Version 0.2
So I wanted to improve this design and try to remove as many weaknesses as possible.
First up I happened to read by Girlinhat and loved the idea.
I built 8 of these animal watchtowers scattered around the pillboxes at approximately maximum X-Bow range. The results have been very pleasing with 80-90% of ambushes decloaking at max range from the pillbox,
this results in them usually breaking and/or dying before the trap corridors which simplifies my seige cleanups massively.
Along the same vein of animal watchpower I also assigned animal training to my marksdwarves and had them create some hunting dogs that idle in their barracks while they train.
Net result...nothing has ever since reached the gate in stealth and most stuff becomes visible the moment it enters my map
So with detection out of the way lets look at the weaknesses I identified in the first design.
1) the roof. This was an easy fix as I elected to lose the ability to move non-firing dwarves to the roof in favor of protection vs fliers.
Usual fix, scaffolding stairs outside and cap the holes, NB: Remember that fliers can path diagonaly on the vertical axis, you need to build a floor directly over fortifications to make them secure.
2) The enemy elite ranged units were bugging me. My tactic was always to scope the invaders when they spawned and should they include elite ranged units i'd send my marksdwarves to the magma forges on a station order
(the only time I ever issue an order to them with the military controls)
This was not satisfactory as they are standing around being useless then.
3) In big seiges my marksdwarves are usually out of bolts after the first 3-4 squads have passed them (FD often gives you 10-12 enemy squads on the map at a time)
Because they still have LOS to the hostiles they dont reload but stand and glower at them instead. This is dumb.
So, how do we fix problems 2 and 3?
Introducing v0.2:
bbFa Fbb
bbF FFF Fbb
bbF dFbb
a-Armour Stand
d- down stair
Hopefully you can see whats going on here. I replaced the up/down stair with down and capped the roof.
Next I built 4 raising bridges in a square around the pillbox, each raises inwards towards the fortified wall it touches.
The net result is that when you hook all 4 to a lever you can activate/deactivate your pillbox remotely.
If you pull the lever, the bridges raise and LOS (if present) is broken. Marksdwarves inside are invulnerable (only entrance from below).
I use this lever for when elite ranged enemies arrive, as they approach the pillboxes I just pull the lever and the snipers get protected.
Since they lose their targets they fall back on orders, i dont issue any so they follow the schedule, which is set to always train where they already are.
Result of this is that my marksdwarves only ever move to eat/drink/sleep or to move back and forth between the barracks/range pillboxes (via ammo piles)
The other advantage to these bridges is a little hidden and somewhat less reliable though I've been experiencing good results.
If your marksdwarves are engaged when you seal their pillbox and have already expended their ammunition then breaking their LOS to target tends to cause them to asses their ammo and immediately reload.
With the design above the reload is all of 5-10 steps there and back. Once they start to return from reloading you pull the lever again and fun resumes.
Marksdwarves that reload when you pull a lever. Fun right?
Ideas, comments, criticisms? Im still evolving these designs
Weaknesses that remain:
Dragonfire (and hellfire imps in FD) can destroy raised bridges, even those that are magma safe
There is still technically this path from inside to outside, I hope they never get it into their heads to try and move to melee
Ok so theres still an up stair, this is a different fort to the one I developed it on and here I kept the fortified gallery above and capped that to prevent fliers, best of both worlds.