Oh, great! I'm in!
Name: Achutugu-osha
Caste: Blue
Gender: 2
Appearance: Achutugu-osha is a member of the Ddegnish, a species with seven different castes, called by most Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. All are equally important in the raising of a mass of grubs (Ddengi grubs are spawned seven at a time, one from each caste). The Blues are the Protecting caste, who in the grub stage act as the defensive part of the grubmass, spitting acidic compounds at enemies, and in the adult stage protect the grubs from harm. Blues in the adult stage have seven eyes in a bulbous head mass, hair-like antennae clusters on their head, insectoid mouthparts, four legs and two pairs of arms, one for manipulation (dextrarms) and one for fighting (strengarms). Achu has green eyes, a light blue carapace, and yellow antennae. Bhee (the blue pronoun) also has a scar on bhir chest carapace. Bhir gender is 2, roughly equivalent to human female, and bhee doesn't mind being called "she" by two-gendered organisms.
Background: Inexperienced Revolutionary
Starting Implant: 'Juggernaut' Athletic Graft
History (optional): Achutugu-osha's (Achu to bhir friends) grubmass was in an explosion at the factory where bhir Greenparent (The Teaching caste) worked. Achu was the only survivor from bhir family-unit, a rarity because most of the time one grub in a mass cannot survive without all of the others. Bhee did survive, however, and crawled to the nearest organism, a human who had been overseeing the factory. Achu was raised by the human, and was taught the human's philosophy, Discordian (Groucho)Marxism-(John)Lennonism. Bhir belief is that all sentient organisms have a right to do what they want to, unless it infringes on the same rights of others, and that the Illuminati control everything. Fnord.
That's right, a paranoid alien from a species with seven variants and 5 genders. Aw yeah. I could describe everything, but I don't want to because I really don't know what most of them would be, I just wanted to put some really complicated species in for the hell of it.