Version 0.42b
Change: Kill a bird is easiest now (but not easy!)
Change: Continuous water
Change: Game speed can be toggled using "+" and "-" keys
Change: Map generation performance
Change: Spawn of items/livings management performance
Fix: Werepigs and milked cows doesn't turn invisible anymore
Fix: Negative numbers on regular production queue
Fix: Roads menu, bread item description and autoequip command translated to spanish
Modders: <childItem> tags has been changed to <spawn> ones, that also allows you to spawn living entities (IE: A cow, a goblin, ...)
Modders: New <heightMin> and <heightMax> tags on the <change> one. This way you can change the terrain on certain heights
Modders: New <habitatHeightMin> and <habitatHeightMax> tags for living entities and items. This way you can spawn certain objects (IE. reindeers) on certain heights
Version 0.42a
Add: Raise/Lower terrain menu (admin tool atm)
Add: Add/remove water/lava menu (admin tool atm)
Fix: Colored roads doesn't mess up the whole terrain
Balance: Build times and building spawn rates are reduced
Balance: Boots of speed doesn't need snickerite to build it (changed it to goblinite)
Balance: Create flour now only costs 2 wheat
Version 0.42
Add: Priorities panel (F3)
Add: Roads (living entities walk faster here)
Add: Animations for living entities
Add: TTF Font
Add: Heightmap a-la Transport Tycoon
Add: Food values on food items tooltip
Add: Save options
Add: Use of user folder for savegames and options
Add: New special values for map generation (_WATER_1_, _WATER_INF_, LAVA_1_, LAVA_INF_)
Remove: Barracks (now everybody can be a soldier!)
Remove: Transition tiles
Change: Speed of living entities reduced
Change: Stockpile points are removed if you place a zone over it
Change: Turns to build thing on benches changed to 70% if a roof is present
Change: Turns to build thing on benches changed to 85% if the builder is underground
Change: Warning "Sure to exit without save?" panel
Change: Water system uses slopes now
Change: Faster seeds at map generation (so the game starts early)
Fix: Enemies won't try to break opened doors
Fix: Crash when build a building only with doors
Fix: Prefix/suffix percentages are set to 5% again
Fix: Little improvement in the minimap render routine
Fix: Improved a little the save/load game performance
Fix: Item issues when delete the zone under it
Fix: Lag if no mats when build a building
Fix: Draw the roofs/big items (ie. trees) when his base is outside the screen
Fix: Citizens recalculate their path if while they are following it other citizens blocks the path with walls
Fix: Minor graphic glitches
Version 0.40.2
Change: Transition tiles disabled by default
Fix: Unifallows now correctly respawns as milkable
Fix: Unifallows can now be butchered for raw steak and for bones
Version 0.40.1
Fix: Cow farm now produces cows!
Fix: Buildings never built if the builder begins to sleep/eat after place all materials on it
Fix: Graphic glitch with directional animals (cow, pig, badger, skootenbeeten and unifallow)
Fix: APS now works with living entities (IE. milk a cow)
Version 0.40
Add: Content (enemies, items, terrain types)
Add: Transition tiles
Add: Height!
Add: Directions for livings
Add: Grid feature
Add: Grid, pause and settings icons on the UI
Add: Doors can be opened/locked/unlocked
Add: <speedUpPCT> tag to items. This tag can speed up (or down) the production time
Add: Max age for enemies and some can spawn into other living entity when they die this way
Add: Military items tooltips with information about the stats
Change: <move> tag to queues can now be used with multiple targets (like the <pick> tag)
Change: After placing a wall, citizens search for an area with other citizens (to not get stuck on a non-door building/wall)
Change: APS now looks at benches + items to know how many tasks create in paralel
Change: Subdivisions on menus
Change: Some item types changed
Change: Sieges are less deadly
Change: Removed the wall needed on all four sides when creating a zone
Change: Zones that have a roof speed up item production
Change: Roofs add happiness to citizens
Fix: Citizens getting stuck with some containers if you played with the enable/disable feature
Fix: Citizens searching the best food on the whole map and not pick the best one from containers/stockpiles
Fix: APS issue with multi<pick> tasks (like the mountain stew)
Fix: Locked items placed under a ladder no longer locks the ladder
Fix: Crash when you use the mouse wheel on main menu
Fix: Minor bug fixes and some perfomance improvements
Version 0.39.2
Add: Red/green pre-requisites when right click over a building
Add: System to add more textures dinamically
Fix: Lag when build a building and other citizens are over it
Fix: Camel/cow now return to his previous state after you milk it
Fix: Container issues
Version 0.39.1
- Balance: Wheat is produced faster
- Change: Some icons from menus have been moved
- Fix: Ogre club and fine ogre club graphic
- Fix: Harvest command on the bottom menu now also harvests cactus plants
- Fix: Autoequip when items are on containers
- Fix: Bug that caused food from containers to only be eaten by one citizen
- Fix: Buildings show the correct prerequisites for "living" when only those are left
Version 0.39
- Add: Autoequip!
