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Author Topic: RTD - Exorcists![turn 6] I SHALL SMITE THEE!  (Read 8110 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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RTD - Exorcists![turn 6] I SHALL SMITE THEE!
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:50:24 am »

Welcome to this rtd!
Here is the intro!
1450 first recorded date of the first Demon attacks ever, those attacks were first lesser but more and more came in and destroyed everything they saw. Quickly the first demon Invasion was formed and the great nation of Astares was under great threat, so they defended themselves with great loss. The final battle under the royal family castle was the deciding battle as the great demon prince  himself led the assault, many men perished there and the battle looked like lost...... Until Morgan Draigon himself slayed the prince in a duel, Morgan however couldn't do it without his strong belief in god. Just as Morgan was laying heavly injured on the ground his battlehammer started glowing, with all his strenght and faith he made a swing at the prince. with 1 swing he slayed the prince with an agonizing shriek of pain the demon fell down and turned into dust while Morgan was making his final breaths. After the battle the royal family created the Order of Excorcists , an special order that was specially trained into demon slayers. Decades passed without any major battles but things are starting to look grim now... that is in the 21st century..

In this RTD, you have two action types; Free Actions and Standard Actions. You can perform as many Free Actions as you like (within reason) and there are no rolls involved; you just succeed (or fail if it's impossible). Free Actions include (but are not limited to) communicating, moving around, picking things up, dropping things and so on.

Standard Actions are the meat of RTD; you may perform one Standard Action per turn and they require a roll to see how well you do, the rolls are as follows;

0 - Epic Fail. You're probably dead, and you might have taken somone else with you. Only achievable with a penalty.
1 - big fail. That didn't work, and you just made things worse as well!
2 - Normal Fail. That didn't work, try againand would you not try to kill yourself?
3 - lesser Fail! That didn;t workt try again.
4 - Comfortable Success. You did what you wanted to and you learned a little bit in the process (+1 skillpoint).
5 - Great Success. Excellent! Not only did you succeed, but you did even better than you expected to! (+1 skillpoint)
6 - Incredible Success. You went above and beyond the call of duty and did something truely superhuman. The earth trembles at your approach. (+2 skillpoints)
7 - Epic Success. The laws of physics hold no power over you! The best possible outcome occurs, and you're loving it. (+2 skillpoints) Only achievable with a bonus.
8 - Overshot. Whoops, you went a wee bit too far. The result is definitely what you wanted to, but with some unintentional side-effects; like you targeted the enemy cultist and blew up the entire city. (+3 skillpoints) Only achievable with a big bonus.

Anything below 0 or above 8 is treated as a 0 or 8 respectively.

You can get bonuses from many sources, including magical buffs, skill training (see below), good equipment and random circumstance.

Skills are another part of RTD; Skills can be anything, if you focus on it you can become skilled in opening doors. There's no list of skills and the only way to see if you can learn a skill is to try it.

Skills have 12 levels, each level requires more XP than the previous level.

Dabbling - 1
Novice - 2 (+1 bonus if the die rolls a natural 1)
Competant - 4 (Static +1 to all rolls)
Skilled - 7 (Static +1 to all rolls, successes are improved.)
Adept - 11 (Static +1 to all rolls, extra +1 if the dice rolls a natural 1, successes are improved.)
Talented - 16 (Static +2 to all rolls, successes are improved)
Professional - 22 (Static +2 to all rolls, successes are greatly improved.)
Expert - 29 (You may choose to take a +1, +2 or +3 bonus to your rolls, successes are greatly improved.)
Master - 37 (You may choose to take a +1, +2 or +3 bonus to your rolls, successes are substantially improved.)
High Master - 46 (Static +3 bonus to all rolls, successes are substantially improved. You cannot Overshoot.)
Grand Master - 56 (Static +4 bonus to all rolls, successes are massively improved. You may choose to Overshoot, or not.)
Ledgendary - 75 (You choose which number you roll from 0 to 8.)

You get bonuses at different skill levels as well. Note that each bonus replaces any previous bonuses.

