Hi Anvilfolk,
Glad that you enjoyed SPAZ.
Getting exposure has been really tough actually. So please tell your friends about us. We are mostly living on word of mouth.
I have confirmed with Steam that we will be able to move existing keys over, assuming the contracts go thru.
Specialist skill wise, I will paste what I have in my implementation notes right now
These are just notes off the top of my head, but you can see where we are going.
-- Prerequisites:
- is prereq is met, +50% effectivness
- prereqs more common on higher end specialists.
- // only ever 1 prereq
- hates/likes men/women/any (based on hated type socketed)
- fraidy cat, - in infected systems
- xenophile + in infected systems
- civ Friend, + if friendly to CIVS
- uta Friend, + if friendly to UTA
- war monger, hate hate = +50%
- civ hate
- uta hate
- science, colony, miner, (connections) + if in those systems
- suicidal +% if in a system 10 levels higher.
- bully +% in lower level systems
- honorable -% in lower level systems
- SHIP BOOSTS (maybe should boost all research stats per category?)
- NOTE: we should probably also boost individual weapons in some cases
- Cannoneer +% to cannon damage
- cannon range
- cannon firing speed
- Beam Guy +% to beam damage
- beam range
- beam firing range
- Missile guy +% to missile damage
- Hull strength
- shield strength
- engine speed
- reactor power
- capacitor size
- cloak strength
- bonus first strike cloak damage
- crew battle strength
- mass bombs strength
- mine damage
- drone specialist damage et all.
- Armor strength
- Hull cargo
- Hull Max crew
- engineer (increase booster power)
- mechanic (repair rate)
- boost based on ship size
- boost based on weapon size
- NOTE: some stats should have imbedded negatives like _ 50% reactor power, -50% capacitor size, pos + related neg
- +% cannons -%missiles
- Gameplay boosts
- researcher data acquired bonus
- interogator (crew conversion chance)
- miner (rez drops increased)
- innocent (harder to make enemy ships angry)
- guilty look (easier to make enemy ships angry)
- builder, build speed increase
- miner, science, colony ambasador (cheaper goon exchange rates with that type of base)
- diplomat (uber ambasador) rare
- bargain hunter - cheaper components
- cloning expert (goons on mothership increase on levelup)
- Trader cheaper conversion of goons/rez/data
- lower build costs
- Sector 4 Stuff
- Security base engineer (cheaper sec stations)
- Science base engineer
- Colony base engineer
- Mining base engineer
- Recruiting expert (faster global recruiting)
- Research expert (faster data generation)
- Mining Expert (faster rez generation)
- Militia leader (better system defense)
- stealthy jumper +1 jumps before zombie interception
- bonus ally ship
- slow zombie egg laying rate
- watchman (auto vent when down to 2 crewmembers and invaded)
- fleet tech (higher tech fleet ships)
- scrounger (bigger fleet ships)
- extra ally ship
- unscented (zombies critters cant see you long range)
- stinky (opposite of unscented)
- failsafe, chance to self destruct ship before it is converted by zombies