting in one drawing pictures of the world, of pumps, of traps and bridges, that kind of stuff. But here, in a barren wasteland with a volcano smack-dab in the middle of it, I've got nothing to do!
I figured I'd need one anyway to organize the place. Every fort needs a manager, a director, a leader to guide the place! I deserved an office!

So, one day I had a meeting with HighEndNoob, the... what did he do again? Oh right, he was the mason. My apologies, I'm two-hundred years old. I've got too many memories in my mind to remember trivial matters such as people's professions.
The meeting took place in an empty room. I had ordered Mistem to hollow it out a while back. During the meeting, Mistem was hacking away at a wall, but I dealt with her noise.

"So, HighEndNoob, I've decided I need you for something very important."
"What is it that you need?"

I was angered by his casual understanding of the situation. Normally, I prefer that others handle leadership. But this time I was in charge, and I was to be heeded!
"I need an office, HighEndNoob."
"An office?"
"Yes, an office."
"And aren't we standing in it right now?"
"Yes, we are. I'd like a table... no three... put over there in the corner. Also, two sets of cabinets would be really nice as well. Finally, two coffers and a chair in addition to a bed must be built."
"And what shall I make these out of?"

...I hadn't thought of that. I looked around, tried to remember Mistem's words, and continued.
Satisfied, I stood up from the floor before sitting back down.
"But make the chair out of orthoclase. It looks... less rough... than poryphry."

After the meeting, I felt refreshed. I could finally do what I had been doing before! In a fit of triumph, I proceeded to declare myself as the manager, record-keeper, broker, and leader of this fort.

Afterwards, I watched Stukos butcher the horse. It was a sad sight, considering that it was our only livestock animal left. Nevertheless, I told Stukos that she did a good job and that the buffalo meat from before tasted really good.

I came back to my office, and gasped in horror and in dismay.

I told him to make an orthoclase throne!

I stamped over to the Mason's workshop and gave him a good lecture on the chain of command, etc.

"HighEndNoob! You made me a poryphry chair! I specifically told you to make it out of orthoclase!"
"Calm down Zero, here's a coffer instead."

As if it mattered, he pointed towards a yellow coffer he had just built.
"No, just no! Hey HighEndNoob, I'll tell you what. I brought some malachite with us on the trip. I really like malachite. The wavy lines on it are just groovy. And you know what my office lacks? A nice statue. I want you to make me a malachite statue, and put it next to my bed. Is that clear?"
"I'll get to it!"

To be honest, he wasn't the brightest dwarf around.


Today, I came to my office to find exactly what i wanted!

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2011, 01:59:06 am »

Looks interesting. Can I be dorfed as the miner, please ?
Have a dwarven day.


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2011, 02:53:05 am »

I'm requesting first migrant with some metalworking skill. Till that - just watching
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2011, 08:32:35 am »

I would like to be the first military-able dorf. Just because i want to see me be torn to pieces, horribly, and it not being MY fault.
Logged!/Gompasta for Dwarf Fortress Tweetspam.


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2011, 03:18:18 pm »

21st Hematite, 26

Spoiler: Summer! (click to show/hide)

It's summer! Aside from admiring his own chest (the stone kind!), HighEndNoob has been caught up in some romance lately with Roctiv, the miner. Good for him!

Anyway, we got migrants today. They brought a rooster and this huge peacock. Both useless, for now.

Spoiler: Big Picture (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Migrants (click to show/hide)

The first of the six walked up to me as I walked over to greet them.
He was the first to speak.
"THIS is your great forest? The stuff of legends?!"
"Now relax... what is your name?"
"I am Dr. Imushustan. I heard about your expedition and I brought my colleagues to settle here in your footsteps... and now look what I followed you to!"
"Relax. I've got it under control. Look to your left."

Dr. Imushustan proceeded to look to his left, and saw it: the magma pipe, dormant, ready to be tapped into.

"Oh my, Zero, you are a man of surprises! Where are the living quarters?"
"... We don't quite have any yet,"
I replied, hoping he wouldn't go down to check and well... see my office.

One of the migrants stepped forward.
"Do you have any weapons here?" he asked. It was Gomwon, the miller.
"Let me see... we have a broad axe for woodcutting, but that's it."
"Then I shall take with it and defend the fortress! Sign me up!"


Peregarett, do you want Atir? She's a novice armorsmith but that's better than nothing. I'm going to have her engrave my office a bit first, though, so that HEN can work on the wall.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 04:27:44 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2011, 04:20:49 pm »

Later on, can I be either a bone carver (bolts) or a swordsdwarf (preferably both, bone carver during breaks, or maybe bone carver later made into a military dwarf)?

EDIT: male, named "katana". Preferably with a liking of either some kinda night creature, adamantine, or some sort of sword.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 04:24:05 pm by katana »


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Re: BoltOrbs - A Tale of a Tragic Miscalculation
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2011, 10:31:57 pm »

Is there any sand on the map?  If so, can I be dwarfed as a glassmaker with a preference for menacing spikes?  Otherwise I'd like to be dwarfed as a mechanic.
Name: Kalban
Thanks! I've loved reading this so far.
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