WEWNDS! Invariably you will meet people who are not very nice and who will try to hurt you, and whom you will try to hurt. You will be engaged in conflict and some of you will be hurt. These are the wound levels;

Lightly Wounded - Don't worry about it. You'll recover with a short rest and take no penalites. Just try not to get hit again.
Moderately Wounded - Ow. You take a -1 penalty to any rolls you make with this body part and may suffer some extra penalties if the part is important (like your brain). You'll heal after you take a fairly long rest.
Broken - Aaah! -2 penalty to any rolls made with this body part. Can only apply to brittle parts (like bones). Worse still, this will not heal by itself; you're going to need medical attention!
Mangled - Damaged beyond recognition. You'll be copping at least a -3 penalty to anything you try and use with this limb, and will probably be suffering a butt-ton of extra effects. Like Broken, this will not heal by itself.
Lopped Off - It's gone! Holy hell it's gone! You can't do anything that requires this part, and if it's an important part (like, say, your head) you are now dead. Worse still this cannot be healed by mundane means, and will require at least an Incredible success to fix!

There are also a number of status effects which may vary from time to time, i'll explain each effect when it turns up.

For Fighting, i first roll to see if you are successful in making your attack, the enemy then gets a roll to see if he dodges, if he doesn't, i make a third roll to see how much damage you do.


Character Creation!

Name: Blanco
Age: 15 to 45 ( Keep within that age or if you really want older or younger discuss with me because i don't want to have either a 3 year old baby or a 100 year old man)
Characteristics: ( Hair color,eye, skin color, facial traits etc.)
Gender: Man or Woman NOT BOTH
 and thats all for the start....
also Note : the nun( Healerish) class which you can choose later on allows only GIRLS and the paladin( warriorish) class only MALES


Khan Rahl (Kilakan)
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Cecil Hollands (NightS)
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Oswald Greenmoore (Dwarmin)
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Frederick TeVoert (Frelock)
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Gaius O'Hara (Riccto)
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Waiting list

1 thing if you want to be in the waiting list just say it don't make a character right away as i will have a hard time finding it.

Rest of the information

Turns will be made weekly or faster if possible but if you think that im slacking off PM me or bump this! And if you're going on a vacation or something please tell me so i can put your character on a freeze and if its a long period let an other player in! Inactivity! When you don't make any post for 2 or 3 turns then you will be modkilled in a shitty way and the next player will be let in.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 04:06:27 pm by Jetsquirrel »


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [4 slots open!!!]
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 10:05:02 am »

 !<Friend Slot>!
Name: Evan Lake
Age  : 24

    - Hair: Blonde
    - Eye: Blue
    - Skin: Caucasian
    - Build: Normal build, Trained Muscle, Normal Size, Just a bit overwieght due to Bodybuild.
    - Facial: 5 o' clock beard, regular hair length.
    - Gender: Male

Bio:                                                -UNDER CONTINIUAL CONSTRUCTION-

- Birth Date:     May 30th, exact year is not avaible due to reasons explained later.
- Earlier Job(s): Experienced Warrior in the General Army.
- Current Job:   -
- Study:          Major School - Unfinished
                     Wariors School - Finished

Due to the bad Studies, Evan Lake is a great tactician.
He knows about almost everything he needs to know.
Survival - The thing he needed most was the skill to survive, with no schooling and not a single bit of knowledge, Evan made his way to 'Defense-Tactic-Warlord'. After he graduated and was about to be sent to hunt for the fiends of the unknown, he got terribly injured..
His team - which was about 7 men big - all died, except Evan..He survived and made his way back.
After what he saw, he immidiatly quitted his job..Ofcourse after he got his vital medication! (which was surely needed!) and started Studying.

At this moment he almost finished his studie, and is about to start all over, a fresh new line..

« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 01:30:37 pm by TurboTurtle »
Grey Knights, Grey knights, whatchu gonna do? watchu gonna do when we come for u?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [4 slots open!!!]
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 11:06:01 am »

The brave Friar who battled evil in a age long forgotten had but one descendant left in the 21st century...