- Add: Content!
- Add: Containers!
- Add: Possibility to expand zones (avoiding the boring squared zones)
- Add: Stock number on the APS
- Add: Different maps
- Add: Habitat for living entities
- Add: Value, fill percentage and eat time for every food item
- Add: Citizens can now pick and use living entities (i.e. a pig)
- Add: Buildings with living prerequisites and descriptions
- Add: Action queues now can create new friendlies
- Change: Siege message (informing that the game has been paused)
- Change: Citizens won't run to the hospital if they are fighting
- Change: Doors don't have a roof assigned (so you can make a wooden building with a bone door and the roof will appear)
- Change: Removed the hardcoded "type=military" from military items
- Fix: APS now checks for carrying items to control the stock
- Fix: APS now doesn't take into consideration locked items (so walls, trees and so on can be placed there)
- Fix: APS doesn't put all tasks at the same time on the task queue (performance improvement)
- Fix: Synchronization crash
- Fix: Building issue with citizens on different areas (IE. citizens on both sides of the river and no path between them)
- Fix: Stuck friendlies over a hole with a ladder
- Fix: Minor fixes and improvements
Version 0.38.1
- Remove: Feather and badger fur
- Fix: "attackTurns" of creatures are not well loaded (now they attack faster... a LOT faster)
- Fix: Crash when you load a game and try to fight a ranged criature
- Fix: Graphic glitches
Version 0.38
- Add: Production panel (can be opened hitting F2 or the big center icon)
- Add: Content and art!
- Add: Game save without exit
- Add: Option to full enable or disable a stockpile
- Change: Direct tasks can be ordered while in pause (IE: Create or change a stockpile)
- Change: 1 level roofs
- Fix: Crash generating really BIG roofs
- Fix: Synchronization issue cause the game crash
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.37
- Add: New user interface!
- Add: Roofs (Can be hidden with TAB key)
- Add: Doors (Needed in order to place roofs)
- Add: New monsters
- Add: Next/previous soldier feature
- Change: Immigrant arrival calculations
- Change: Improved the task manager, allowing smarter citizens
- Change: Fluid funtionality
- Change: Cave generation
- Fix: Synchronization issue with custom tasks that sometimes caused a game to crash
- Fix: Issue with building in a row (IE. walls) when items were already built
- Fix: Issue spliting big context menus
- Fix: Unequip various items while in pause doesn't delete the first ones
- Fix: Spiderite bow prerequisites
- Fix: Changing the language doesn't maintain some words of the previous one
- Fix: Zones over a hole are not allowed
- Fix: Full prerequisites check when an item&place order it's performed
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and big performance improvements
Version 0.36
- Add: Option to deactivate the mouse scroll
- Add: Option to toggle full-screen mode (using F11 or in the main menu)
- Change: LWJGL updated to 2.8.2
- Fix: Nasty bug in the LOS (Line Of Sight) funtion that is causing blind enemies and citizens when they fight
- Fix: Duplicate items glitch when the destination point of a built item is inaccesible
- Fix: Bushes can no longer spawn inside a custom zone
- Fix: The chop sound while being underground has been taken out
- Fix: Citizens begins eat or sleep while doing a custom task (chop, build a wall, ...)
- Fix: Walls placed on dungeons doesn't split areas correctly. This may citizens to get stuck
- Fix: Wrong stockpile IDs when loading a game
Version 0.35
- Balance: Happiness
- Add: Connector tiles (I.E. Walls)
- Add: Custom zones/buildings
- Add: Custom queues to build items
- Add: Language options on main menu
- Add: Cancel custom actions
- Add: Cycle through citizens ('W' and 'E' keys or with menu)
- Add: Mouse to move the camera and mouse wheel to move the z-level
- Add: Tooltip with the prerequisites of each item in the menu
- Add: Date and time of error.log file
- Add: Towns icon
- Add: Resizable window
- Add: Custom mouse cursor
- Add: Towns executable (Windows only)
- Change: Citizens donīt get stuck on walls
- Fix: Entities doenīt die if you build a wall over them
- FIx: Custom actions on entities (i.e. kill a pig) works even if the entity moves before you click on the order
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and performance tuning
Version 0.30
- Balance: Walls are now built in the masonry (with 2 stones)
- Balance: The arrival of immmigrants is checked every 3 in-game hours (instead of every in-game day)
- Balance: When a citizen (or soldier) dies. The global happiness is reduced by 20%
- Add: Custom actions engine
- Add: Animation engine
- Add: Random drop engine
- Add: Ranged weapons engine
- Add: Buildings now can have an automatic mode turned on (non-stop production mode)
- Add: Buildings can be forced to be built over certain terrains (ie. wheat farm over grass, mineshaft over stone,iron,coal,...)
