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Author Topic: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]  (Read 31597 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #135 on: August 07, 2011, 12:58:32 pm »

18th of Hematite, year 105

Now that everything has calmed down since the assault of goblins it was time for Stronghammer to reward the heroes of our fortress. Every guard who took part in the battle was awarded by medallion, called "gold star" for their actions during the combat. Ahra, the leader of archers, was also awarded by title since he reached the milestone of five notable kills. Before the battle he had four kills, and during the invasion he was able to kill two goblins, which takes his kill count to seven notable kills. For this achievement he was given the title "the Glacial Pits". Don't know where Stronghammer draw that title but that's the one Ahra was awarded.

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We have also begun the production of adamantine equipment, which will be a part of the military reorganization, something that has taken long time to get done.

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28th of Hematite, year 105

The annual election of mayor has taken place and the votes has been counted. At the beginning everybody believed that Stronghammer would continue at least another year as mayor but the results of the voting told a different tale. Our bookkeeper, Channellashed, won the election with several votes and so the reign of Stronghammer ended.

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As expected Stronghammer didn't take the results too well but there is nothing he can do about it and so he had to give the position to Channellashed as well as the quarters reserved to mayor.

4th of Malachite, year 105

Even though Stronghammer was stripped from the title of mayor his mandate is still in effect. Or was until this day when the deadline ended, mandate being unfinished. As there was no other way to produce rune metals than in temples one of our priestess was seen guilty and was sentenced to jail for twenty-six days.

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25th of Malachite, year 105

The adamantine equipment are ready and assigned to our melee squad. This takes our military to completely new level as there is no material that beats adamantine in armors and battle axes. Combined with the fact that two of our melee soldiers are legendary in their skills with axe I can't think of anything that could threaten our fortress anymore.

We have also been running out of gold. The construction project takes much more than we initially thought and so more ores need to be mined out. Currently we know of only two sources of native gold; there are several veins in the industry sector and some down in the first cavern. Channellashed wasn't too interested in mining in the caverns so she ordered the veins at the industrial floor to be mined out. This of course breaks the architectural style of the floor but she wasn't too concerned about that. We need that gold and those veins are our best bet.

27th of Malachite, year 105

We got another group of migrants today. Yes, we are treating the newcomers as migrants now as the groups usually contains more than one or two non-prisoners. Seven dwarves arrived, with two priests and one guard. That leaves four criminals in the group. Our population has climbed nearly one hundred and fifty dwarves, which is a lot.

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12th of Galena, year 105

Again goblins are trying to end our existence by siege. As no dwarves were outside the gates Channellashed ordered the lever to be pulled and the entrance to be sealed. Why? Because this time the goblins mean serious business. They have hammerlord, archers, lashers and even trolls this time. There is just no way we can beat them in fair fight so Channellashed decided to turn the fight unfair, to our advantage of course.

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We knew from past experience that trolls aren't the sharpest knives in goblin forces and that they are quite impatient when it comes to battle. But even we didn't expect them to rush towards our gates head first, even when there is actually no way to enter our fortress. But there they were, rushing towards the eastern entrance, just where we wanted them to come so that our archers can launch the deadly cloud of bolts towards them.

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The result of the charge was that two trolls were pinned down, unconscious, and rest of them begun to flee. Stupid trolls.

20th of Galena, year 105

While the archers were dealing with trolls our masons built a temporal wall to block the western entrance. The reason behind this is to control the direction from where the goblins will enter, which would be through the slaughtering zone of our archers. After the wall was built the order was given that every civilian must stay inside and the entrance was opened again.

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While we were waiting for the goblin forces to reach the eastern entrance we saw something that will never be forgotten. It seems that it's not a good idea to have giant toads as mounts if you are going to cross a river. One goblin, apparently some kind of leader, found out as the mount took he right to the river. The result? The goblin drowned. I'm quite sure the goblins heard the laughter coming from our fortress when we were watching the situation.

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The first goblins to actually reach our fortress were the hammerers, led by lasher.

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The only goblin who was actually able to reach our melee soldiers was the master lasher. Oh god, how we hate lashers! Their lashes can rip of limbs so easily and when the wielder has master skills then the danger is real.

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Fortunately our archers were fully aware of the danger, and when our axe soldiers were engaging the goblin one archer decided to give some support, eventually piercing the skull of the goblin by silver bolt, tearing the brain and killing the poor bastard.

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The fall of the great goblin lasher boosted the moral of our soldiers so much that the axe squad decided to enter the real battle, rushing towards the goblins trapped at the entrance by our archers.

