Turn 4:Rust on Wheel's"Steve, could you get them to give us one of the vehicles?" Examine the vehicles.
(1) You begin looking over the few vehicles that the army had managed to gather together over the last 3 years, it's a depressing sight. Since gasoline had become increasingly scarce, the army was forced to use alcohol in many of the machines engines, bringing forth tons of problems and damage on the already stressed machines. Bullet holes, claw marks, and burns seem to be the common paint job among them, you doubt that without serious maintenance daily, careful usage, and even then minimal running that any of them could last more then a week without the army's engineer's working on them.
"I'll ask them- hopefully they will grant us one. If they don't, we should go it alone- they likely have too tight a bond with each other to consider us friends. They don't need us."
Negotiate for a vehicle. Any that can carry all five of us will do, even if it's a squeeze.
(2) You begin negotiating and initially they seem to be aggressive at worse and annoyed by the very idea at best. (6) As Henry and Andrea however begin to lose patience their demeanor changes and they decide to give you the officers jeep, not that he's gonna use it anymore.
Go with Steve to protect him just incase diplomacy runs afoul
(3, 6) The five telepaths begin to become agitated so you ready your weapon in case, however it seems that was enough to get them to give up a vehicle.
Andrea nodded. That was the best course of action... but if they didn't want to give one up, she had no problem eliminating the five of them and would probably be the first to open fire if they were denied.
(4,5) You pass the time tossing a small ball of fire off the wall and catching it, it then occurs to you that fire shouldn't bounce and it quickly fizzles out. It did however intimidate the telepath's quite a bit and it seems they have given up one of the better vehicals.
"I dont really want to kill anything human, do your social thing"
(4) You stand passively by.
****Event imminent*****
The collective begins climbing into the two remaining vehicles, and the vehicle bay doors begin sliding open. Smoke wisps under the door, and just as it slides up a foot, the top half of a body slides through and smashes into the back wall. You can hear screaming and gunshots coming from the courtyard. Something metal crashes to the ground, and someone or something roars.
Turns Until Collective Leaves:1
Time: 6:40AM
Weather:Raining.. as always
Status of: Military Base-Chaos, minor fires
Military Base Locations:
-Recreational Area
-Target Range
-Socialization Area
-Officers Quarters
-Personal Quarters
-Taric's Room
-Henry's Room
-Andrea's Room
-Steve's Room
-Alan's Room
-Vechical Storage -Andrea, Steve, Taric, Henry, Alan
-Drill Square
-Entrance/Exit Gates (locked, guarded)
Group Item:
Officer's Jeep- 20/50 L of
Alcohol Mixed PetrolTaric
Left Hand Gone
Not Thirsty
Not Hungry
Not Tired
*Relaxation Outfit*
M4 Rifle 30/30 SA*
1x 5.56 clip 30/30
1/10 Small
1/4 Medium
0/2 Large
Minor TelekenisisAlan
Not Thirsty
Slightly Hungry
Not Tired
*Relaxation Outfit*
M4 Rifle 30/30 SA*
1x 5.56 clip 30/30
1/10 Small
1/4 Medium
0/2 Large
Toxic BodyAndrea
Not Thirsty
Not Hungry
Slightly Tired
*Relaxation Outfit*
12-Gauge Shotgun 6/6*
1x Shotgun Shell Box 30/36
1/10 Small
1/4 Medium
0/2 Large
Thermal AdeptSteve
Not Thirsty
Not Hungry
Not Tired
*Relaxation Outfit*
Colt 10mm 12/12*
1x10mm clips 12/12
0/10 Small
0/4 Medium
0/2 Large
Not Thirsty
Not Hungry
Not Tired
*Relaxation Outfit*
Antique katana*
0/10 Small
0/4 Medium
0/6 Large
Steel-like Muscles