Whenever I hear someone criticizing something for being 'unnatural', I want to ask them what species of tree they live in, because obviously they wouldn't abide by one of those fiendish 'house' contraptions.
No kidding. I despise it when people use unnatural as an argument for anything.
We "naturally," die at about 30 and half those old people are going to have replacement body parts. They can all shut up about "unnatural." Either that or you die much sooner and refuse to let them use those "unnatural" medical things like hip replacements, pacemakers, most modern medicine, etc. Either way I'm fine with the results of having homophobes shut up or die sooner.
http://news.yahoo.com/son-boss-crackdown-lands-supreme-court-182400708.htmlThe IRS wants to retroactively impose a 6 year statute of limitations for going after blatant tax cheats, instead of a 3 year one.
Let me cut straight through the bullshit and say what this isn't about and then say what it is about. It has nothing to do with the "founding fathers, (a sign the person talking knows nothing about law or is trying to pull wool over eyes)" or even the constitution, beyond administrative law. It has nothing to do with if the current tax code is fair.
Issues: A.) What is the proper statute of limitations for the IRS to audit and under what circumstances. B.) Who sets the statute of limitations, and C.) can it be changed retroactively/is that being done here?
Background: So the IRS has been on Congress's ass to actually do something for quite some time now, because it really is the rich fucking over our country via cheating on their taxes. The IRS said 3 years was simply not enough time to investigate complicated illegal tax shelters that try to pull more accounting tricks than Enron. Yes, we're talking dummy corporations, false losses and made up bullshit to cheat the government out of the taxes it is owed. As an oversimplified illustration, the lawyers for the taxpayers Jenkens & Gilchrist, has closed. Two of its partners were found guilty of tax evasion in May 2011. These are crooked bastards and it takes a long, long fucking time to catch them.
Fuck what your civics teacher told you, all three branches of government legitimately make law in one way or another, effectively. Legislative is easy. The executive branch has "agencies" (or departments or whatever) that Congress has delegated rulemaking power to. Yes, those administrative policies have force of law and can be sued over in the right cases. Finally the courts have adjudicatory power and saying they can only "interpret" law is a meaningless distinction, especially given that law cannot predict all problems and the courts simply can't punt the problem and just "not address it." It doesn't have that luxury, though the judge would like nothing more than a case cleared off the docket quickly by throwing it out if at all possible. This case is about who makes the law regarding how long the IRS has to catch tax cheats using complex scams.
What this means: B.O.S.S. "bond and option sales strategies." shelters using involved fraud creating paper losses to offset real gains. This avoids paying the government the taxes it is rightfully owed and tracking down people who do it is difficult as hell. The people doing this are screwing the government (that would be us) out of $Billions of dollars while bitching that people on welfare are fraudulent (hahaha). No one person on welfare has ever cost the government billions of dollars and certainly not on purpose, but that's exactly what we're dealing with here. Owing billions in taxes means you are making billions. The IRS needs to be able to take these people out.