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Author Topic: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?  (Read 14780 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2011, 07:41:26 am »

Be fair. While I appreciate the work Baughn did as far as graphics go, trying to rebind keys in-game is tormenting yourself.
Well, you've got a point, it's not exactly very smooth. But you only have to do this once. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2011, 03:08:19 am »

YEAH, i made it! :), after hours of editing and reviewing the binds, i found some simple free keys to add HJKL movement keys to DF and it changes very few default keybinds!!! (3 IIRC). For a second i thought it was impossible. Since it was hard to make, i'll leave my current binding file here if anyone is interested in trying it. In this case, if you are using the Lazy Newb Pack, just place the file inside the LNP/Keybinds directory and it will show up at the startup for easy switch between them and the defaults.

I added the the keybind file in the OP.
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2011, 02:58:02 pm »

Just in case anyone found this useful i added a few more keys and detailed the changes i made from the default.
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2012, 08:59:23 am »

Thanks for the hard work. I'm a fan or VI keys in roguelikes and it was driving me crazy trying to learn the uhkm stuff. I'm definitely going to work with your keyset.

Couple of questions, why did you re-bind the select option to space? Seems like enter would be a good enough choice for a touch typist.

Also, according to your list, you bound CTRL+[hjklyubn], but not [hjklyubn] or SHIFT+[hjklyubn]? Is that to not interfere with UHKM when sizing buildings?

Any idea if this will work or cause conflicts with 34.07? I'm using the latest Newb pack.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2012, 01:18:11 pm »

I've not been playing DF for a long time, but i'll try to help you as much as i can...

it was driving me crazy trying to learn the uhkm stuff.
uhkm? I never used those. Last version i played was 31.25, If there were any big changes in the default bindings, it's not going to work
If you mean the ones in the embark, then it's not going to be a problem.

Couple of questions, why did you re-bind the select option to space? Seems like enter would be a good enough choice for a touch typist.
Using only one hand to move  AND select was annoying me, so i delegated the Select option to my left hand :P
i basically used my left hand little finger on my control, moved the cursor with my right hand fingers as usual using hjklyubn and hit space with my left hand thumb.
SPACE can't actually replace ENTER, because of some glitches when typing names or things like that, so the keybind is actually CTRL+SPACE, but that's not a problem (actually it's better) because you already had CTRL pressed for movement..

Also, according to your list, you bound CTRL+[hjklyubn], but not [hjklyubn] or SHIFT+[hjklyubn]? Is that to not interfere with UHKM when sizing buildings?
When i made this keybindings for 31.25, there were only 3 keys that overlapped with the changes, my goal was to keep the keybindings as close as the default as possible.

Any idea if this will work or cause conflicts with 34.07? I'm using the latest Newb pack.

No clue.
The easiest way to check would be comparing the default 31.25 keybindings with 34.07 defaults with diff tool (like diff, WinMerge or whatever)
If 34.07 the default keybindings changed too much, my old keybindings won't work.

You are welcome :D
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 06:56:35 pm by KurzedMetal »
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2012, 12:42:53 pm »

uhkm are used for sizing buildings before placing them. Mostly farm plots and constructions like walls and floors. I'd much rather use the roguelike hjkl keys for that. I'll figure that out. It's weird that resizing the embark zone uses wasd, but resizing a farm plot uses uhkm. Crazy game.

I don't have a big issue with using my pinky to hit enter while using the roguelike keys, but I understand what you mean about the two-hand thing.

I've been working with the latest interface keys for 34.10, mixing in your settings and the lazy newb changes. Still working out some kinks, but I'm getting it. I wish the wiki had a better page for describing the keybind commands, especially the bind:# numbers for ctrl, alt, shift and mouse buttons.

I'm using BeyondCompare for the graphical diff. It's one of the best windows utilities in the world and a steal at $35.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2012, 03:57:11 am »

i moved the secondary selector to alt+up and down mostly for my laptop without numpad
Quote from: Greep on May 08, 2010, 07:55:20 pm
do dwarves move any slower when using the stairs?
Compared to falling? Yes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2013, 05:34:57 pm »

Sorry for the necro, someone may find this useful.

I made the same keybind changes to v34.11, I double-checked that nothing overlap.

