I have a degree in psychology and I can assure you part of it is true and part of it is pure unapologetic bullshit. Most of what Freud says is crap, with the exception of defense mechanisms. The problems are:
A.) The crap gets mistaken for good science and the good science gets mistaken for crap.
B.) There are people who wholeheartedly believe outdated, crap theories from Freud and his students like Jung. I know businesses who hire and fire people based on those dumb tests that tell you if you're INTJ, or whatever other BS alphabet soup they come up with. This even though I can take that test on two different days and come up with two different results! Myers-Briggs, et al, is stupid and unreliable at best.
C.) Some parts of it just don't show up well on film or other evidential methods. Thoughts simply don't photograph well.
D.) Some parts of it are more true than others:
a.) Neuroscience, physiological, and sensation/perception psych are usually dead on. I can show you on a bloody fMRI where the oxygen is being used by the brain and what that part of the brain does. However, even this isn't infallible as they have tried to use this valid medical science in stupid ways like trying to read your mind.
b.) Cognitive Psychology and behaviorism have some really good points. This is especially true for animals in behaviorism. Moreover, cognitive psych uses, in many cases, an information processing model that makes sense.
c.) Freud: is overwhelmingly and with few exceptions, a nutjob who really did
use cocaine.... It shows.
Bottom Line: The problem with this kind of stuff is that you're applying statistics to things statistics don't model well. An example is like saying Ice Cream causes murder,
which someone did a while ago. The numbers simply add up. It is statistically significant at a P level of .05 and the error coefficients work out within the confidence variables. The problem? This is what we call a "Spurious Correlation."
Ice cream does not cause murder. Violent crimes increase in frequency with warmer weather. Murder is a type of violent crime and ice cream is consumed more on hot days.... Thus, what the numbers were really showing, is that violent crimes, including murder, happen more in warmer weather....