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The slaughter was terrible, as goblins had no chance against archers and squad of six dwarves fully equipped with adamantine gear. When the first wave of goblins was rebelled, second wave if we count the poor attempt of trolls, the eastern entrance was covered in bodies, limbs, organs, blood and urine. And how many dwarves were injured during the fight? None! Or at least there was no wounds worth of seeing doctors.

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Channellashed decided to give the heroic soldiers a brief time of rest as the rest of the goblin forces are still far away on the western bank of the river and showing no intention of actually attempting to enter our fortress. And why would that be?

15th of Limestone, year 105

We got fed up with waiting for the goblins to actually come here, so we sent out our archers to kill the lashers. Perhaps the goblins are confused of what to do now that both leaders are dead, one slaughtered by our troop and one drowned in the river?

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At first the goblins shown no interest to our dwarves, even though they shot bolts towards them. Unfortunately one archer decided to venture too close to river, attracting the attention of goblin archers, which finally woke the interest of the whole squad. The goblin lashers begun crossing the river, using their mounts of toads and crocodiles. The poor archer fell to the river and was shot dead by the goblin archers.

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Channellashed was trying to order the archers to pull back but they weren't listening her and so the only option was to send our adamantine squad there to protect our unarmored archers. Fortunately the goblin crossbowers didn't show any interest towards the rest of the squad, probably because they were too far away to be shot.

Unfortunately the luck didn't last long. The battle turned out fierce and bloody, as our axe soldiers were having a hard time in defending the thickheaded archers. Even running out of bolts didn't stop them from fighting, which put everybody in danger. Eventually the goblin siegers were driven off, though the result didn't please anybody; one dead archer, three wounded archers and one wounded axe soldier.

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Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #136 on: August 08, 2011, 12:25:08 pm »

Muhahaha none shall enter the fort on my watch.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #137 on: August 09, 2011, 11:08:49 am »

1st of Sandstone, year 105

The first soldiers have got out from hospital. Most of the injuries weren't bad, for example Ahra only took some cuts on his skin.

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Of course there was this one case of serious injury; cracked skull, broken hand and pierced torso. Doctors are still unsure if this archer will ever leave the hospital. And the risks of infections are quite high, and infection in head is more or less always lethal.

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Lesson of the day: Never rush towards angry goblins if you aren't wearing proper armor!

On happy news we got another group of migrants today. Five prisoners escorted by two guards reached the gates of Evercage today.

13th of Sandstone, year 105

I think I have finally figured out the reasons behind the election of Channellashed. While Stronghammer was trying to make our fortress barony, then county and finally duchy Channellashed decided to head directly towards becoming capital of the kingdom. She claims that it is possible due some old laws regarding adamantine. Basically any fortress can become capital if there is vein of adamantine discovered, proper pays are made and the architectural value of the new capital is better than current capital.

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Of course this plan doesn't suit to Stronghammer as becoming capital makes it impossible to become county and duchy later. So if we, and especially Stronghammer, wants to get the title of duch we must not become capital before, otherwise it will be impossible.

11th of Timber, year 105

It has proven to be impossible to get the corpse of our fallen archer from the bottom of the river. This means no proper burial for the fallen and so we were forced to build a tombstone instead. It saddens me that we can't give the corpse proper burial but this has to do for now, after all we don't want any spirits interfering our lives.

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27th of TImber, year 105

The caravan and liaison from mountain home came yesterday. Stronghammer spent over twenty thousand bucks to buy lots of raw materials, like wood and metal, as well as alcohol, bolts and cages.

The liaison brought us the news have been expecting for some time already; the King wants to make us barony and it was only matter of choosing the right dwarf to become the baron. She was a bit astonished by the fact that Stronghammer wasn't our mayor anymore, and so she took the liberty of nominating him as our baron. Channellashed wasn't too happy with the news as this meant that her reign would end almost as soon as it begun.

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After the liaison left the news of promotion reached Stronghammer. As expected he was quite surprised by the honor bestowed by the King.

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Immediately after receiving the news Stronghammer ordered the proper quarters to be built. The construction has not yet begun though, as the order was given only few hours ago. There is also some tension between the supporters of Channellashed and Stronghammer, mostly due the course we should take from now on. I hope the disagreement doesn't get too bad as it has some potential of causing distress among our ranks.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #138 on: August 09, 2011, 11:13:56 am »

As we have some disagreements between the followers of Channellashed and Stronghammer I would like to members who have claimed a dwarf to state their position in the matter. Do you belong to the followers of Channellashed or Stronghammer or do you by chance want to stay neutral on the matter?

