Also, it's really depressing when they can program machines to read faces better than you can.
Like I said, this thing would only be able to read faces better than people who can't really read faces at all, and with virtually no subtlety.
I believe that this is the depressing bit. The machine is not particularly good at the task, and in fact especially unable to detect anything but the most blatant facial cues[1], and yet 'you' (generic) still find that 'your' (ditto) innate human response[2] is far worse than this ramshackle, jury-rigged, Heath Robinson/Rube-Goldberg/Storm Peterson/Chindoku image-processing device which should by all rights have its pattern recognition algorithms be beaten hands down by any half-decent chunk of human wetware. Or even that possessed by human-habituated canine/feline/porcine/etc creatures...
As an equivalence, there's no shame (sons of Krypton aside) when you can't go faster than a speeding locomotive without some appropriate mechanical assistance, but when your walking pace is slower than a Honda P4 pre-Asimo walking robot[3] you're inevitably going to note that (for one reason or another) you aren't particularly good at something that most humans have absolutely no difficulty with.
Personally, I'm sure that I'm not brilliant at facial expressions, but I get caught up so much with forgetting who people are (or at least the names I should associate with them, but I've also been known to wonder if my own dad sports a moustache or not[4]) that I have other things to concern me. And, actually, a facial recognition system[5] (as opposed to the more sophisticated expression recognition systems) would be a nice thing to tie into some sort of readout in a glasses-based HUD.
[1] As per the bit I just snipped, but probably should have left in.
[2] Which is supposed to be both pre-programmed by an extensively ancestrally trialled pre-processing neural net template that has also been through (potentially) several decades of a pretty vigorous and fairly continuous training regime.
[3] Making the distinction because while personally I can walk as fast as a 2005-version Asimo can run, the Asimos are between 1/2 and 2/3 my height, so scale comes into play. There can't be more than half a head difference between me and the best of the P-series, which I could beat in a 100 yard dash even if I took time to do a Minister Of Silly Walks impression (with spins and reversals) on the way down the track.
[4] He does. I think. I'm pretty sure about that, but now I mention it, I have a niggling doubt.