Download link: check the OP post

Basically the keys are...
* movement (adding ALT means multiple tiles): CTRL+hjklyubn
* secondary selector (adding ALT means page): CTRL+[]
* z-level: CTRL+,.
* new enter: CTRL+Space (with or without ALT), you can still use Enter
* macros (overlapped): use SHIFT+CTRL+key instead of CTRL+key
* embark positioning (and resizing with SHIFT): wasd (who the hell ever used "umhk")

* Fortress mode only
* I fucked -+/* to make more intuitive and "vi-like" (like "jk" order)

Complete changelog:
Code: [Select]
add new keybinds for "Enter" actions
- add CTRL+Space and CTRL+ALT+Space to all actions using Enter
  in the default keybindings

add new movement keys
- add CTRL+[hjklyubn] for single-tile movement
- add ALT+<keys> and CTRL+ALT+<keys> for multi-tile movement
- add CTRL+[hjklun] for "standard scrolling"
- add CTRL+ALT+[jk] to scroll in lists (STANDARDSCROLL_PAGE(DOWN|UP))

add new keys for embark positioning and sizing
- add [wasd] to move embark (SETUP_LOCAL_(X|Y)_(MUP|MDOWN))
- add [WASD] to resize embark (SETUP_LOCAL_(X|Y)_(UP|DOWN))

add new keys to change z level
- I found them useful in my LatinAmerican layout keyboard, YMMV.
- add CTRL+Comma to lower z level (CURSOR_UP_Z_AUX)
- add CTRL+Period to increase z level (CURSOR_DOWN_Z_AUX)

add new keys to world parameter increase/decrease
- add CTRL+[hl] to decrease/increase

add keys to Secondary Scroll keybinds
- I found brackets useful in my LatinAmerican layout keyboard, YMMV.
- add '[', ']', CTRL+[ and CTRL+] as Secondary Scroll Down and Up
- add CTRL+ALT+[ and CTRL+ALT+] as Secondary Scroll Page Down and Up

change macro management keybinds
- change CTRL+[rpls] to SHIFT+CTRL+[rpls] in

change keybind for Pause
- change D_PAUSE to Backspace
- remove Space from D_PAUSE, now that CTRL+Space is used to Select. It's
  annoying/dangerous leaving using the Space key for anything (it even
  bug string input like when changing a burrow's name or making a note)

change remove work order in manager screen
- change remove work order (MANAGER_REMOVE) from r to CTRL+ALT+r
   to avoid unintentional job deletion

change bindings conflicting with new movement keys
- change CTRL+u to SHIFT+CTRL+u in PREFIX

fix a key ambiguity in SECONDSCROLL_(UP|DOWN)
- "Rightbracket" and "+" is the same key, so I had to group them

change secondary selector up/down/pgup/pgdwn again
- defaults are awful, minus was "down" but it's over the plus key in
   the numpad. plus is "up" but is below the minus key.
- numpad asterisk ("/") was "pgdwn" and
   numpad multiply ("*") was "pgup", but they don't follow same order
   as vi keys "jk"
- the new keys right now is:
   Leftbracket (with or without CTRL) and numpad Plus is "down"
   Rightbracket (with or without CTRL) and numpad Minus is "up"
   CTRL+ALT+Leftbracket and numpad Divide is "pgdwn"
   CTRL+ALT+Rightbracket and numpad Multiply is "pgup"
- It may invert adding/subtracting with Minus/Plus, but
   if you are a good typist, you won't be using them anyways.
   (brackets FTW)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 09:02:14 pm by KurzedMetal »
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".

Lord Snow

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2013, 08:12:32 am »

I started playing with both hands on the keyboard, and i still do mostly. Outside of designations, whats the mouse do anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2013, 11:18:44 am »

Just found this for searching for "vi" like keybindings. This is exactly what I was looking for.

Many thanks :) I hope you keep it updated for the next version.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2013, 07:25:13 pm »

Thanks for the necro. I am going to give these a try. I have a numpad on my personal laptop but not my work one and it annoys me.
I have also been using a lot of VIM for my programming class so this should feel somewhat familiar.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2015, 03:29:38 pm »

Sorry for the necro *AGAIN*, but I still think someone may find this useful.

I made the same keybind changes from previous versions for v40.24, and I double-checked that nothing overlapped.

Download link: check the OP post

Basically the keys are...
* movement (adding ALT means multiple tiles): CTRL+hjklyubn
* secondary scroll keys in some menu (adding ALT jumps a page): CTRL+[]
* z-level: CTRL+,.
* new enter: CTRL+Space (with or without ALT), you can still use Enter
* macros: use SHIFT+CTRL+key instead of CTRL+key (changed to avoid conflicts)
* embark positioning (and resizing with SHIFT): wasd (who the hell ever used "umhk")
* pause: Backspace (since space has other uses now, the default was annoying)
* the rest of the defaults weren't changed, except for pause, secondary scroll keys, and 3 conflicting building keys

* Fortress mode only
* Breaks QuickFort, but can be fixed tweaking its config files (because of the changes to macro and secondary selector keybindings)
   (copy the keybinding file to QuickFort/config/interfaces.txt, and correct the keys in QuickFort/config/keys.json and QuickFort/config/options.txt, check the OP for a copy of my files)
* The new secondary selectors and z-level keybindings are confortable in my
  Latin American keyboard layout, change them if they are uncorfortable for you.
* I replaced the standard "secondary scroll keys" (-+/*) because they weren't "vi"-like,
  I'd recommend getting used to the new keybindings, they are much more friendly anyways.

