"Tough on Crime?"So,
"their plan was to buy $50 worth of groceries and not pay for two $2.50 sandwiches?" I'm not buying it. Alone and lost in new city/state with pregnant wife and 3 year old daughter.... Simply they were stupid and forgot to pay. Arresting them and taking their kid away for 18 hours is a bit much. They offered to pay the $5, but naturally the store wasn't listening, because "it's store policy not to accept payment for something that left the store." This was said in the store manager's office, inside the store. Simple logic, the sandwiches were inside them, and they were inside the store having never left. How exactly had the sandwiches left the store?
Perhaps it was stupid to eat the sandwiches inside the store, and also to forget about them at the register, but I can see that happening with a scared three year old in a new city/state.... The article comments are lovely, and none of them seem to give a shit that poor kid was thrown into this for no real reason.... I love the priorities, protect every cent of the corporate profit at all costs! $2.50 sandwich
in controversy they're offering to pay for? To the jails!
Let's see, pregnant woman hungry, three year old in new city/state scared, overwhelmed, lost parents make simple mistake they immediately offer to fix.... Clearly, they must be master thieves and lying.... I'd burn safeway alive, screaming and begging me to stop in front of a jury for IIED among other things.... No settlement, PR nightmare....
From experience, whenever anyone else is in trouble, we demand they be stoned to death. When we're in trouble, we say the law should show mercy.... Pick one, pick wisely. Know that it could be you; yes it could....
"That only happens to 'other people....' I'm super awesomes so never never me...." ~ Everyone, as the universe and laws of probability ignore them....