I don't think this is the real apocalypse. Just tried out the demo, and it's nothing how I imagined Forever would truly be.
It could be the apocalypse for the gaming industry though, considering one of the most anticipated vaporware becomes a disappointment when finally released; and then let the news media make tons of reports of teens gaining "easy access to adult material via this game" despite it's obvious warning, ignoring the fact that the internet is even easier in that regard.
I think I'll go read a book.
Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme a measure. I think I'll just play the classics though; wash the memory out of my mind.
Actually, I had high hopes when I watched the intro. It actually looked promising with how well it reenacted the old scenarios from the original 3D game, leading up to this one. And then I played it, and it lost it's charm the intro carried.
Even the final boss fight from 3D which the first level in the demo reenacted, seemed far too easy, compared to 3D where you had numerous enemies, a blimp which you could destroy packed to the brim with ammo and weapons, cheerleaders rooting for you, and just about every weapon at your disposal to duke it out against that guy; and it was actually a challenge for what it was worth despite a godlike arsenal against it; even more fun when dukeing it out above "Come Get Some" difficulty.
Took more devastator rounds in that version to kill it than what the demo used. It's also a shame that you can't take down heavy machinery with a pistol anymore. Duke was hardcore like that in the past. Nowadays, he'd might as well pack an Airsoft pistol.