Name: Oswald Greenmoore
Age: 26
Characteristics: large build, heavy set-linebacker type. Prefers a full, nicely groomed beard. Brown hair and eyes. Recent events have strained his will somewhat, and it is showing.
Gender: Man
Bio: Oswald is the last in a long line of family Demon hunters-his line stretches far back, even further than the Order itself...but in these days, he's the last one left. Their numbers have steadily dwindled as they sold their lives dearly to aid the cause. His middle brother, torn to shreds by werewolves in Conneticut...his youngest sister, lost to Vampires while fighting in Nepal...his grandfather, cut down by a cultist assassin in his sleep. No one will say they have not bled for the cause.

Oswald was the odd one of the bunch-he broke off early and joined the order of Exorcists, against the wishes of his siblings and parents. He argued they would better battle evil gathered together, but the family believed that they were cursed-all who fought alongside them die.

His family was wiped out, almost to the man, not five days ago-they stopped a Demonic cult from summoning a great evil in the world for their sacrifice...and they, along with others, spread the word. The War had begun. Oswald is the man to fight it.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [4 slots open!!!]
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 11:11:22 am »

Name: Cecil Hollands
Age: 19
Characteristics: Black haired serious looking young man. Average stature, slim and a bit weak. A bit clumsy, but although he is clumsy, he almost never screws things over because he is too used to his clumsiness. Has a goatee :P
Gender: Male
Bio: -I'm sorry, maybe later, feeling too lazy right now-
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 11:23:44 am by NightS »


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2011, 12:03:19 pm »

Name: Frederick TeVoert
Age: 22
Characteristics: Sort and skinny, with a mop of brown hair and gray eyes.  A light farmer's tan covers his extremities, and a pair of sunglasses is on his head at all times (though in the dark he does take them off his eyes and puts them on top of his head).
Gender: Male
Bio: Fre (as he is called by his freinds) never expected to go to war.  Growing up in a small secure town far from any demon infested territory, it was expected that he would take over his father's shop as he grew older.  However, such things were not meant to be.  His brother was framed for murder, and Fre was pegged as an accomplice.  They both fled from their home town, and took sanctuary with the Church.  Of course, the church does not simply harbor criminals who are not willing to show that they have repented.  Thus he joined the Order of Excorcists, and has trained hard for this day.  His brother has already been sent off, and Fre believes they shall one day be reunited on the battlefield.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2011, 12:29:34 pm »

I'm up. Looks like I'm gonna have to create a woman though, this is quite the sausage party. Give me a moment to set things up.
Love, scriver~


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2011, 12:34:07 pm »

Holding a spot. Here it is!

Name: Gaius O'Hara
Age: 20
Characteristics: A solid looking young man that was never exactly short or tall but rested somewhere in the middle with tanned skin and well trimed light brown hair and hazel eyes
Gender: Man
 Bio : (See NightS Bio :P)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 12:43:26 pm by Riccto »
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2011, 12:48:28 pm »

Name: Charlotte Amsel
Age: 42
Characteristics: Small and skinny, with slightly graying black hair and small blue eyes. Her skin is pale from not getting out in the sun enough. Needs glasses to read.
Gender: Woman
Bio: Growing up under poor circumstances, Charlotte always had a strong faith in God to make up for what her material life lacked. She loved to read, study and learn, however, and as she grew up she recieved scholarships from the Church to pay for her studies. She joined the Order during the peaceful years, and has therefore not seen much combat with demons. Instead, she has been doing extensive research on supernatural matters, and harbours a lot of both old and new knowledge on the subject. Now, as dark forces are stirring again, she is often asked to accompany younger members of the Order on account of her knowing of lore and the arcane, rather than her skill at fighting.

edited for biography.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 01:18:59 pm by scriver »
Love, scriver~


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2011, 12:51:48 pm »

Reserve a spot, writing up soonish
I'm flying faster than the speed of SANDWICH !

Every monday's first words : Hurrfriggin' horseshit....