Also, if you want to issue commands for your dwarf regarding the opposite faction just post here or, if you want the order/wish to stay secret from everybody else, PM me. Even assassinations are not out of question, though I will carefully consider those.

Basically the issue is that whether we should head straight towards capital or get to duchy first and then possibly become capital. Becoming capital now would mean even less rights to prisoners, so choose your side carefully.  ;D
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #139 on: August 09, 2011, 12:09:21 pm »

Miner, Karakzon.
wishing for us to become a dutchy before we become capital is my stance when asked, aspecialy in the light of how i become a prisoner.
as such. my dwarf should try find a good place to dig out the barons rooms in person.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #140 on: August 09, 2011, 12:52:56 pm »

Chapter 4 - The Second Reign of Stronghammer

12th of Moonstone, year 105

It has been only two weeks since Stronghammer was promoted to the position of baron when he already issued his first mandate since leaving the position of mayor. Again the mandate was about large gems, three of those this time. We don't have much rough gems left so we just have to hope that our jeweler is able to produce the required large gems in time.

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14th of Moonstone, year 105

One of our dwarves has produced another artifact. It was coat made from rope reed with lots of decorations.

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While there indeed was lots of decorations none of them were images of any sort. The only notable one was made from rune bronze, and the reason why it was notable was the material itself. Someone should have told this dwarf that rune bronze is reserved to satisfy the possible mandates of Stronghammer and should not be used in any other project under any circumstances.

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12th of Opal, year 105

First three floors of the prisoner sleeping tower has been finished. All the rooms has already been assigned basing one the first come first serve. What this means is that those who have been living here longest was assigned the room before everybody else. We estimate that we need two or three floors more at least, it really depends on how the population changes.

15th of Opal, year 105

We are missing just few bars of gold for the cathedral and the only known source for that is the first cavern. So, as we can't just suspend the work, Stronghammer ordered the small section of the wall separating the cavern from stairs to be teared down. Our melee soldiers were assigned to station down there just in case something tries to enter our fortress.

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16th of Opal, year 105

Just right after our soldiers reached the cavern some strange flying beast with multiple limbs appeared. It breathed some strange boiling substance and attack our soldiers. The battle was over quickly even though the beast was able to enter the stairs. Unfortunately one of our soldiers got hurt by the substance, though the seriousness of the injuries is still unknown.

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18th of Opal, year 105

This is terrible! Apparently the substance breathed by the beast has other, nasty, side effects! Over dozen of our dwarves were infected, nearly all of them having skin bruised, sensory nerves damaged and even lost their vision! What's terrible is that Rar, our heroic commander of axe squad, was also infected!

Our doctors are working hard to diagnose the patients to figure out how to cure them, though the hopes are quite dim.

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19th of Opal, year 105

The first patient has been diagnosed and the result and while the report was horrible to read there is a slight hope. It seems that the extract  contained a substance that affects to the body of dwarf, causing every piece of it, including organs and nerves, to get bruised. This means that there is no section in the body of infected dwarf that was not affected. While the bad thing is that there is no way our doctors can treat this problem they say that, unless there is other symptoms caused by the extract, the body should slowly recover by itself. This makes it possible that, even though all of the infected dwarves are basically bedridden, they should be more or less normal condition after the body has recovered.

The bruising effect has also received its own name, called "Timad Syndrome", named after the beast Timad that caused all the pain and horror.

28th of Opal, year 105

Almost every patient affected by Tiamad Syndrome has been released from hospital. So far the only real problems with them are the hideous look caused by heavily bruised body, lack of vision, fewer and numbness in limbs. Otherwise they are capable of work, Rar especially was eager to return training. Our doctors are following them all the time in case something else comes up, but for now we can't do anything else but wait and see.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #141 on: August 09, 2011, 04:09:15 pm »

Soap is a cureall for cleaning forgotten beast extract.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #142 on: August 09, 2011, 04:44:12 pm »

 I take Stronghammer's side in this because he has been nice to the fellow prisoners and most of us were only prisoners because of tax evasion and not paying the axe tax that the stupid king mandated.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #143 on: August 09, 2011, 05:40:27 pm »

stronghammer also nice idea with baron vs king (kinda)
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #144 on: August 09, 2011, 10:04:07 pm »

Soap is a cureall for cleaning forgotten beast extract.

But what if there is no extract left even though the health problems persist? And it's not that the extract left on the ground does anything, or at least no other dwarves have been injured since, but that all the injured ones were trapped inside the cloud caused by breathing attack.

