Go to Elven Town, unload ill gotten gains.
[3] You manage to get the goods to town, but only have you ditch the wagon. There's just no way to get that wagon out of the marsh. [5] You also manage to make a contact known as "El Sleazo" who will be happy to purchase the gems, slaves (dwarves), and horse for an additional 500 gold coins. Turns out the gems were all completely flawless. Talk about a rich score.
"You know what, screw this. I've had enough of doing this semi-peacefully."
Go back to town, slowly turn the brains of all the guards to insanity. Then start converting them to my side.
[1] Where did the town go again? ? ? [2] Nope, you have no clue. It couldn't be that bright light off in the distance, that just wouldn't be logical.
"Half of you go back, and protect the camp the other half stay here, and we will kill the guards then raid the town. " Hellbringer said as he drew his sword, and launched athe atack on the guards devouring the souls of all he fall in the battle.
[4] The bandits hear your orders and thirteen of them peel off to return to your cave. [5] [(1-1)x2=0 damage] You hit one of the guards with your sword but they don't seem to even notice underneath that Iron Chainmail
Bandit Rolls: 1, 4(0 damage), 6, 1, 5(10 damage), 6, 1, 6, 2, 6, 1, 1
Guard Rolls: 4(5 damage (bandits have two health)), 4(6 damage), 6, 3(2 damage), 2, 1, 6, 3(2 damage), 6
Back at the cave:
Bandit Rolls: 2, 3(1 damage), 3(2 damage), 4(3 damage), 4(3 damage), 5(4 damage), 2, 6, 6, 6, 5(10 damage), 1, 6, 2, 6, 3(3 damage), 5(2 damage), 2
((For the sake of ease I keep as many full-health guards as possible while also trying to maximize your damage usage while not having the bandits strike more than one target. You brought down 5 dwarves 1+3, 2+2, 4, 10, and 3+3 were the combinations used. I won't be revealing the combinations besides for this time, just this time so you know how I roll.))
Guard Rolls: 6, 6, 6, 5(2 damage), 2
Feed on their souls!
((You have to kill them first, so I'm adding that in and removing your original action. Please don't make me hand hold and just post the actual number of actions needed, in this instance, kill the two gypsies.))
[4] [1 damage] You kill the first Gypsy easy enough, [2] The second manages to evade your attack and start running away however.
See what Poison produces or otherwise does to justify its existence (trade hub, etc). Recruit some stalwart minions to defend Poison and bring down the lich.
[2] Pfft, who cares what this town does, it will do whatever your five-year plan dictates! [4] Your glorious comrades have recruited more people to your cause! (20 worshippers gained)
((For some reason the dice don't want you to know whatever these villages/towns specialize in
"So... you refuse to be turned?" So-zar said, his voice hideous and distorted in his true form. "If you will not be mine... then you consign yourself to madness." He focused on the five remaining, attempting to break their sanity utterly. Failing that, he was still hungry, which wasn't really a shock...
[1] These children. . . THEY RESIST YOU WITH STRENGTH UNLIKE ANY OTHER! [6] They cannot resist your innumerable jaws however and are quickly devoured.
Event Roll: [4] Just outside the village the man connect to nature watches your dogmen as they finish dismantling the town and leave only the building that you are in alone. He is clothed with the skin of a bear and he is just as savage and ferocious, waiting for a chance to strike.
Enemy ActionsGypsy 2: [4] He runs hard and fast and is putting considerable distance between himself and you.
Enemy StatusShaman:
Health: 25 out of 25
Guards 1-5: (At Cave)
Health: 4 of 4
Guards 11-19: (Fighting adwarf)
Health: 4 of 4
Gypsy 2:
Health: 1 of 1
Health: 25 out of 25
Location: Village#3 in the Dread Isles
Status: 0% Hunger
Followers: Claire (wraith), John the Fourteenth (Skeleton), Baron von Bloodsuck (Vampire), 55 Undead Worshippers in Poison in the Dread Isles, 10 Undead Warriors in Poison of the Dread Isles
Health: 25 out of 25
Location: On the road, Marshes of the Wild
Status: 0% Hunger
Followers: 5 Elven Bandits
Holdings: 650 gold coins
Health: 10 out of 25
Location: Wilderness, Plains of Ostar
Health: 25 out of 25
Location: The entrance to Disease in the Dread Isles
Worshippers: 25 Undead Bandits in Disease, a town in the Dread Isles. Armed with Clubs and Daggers. ((17 at cave base, 8 with you.))
Holdings: 15 gold coins, 3 days supplies for your followers, 4 kidnapped undead (3 zombie, 1 skeleton)
Health: 16 out of 25
Location: Wilderness Plains of Ostar.
Health: 25 out of 25
Location: Village#7 Desert of the Makers
Followers: 50 Dog Men Warriors (equipped with Hardened Leather Armor, Red Cloaks, Iron Spears and Iron Shields), Village #7.
25 Dog Men Thieves
5 Snake-Men Children (Enthralled)
Holdings: 4 Large Crates filled with Broken Weapons and Scrap Metal
Cities/Towns/Villages: Village#10 in the Desert of the Makers (unoccupied)
Village#7 (burnt to the ground)
I think Riccto is back now, but if not,
See about a useful area to start a base in town. Recruit a few more followers.