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [2 slots open!!!] Hurry up people!
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2011, 01:32:44 pm »

I Rewrote my Bio, made it a little more usefull! + (I think all slots have been taken at this moment.)
Grey Knights, Grey knights, whatchu gonna do? watchu gonna do when we come for u?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD - Exorcists! We're Full! Waiting list now and Turn 1 up soon!
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2011, 02:48:09 pm »

Turn 1 : Welcome to Cathedral


"Sir Dust trail are nearing Cathedral!" the principle looked at the watcher "Yes i know, open the gates because our new students have arrived" "Right on it sir" the guard made a gesture and quickly left to open the gates. The principle looked over the walls "I wonder who the special ones are going to be this year." and started walking slowly to the gates.
Meanwhile at the bottom all the students were looking in awe at the Great Walls of Cathedral, it's not anything they have seen before. The stones were clear white and reflected light as a mirror, the ornaments were made of the best quality steel there was and the watchers wore beatifull crafted armor and weapons. Everyone was speechless so the short journey from outside the gates to inside went without a single sound expect the cracking of the gates which shut themselves.
All the students left their carts in groups while some still looked around chattering started around and stopped quickly when the doors of Cathedral opened.
An old figure stepped outside and said "Welcome to Cathedral! I'm the principle and headmaster of this holy place, now we don't have much time so we have to move forward. Please follow me". All the students followed the principle without hesitation some were old and some were young but somehow they already became friends with each other, maybe it's because of that 6 day journey?
They all stepped into a big hall, there were tables spread everywhere with nuns standing right beside it. Also big cloth pieces were attached to the walls making square rooms , "Attention! Each student has to go to a table to receive his uniform and pass, and also you will get a physical examination ". Some students already started giggling especially the girls , but the examinations started and finished rather quickly. (everyone got School uniforms and passes)
After that they went dining into another big hall, tables were everywhere and the food was delicious! Some at with pleasure and some ate it because they didn't have such dishes at home. After dinner the students were assigned rooms by carts , there was quite a lot of hassle with the girls but the males accepted the rooms quickly and went to their rooms.
Upon entering room 371 they still looked in awe, it looked like a 5 star hotel room with 5 beds! They explored their room and all found a piece of paper laying on each bed with lecture plans.
(Note 1 turn = 1 week for the following few turns as introduction)
Welcome once again to Cathedral your room will have lessons in room 12B.
This is the plan for you for the following few weeks.

Week 1 : Paladin introduction
Week 2 : Warden Introduction
Week 3 : Dragoon Introduction
Week 4 : Guardian Introduction
Week 5 : Priest Introduction
Week 6 : Pilgrim Introduction
Week 7 : Nun Introduction
Week 8 : Class Exams

The lessons start at 9 AM in the morning and end 4 PM in the afternoon, you will be having a lunch-break at 1 PM to 2 PM.
and please come on time!

Everyone red the rest of the information on the paper with thought some started doing stuff with their mobile phone and some talked with each other.
(ofcourse all of you are in the same room)


You now can post an action, in the start you will be a bit limited to doing some actions but that will change after week 8. And also when posting an action ,think up some personal belongings if you want also remember we are in the 21st century!


Evan Lake (Turbo Turtle)
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Cecil Hollands (NightS)
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Oswald Greenmoore (Dwarmin)
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Frederick TeVoert (Frelock)
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Gaius O'Hara (Riccto)
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« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 03:12:41 pm by Jetsquirrel »


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [Turn 1] Welcome to Cathedral!
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2011, 02:50:10 pm »

 post before Scriver but not get in? But I can live with that. Just put me on waitlist :D
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [Turn 1] Welcome to Cathedral!
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2011, 02:52:50 pm »

Well the post before you stated he was in and was in progress of creating a character. You were a minute or 5 too late! You are already on the waiting list at no.1!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [Turn 1] Welcome to Cathedral!
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2011, 02:55:17 pm »

 Five minute difference.
But what am I arguing for :P I dunno. I just like making points. But I'll be watching closely nonetheless.
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: RTD - Exorcists! [Turn 1] Welcome to Cathedral!
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2011, 02:56:25 pm »

Just Read you fool!
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