Well, it is a lot to ask of somebody making a public servant wage who isn't single and childless. I've got it pretty great on what I get paid, because I am exactly that and so don't have to worry about anybody's wellbeing but my own. I actually could stand to pay more for my health insurance (which, incidentally, is only free for some of the most basic plans; families pretty much across the board have to pay significant money), but it'd probably tank my plans to go to grad school. Point being, squeezing blood from a stone tends not to work. I'm probably also better off than most because, IIRC, the hospital I work for has both private and public funding or something obnoxiously complicated.
Merit-based raises, fine, although you seem to have a pretty odd view of what exactly it is teachers and police officers can do all day long without getting fired (you can still be fired for incompetence, y'know). And automatic raises that keep pace with inflation (and any additional costs the company is going to saddle on employees through "benefits") really ought to be mandatory in any environment.
I actually agree with you on the staffing thing, to a certain extent. If nothing else, the department in question is better qualified to determine its own staffing needs. I wouldn't mind taking hiring requests off the table as long as they're still allowed to negotiate over layoffs. The numbers-padding thing is a bit specious, though, given that union membership is not mandatory upon employment.
And, again, removing all these things needs to come with a tradeoff to return whatever the union gave up in exchange for it in the first place. It's not as if public unions can dictate terms to the state (for one thing, they've already traded away their ability to go on strike) - all these nice things people are complaining about were gotten by accepting a heaping pile of crap in some other area. I'm not comfortable with legislation that amounts to making only half of that agreement enforced.
My response to the PETA thing is much shorter, mostly because I'm near speechless at how ridiculous that is. Really, guys?