- Add: Buildings can have non-rectangular shapes, and the entrace may be placed elsewhere
- Add: Hide buildings when hold [CONTROL] key
- Add: Engine prepared for friendly units (ie. A cow)
- Add: Current mission objective status is shown in the objectives panel (F1)
- Add: Infinitive verbs when attacking
- Add: A lot of content!
- Add: Drop for friendlies and citizens
- Add: Random prefixes and suffixes to military items when droped by an enemy
- Add: Repeat tasks when hold [SHIFT] key
- Change: All non-operative items will show the red-cross mark (ie. A bed built but not placed in destination)
- Change: Citizens now ends his tasks before they go to eat or sleep
- Change: If a citizen is carrying an item, he drops it before they go to eat or sleep
- Change: A wall (item) can be used as a room wall
- Change: Rooms can be built outside
- Fix: Improved the fluids routine (reducing CPU time to a half)
- Fix: Row-building mode fixed (walls)
- Fix: Returning to main menu could crash the game in some cases
- Fix: Removed the Windows end-of-line character from the Linux launchers
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.25
- Add: Campaign mode
- Add: Main menu options
- Add: Moddable dungeon generation
- Add: A mill, flour, new tree
- Change: Added [BLANKLINE] code to menu.xml
- Change: .xml generators cleaned (using "dice" function instead of varMin and varMax)
- Change: New folder for graphics
- Change: Separated textures for buildings, living entities and items
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 0.24
- Add: Alternative graphics system for living entities
- Change: Assured males AND females in every world
- Change: Same starting point for all citizens
- Fix: Crash when right click on a room with dead owner
Version 0.23
- Add: Working chairs (used in dinning room)
- Add: Beds
- Add: Walls
- Add: Row building system (used to build walls)
- Add: Happiness value to items
- Change: Happiness formula
- Change: Improved the main menu config file, concerning items and buildings multilanguage.
Version 0.22
- Add: Current Mining/Digging/Chopping orders are painted
- Add: New "Cancel order" command under the "Orders" menu
- Change: Improved citizen task manager
- Fix: "Item & place" menu now works properly with already built items (thanks to SirHoder)
- Fix: Duplicated tasks are not created (ie. Mining twice in the same cell)
- Fix: Crash trying to build an item NOT defined in the corresponding file (thanks to SirHoder)
- Fix: Stuck citizens trying to build an item when prerequisites are not accesible
Version 0.21
- Add: Music & sounds
- Add: FPS parameters in config file (towns.ini)
- Change: Improved minimap render routine (pregenerated textures, reducing to a half the current CPU time)
- Fix: Static "child" items (ie. bushes) no longer born into stockpiles
- Fix: Big items/buildings are now displayed even if first cell it's outside the main area
- Fix: Crash when equip/unequip soldiers (thanks to Belzebuit)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and some general performance
Version 0.20
- Add: Full moddable enemies
- Add: Full moddable items
- Add: Moddable map generator
- Add: Sieges!
- Change: Items in a wrong stockpile are hauled
- Change: Citizens doesn't haul items if exists enemies around the item
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.19
- Balance: Bakeries build 3 breads (instead of 4) with 2 wheats
- Balance: Citizens doesn't eat faster in a dining room
- Add: Left click outside a contextual menu closes it
- Add: "Items" menu. You can build items without specify a building neither a place where to put them
- Add: Happiness
- Add: Personal rooms. Citizens go there to sleep.
- Add: Eat in a dining room improves the citizen happiness
- Add: Sleep in a personal room improves the citizen happiness
- Add: Immigrants (they come if there are personal rooms available and overall happiness it's good)
- Change: Trees only generate bushes if there are less than 3 around
- Change: Prerequisites for a room (2 cells wide, 6 cells minimum and, at least, a wall in each side)
- Fix: Little issue dropping big items (more than 1x1)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.18
- Add: Main menu
- Add: Moddable items
- Add: Moddable terrain (terrain.xml)
- Add: Full moddable buildings
- Add: Enemies can drop items (moddable)
- Change: Fast bushes grow rate
- Fix: Rendering routine (now buildings are not overlapped with blocks)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.17
- Balance: Citizens have a little less hungry (again)
- Balance: Bakeries build 4 breads (instead of 1) with 2 wheats
- Balance: Raw material drop rate when a cell it's mined (more coal/iron, less mud)
- Balance: One game turn now it's equivalent to 30 seconds (instead of 60)
- Add: Bridges (can be built in masonry with 2 stones)
- Add: Rooms!