Also, if the eye injuries are permanent as I suspect, there could be a way to cure it with Runesmith. I have already thought out a way to incorporate this hacking to the story if it works. Of course the modding will only affect those dwarves who are not prisoners. Every prisoner who got blinded will stay blinded unless it's just temporal effect. Opinions about this? I was mostly thinking of curing our affected guards this way, especially Rar.

As for the duchy vs. kingdom, currently the public opinion here seems to be that I go with duchy first. Don't expect getting that easy, I have lots of ideas for the story in either way.

Oh, and by the way, don't be surprised if the next entry contains some heavy medical information. I'm currently searching for articles to get some inspiration for the Timad Syndrome...  ;)
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #145 on: August 10, 2011, 12:43:35 pm »

8th of Obsidian, year 105

I was requested in the meeting between Channellashed, Stronghammer and our head doctor Kilik. The topic was, as expected, Timad Syndrome.

It turned out that Kilik has been doing some scientific experiences with the extract beast Timad was breathing. How did he get access to that extract? Well, apparently there still is some of it at the section of the stairs where the final battle took place. This also explains why that section of the fortress was forbidden to everybody.

Now, the good news are that Timad Syndrome is not contagious. The only way to get infected is when the extract gets inside your system, either through breathing, mouth, open wounds or eyes. And, if treated carefully, there is no way those methods can happen without the actual beast breathing the extract towards you. So the small pools of the extract are not dangerous to us unless you touch it with wounded body part or take it and rub it to your face.

Secondly, the extract itself is not dangerous. This was found out when Kilik did some testing with several prisoners who had good health before the test. It seems that the thing that makes the extract dangerous is the allergic reaction it causes. Not all of us are allergic to it, which explains why only handful of dwarves were infected. The allergic reactions include fever, internal bleeding and numbness. The bleeding is what has caused all the bruising and even the lost of vision. And if the dwarf who has already been infected doesn't get affected by another dose of the extract there should be no reasons why their health should get worse. On the other hand it's still unknown if their bodies will ever recover from the bruises.

Now, to the sad things. Basing on the findings Kilik has determined that the losing the vision will most probably be permanent as the optical nerves were damaged and the bleeding inside the eyeball has caused the iris stop working properly. There is nothing our doctors can do to save those eyes. One the other hand, this doesn't mean our dwarves must stay blinded for the rest of their lives. Kilik claimed that one of our doctors, a prisoner called Mirroruttered, is excellent surgeon and that he could be able to replace the eyes with functional ones. The problem is where could we get pair or two of working eyes?

What was suggested next must not be told to anyone outside the four of us. It's even questionable if I should write it in this journal but the way I see it is that the following generations should know about this. The suggestion was that we could use the eyes of elves. Of course we don't have any yet but it's going to be spring soon, and spring has always meant elven caravan and it has became a tradition that no elven merchant must leave this fortress alive. So, if we wait for the next elven caravan, we should have enough working sets of eyes for our blinded guards at least. Blinded prisoners are not so big concern to us, even though Kilik tried to convince Channellashed and Stronghammer that we should try to operate them as well. But our concerns are with the guards right now, and all of this requires that the elves do arrive next spring.

16th of Obsidian, year 105

The decision was made. If we can get two pairs of working eyes from elves both of our blinded guards will be operated. If our doctors are able to get only one pair then it will be Rar who is going to be operated. Even though the decision of using elven eyes can and most probably would be seen as heresy back in mountain home we just can't afford loosing a guard like Rar. If one doesn't understand this way of thinking the he just needs to check the list of kills Rar has done and the reasons should be quite clear; sixteen notable kills, of which eight was done during this year, and ten other kills.

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His skills with the axe are above anything I have ever seen before, and his ability to strike hard and true is legendary. In nutshell we just can't afford to loose someone like him to something so trivial as blindness, especially when we may have means to solve the situation.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 12:15:00 pm by Kipi »
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #146 on: August 10, 2011, 10:44:01 pm »

How's my serial killer doing?
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #147 on: August 11, 2011, 06:16:36 am »




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #148 on: August 11, 2011, 07:07:32 am »

How's my serial killer doing?

You are doing fine. There has been lots of furnace work for you. You also have personal bedroom.

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Strange thing is, you don't have a friend anymore...  ???
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]
« Reply #149 on: August 11, 2011, 07:09:05 am »

Heh, I guess he ditched his imaginary friend once he felt useful. :P

On the topic, how's Yorilda doing? I've sorta fallen behind with the fort, I'll have to go catch up!
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.
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