I'm kind of wondering if the powerlessness/control thing would partially explain some of the higher male rape rate. There's a lot more social pressure on men to be powerful and have their shit together (mastery of their domain, whatever that is) than there is on women...
Ehn... while that's probably, as you say, part of the explanation, the increase in male rape is pretty much directly due to the absolute shit-poor environment of th'US's prison system. Female rape rates in our prisons are higher than outside them, as well, from what I understand.
Now, mind, the prison environment probably kicks all that rot into high gear, but the primary cause for the
increase has been the environment engendered by the rampaging human rights violation that is our prison system.
And yeah, re: Guns: I'm kinda' sorry about kicking that derail/discussion into gear. I don't exactly want guns to be banned (nevermind that's been pretty strongly proven to reduce violent crime ♪), I just want people coming in for a concealed weapons permit (or a gun license at all, really) to have to prove they can pass a fucking multiple choice test -- preferably one that can be passed by answering the same thing to all the questions --
at the very least. I really, really, don't think that's too much to ask. Maybe my run in with the vetting system was particularly lenient or something, I'unno, but considering the very-much-serious responsibility of gun ownership, shit like what I ran into shouldn't be flying.
Final point, re: !SCIENCE!, yeah, True, the ideal -- and peer reviewed -- study in the social science fields involves both statistical and field work, both raw numbers and as-many-anecdotes (on the ground interaction, case studies, etc.) as possible (given funding, scope of study, etc.). There's not really a 'versus' going on there if the scientists involved are doing it right.