- Add: Dining room (citizens eat faster there)
- Add: Hospital (citizens with 1/3 of life go there)
- Add: "Infravision" removed (living entities can no longer see through walls)
- Add: Moddable LOS to living entities (citizens, enemies)
- Change: Pathfinding now gives more value to Z-level
- Fix: Deleting a task in a building now works properly
- Fix: Performance improvements (hangs when you discover new caves)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
Version 0.16
- Add: Soldiers
- Add: Barracks (each one allows you to convert 5 civilians into soldiers)
- Add: More info in the upper bar (level/civilians/soldiers, day/month/year)
- Add: "Room style" dungeons
- Add: Goblins and Goblin leaders
- Change: Wheat farms can't be built underground
- Change: Builders wait until cells are free to finish the building (avoiding stoned citizens)
- Change: Number of messages in message panel was raised to 1024 (from 128)
- Fix: The hole tile in digged terrains isn't drawed if terrain has fluids
Version 0.15
- Balance: Citizens are now less hungry
- Add: White border to tooltip
- Add: Coal and iron
- Add: Forge
- Add: Wooden armor, pants, boots and sword
- Add: Iron helmet, armor, pants, boots and sword
- Add: Full moddable military items
- Add: Citizens can wear/wear off items
- Add: Weared items are shown
- Add: Big texts are resized in menu
- Add: Now you can build items with the building contextual menu
- Add: Save/Load now operate with compressed files (about 15-1 compression)
- Change: Map depth raised (from 4 to
- Change: FPS capped to 60
- Change: Improved minimap render routine (glVertexArrays)
- Change: Improved the A* zone reset (no more hangs when you build/remove stairs and buildings)
Version 0.14
- Balance: Wheat farms produces wheat more slowly
- Balance: Weaker citizens
- Added white border to menus and panels
- Added dice engine (ex: 4d8+5,3d6)
- Added colors to messages
- Added multilanguage (Spanish)
- Added a new pile (military)
- Added first military item (Wooden helmet) (not in-game equippable yet)
- Add: Messages are now saved
- Changed the task manager. Item building tasks (furniture, food, ...) are more important than other tasks
- Changed the font tileset
- Change: Spider graphics
- Change: Item types are now obtained from items.xml (file types.xml was removed)
Version 0.13
- Changed the "unknown" tile image
- Changed all clay references to mud
- Added females
- Added names, surnames, nicks and gender to citizens
- Added tooltips
- Added the "mine" command to the contextual menu
- Added the keyboard shortcuts to all menus
- Added enemies engine
- Added spiders and giant spiders
- Added combat engine
- Added the current level number at the top-left of screen
- Added red arrow marks indicating if the upper or lower level contains a stair
- Added messages panel full screen mode
Version 0.12
- Sleep time at the beggining of the game changed a little to avoid mass sleep
- Grass cells now doesn't drop clay at 100%
- Stone cells now doesn't drop stone (raw) at 100%
- Added more CPU time to A* search (reducing the pathfinding time)
- Hungry citizens now search food wiser
- If width/height declared in towns.ini match with desktop resolution, full_screen it's set to 'true' automatically
- Added depth to river
- Cells with fluids are shown when you discover a new level
- Added dungeons (no monsters and no items yet)
- Added an error log file (error.log in main folder)
Version 0.11
- Citizens can starve to death
- Hungry citizens now doesn't run to the same food source like crazy kids
- Wheat farm automatically create wheat every predefined time
- Bakery can create bread
- Loading the game now doesn't duplicate items
- Citizens now try to not stay inside a building during it's construction (this avoid being stoned)
- When a citizen needs an item now it search it in the nearest stockpile
- Small bugs fixed
Version 0.10
External changes:
- Citizens can eat.
- Citizens can sleep.
- Items carried by citizens are now painted.
- Smoth scroll just pressing the arrow keys.
- Items added: chair, table, bread, wheat
- Buildings added: Bakery, Wheat farm
- Citizens can haul any kind of item (not only raw materials)
- Stockpiles can't share same cell
- Bushes can now be chopped (but no wood obtained)
Internal changes:
- Simplified item structure
- Task manager optimized (fast item access)
- A* improved (fast stair access)