Complete changelog:
Code: [Select]
add new keybinds for "Enter" actions
- add CTRL+Space and CTRL+ALT+Space to all actions using Enter
  in the default keybindings

change macro management keybinds (avoid conflict with new movement keys)
- change CTRL+[rpls] to SHIFT+CTRL+[rpls] in

add new movement keys
- add CTRL+[hjklyubn] for single-tile movement
- add ALT+<keys> and CTRL+ALT+<keys> for multi-tile movement
- add CTRL+[hjklun] for "standard scrolling"
- add CTRL+ALT+[jk] to scroll in lists (STANDARDSCROLL_PAGE(DOWN|UP))

change bindings conflicting with new movement keys
- change CTRL+u to SHIFT+CTRL+u in PREFIX

possible unresolved conflicts
(pretty sure "A_" prefix means adventure mode)
- A_ATTACK_CONFIRM (ALT+y) with new movement key
- A_FRESHEST_TRACK (ALT+k) with new movement key

add new keys for embark positioning and resizing
- add [wasd] to move embark (SETUP_LOCAL_(X|Y)_(MUP|MDOWN))
- add [WASD] to resize embark (SETUP_LOCAL_(X|Y)_(UP|DOWN))

add new keys to change z level
- I found them useful in my LatinAmerican layout keyboard, YMMV.
- add CTRL+Comma to lower z level (CURSOR_UP_Z_AUX)
- add CTRL+Period to increase z level (CURSOR_DOWN_Z_AUX)

add new keys to world parameter decrease/increase
- add CTRL+[hl] to world parameter decrease/increase

change Pause to Backspace
- change D_PAUSE to Backspace to avoid using it by mistake

change "Remove work order" key in "Manager screen"
- change remove work order (MANAGER_REMOVE) from r to CTRL+ALT+r
   to avoid unintentional job deletion

change keys to Secondary Scroll keybinds
- I found brackets useful in my LatinAmerican layout keyboard, YMMV.
- change '[', ']', CTRL+[ and CTRL+] as Secondary Scroll Down and Up
- change CTRL+ALT+[ and CTRL+ALT+] as Secondary Scroll Page Down and Up
- change default keys "-+/*" to "Numpad (Minus|Plus|Divide|Multiply)"
  to avoid some problems (don't use numpad anyways, use brackets!)

reasoning behind the change of secondary selector up/down/pgup/pgdwn
- defaults are awful:
  * Minus is "down" but it's over the plus key in the numpad
  * Plus is "up" but is below the minus key
  * numpad asterisk is "pgdwn" and numpad multiply is "pgup",
    but they don't follow same order as vi keys "jk"
- the new keys right now is:
  * Leftbracket (with or without CTRL) and numpad Plus is "down"
  * Rightbracket (with or without CTRL) and numpad Minus is "up"
  * CTRL+ALT+Leftbracket and numpad Divide is "pgdwn"
  * CTRL+ALT+Rightbracket and numpad Multiply is "pgup"
- this change invert adding/subtracting with Minus/Plus in numpad,
  but the objective of this keybindings are to not use numpad at all,
  so use the Brackets :)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 09:04:12 pm by KurzedMetal »
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2015, 08:53:33 am »

I always swap "," and "<", and "." and ">". (I move up and down z-levels much more often than I singlestep. And single-stepping is worse to accidentally hit than moving down a z-level.) Other than that I leave things pretty much alone.
The lady the dog the paper the boy writ hit bit knit.

English is weird.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2017, 05:49:29 pm »

Sorry to necro, but: does anyone have a copy of these keybindings? The dropbox links are 404ing.
I'm not sure this was a good idea


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: UI hell: did anyone try to customize keybinds? 'HJKL' keys?
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2017, 06:00:36 pm »

Sorry to necro, but: does anyone have a copy of these keybindings? The dropbox links are 404ing.
The files are still there, but it seems Dropbox doesn't work through their "" domain anymore.

I updated the OP post with the new links.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 06:02:52 pm by KurzedMetal »
Quote from: ARandomGuyOnTheInternet
When 80% of your fans use 3 different external programs simultaneously to play your game comfortably, you might need to stand back and think "Maybe...Maybe I should get around making a UI designed to be used by carbon-based entities, like mammals".
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