i wasn't referring to abortion decided by the father.
with that i am okay with the decision of the judge, it's the mothers decision.
the problem lies in the fact that the children will mostly likely be supported by the family of the girl, and the family of the girl does not want to even have something to do with the boy.
the boy on the other hand wants to grab on the father role just for the easy money, since if he were to pull off a marriage once the girls gets of major age, he wouldn't need to work anymore.
the sad fact is that the baby in this situation is but a tool. Which WILL end badly, one way or another.
i have another case on which i base this answer, mind you.
here were i live (savona, the lovely town next to the port, where you must bow to the Orsero or die in a horrible fire), there was this girl who ended up pregnant at sixteen too, but this time around, she didn't want to keep the baby but the mother wanted to. Being an owner of a chemist shop, and a chemist herself (here in italy OWNERS earn a lot of money, mind you) she could easily have the money needed to keep up the baby.
The baby too was, by the way, with an albanian father. so this girl gave birth to the baby (a girl)
years later, no marriage (heck, they left each other and the father doesn't even care for the daughter), the mother goes partying on saturdays night getting drunk and sleeping days. (how she pulled off the chemist degree, which my mother had to study hard to get is a mistery, but money greases many palms it seems) and what is the usual day? the girl goes to school in the morning and comes back in the afternoon. she goes by foot or bus. she is 6-7 years old.
she does her homework and cares for the mother.
one day, the mother got back drunk, and fell asleep on the sofa, (this is all data which my mother eavesdropped during one of her hours of work in the chemist shops she worked in), (eavesdropping not even much, since they were yelling it all around the shop), and the daughter tried to wake her up for work...but she couldn't manage.
imagine a six years old trying to wake up her mother because she has to go to work. But can't.
she even prepares her own and her mothers breakfast, the poor girl. when the mother finally woke up (it was a saturday) she yelled at the daughter, hit her, and then gave all the fault to her for not waking her up.