you know, it might seem heartless to say, but since i just entered the conversation with my brother two days ago (concerning the state and why it has to be a "public debt" and not a (my idea) "a public credit") we ended up on the subject of "bringers of handicap".
the conversation went like this:
"why should the state be in debt, and the people in credit? i mean, wouldn't the opposite be better? the people are always indebted to the state, and the state is always in credit to the people. So, the people buy things indebting themselves with the farmers, the shops, and so on, and the states is the one with the money who loans it out to have things payed, and he gets payed back through the amount of work people do. You're a a farmer, you get "farmer loans/tickets" with them you can choose what to do, you can either buy "farming supplies" or utensils, or "food" if you're a CEO and have no need for farming utensils, you spend double or triple "ceo tickets" to buy farming utensil, because you don't need it, it's a surplus, and you must pay dearly to have it. while you could buy a ferrari with just "one ceo ticket"
i know the chat seems mad, and certainly it is, now that i read it again, but it's necessary to reach the point.
So my brother answered:
"no, because the law of *strange name* dictates that the state is to be considered the one in debt, because it should indebt itself to make life better for the masses, and to always search for the masses benefit, even when against his own"
"but then it's always in loss"
"well, it's the public debt, the state spends money for many things, like salary, handicapped benefits like free weelchairs (he was being simplicistic) help in house for the elderly, free sanitary care (i AM italian. even though this is changing thank to the nice democracy we have here) and the like"
"why does it do that?"
"well, think you are giving birth to a mentally handicapped person. The state tells you he will pay for a little of the expenses you are going to have to do for growing him up, in exchange, you grow him up, when he grows up, maybe he's retardness isn't that big, and he can work, and take a job, and earn money, which then flows back in taxes, and in the economy. so the state earns back the 1000 euros it has spent in having you keeping it, furthermore, you can't just throw them out of the windows"
"and in the case of severe handicap? i mean, there are cases where there's nothing they could do except being held by hand everytime"
"that's the risk, and the reason the states release bonds, and similar, you give him 1000 euros he will in 5 years give you back 1200 euros"
"but it's a LOSS again in 5 years"
"but in 5 years, the inflaction has grown, maybe, and so it's the same or even less. OR taxes increase, or there are mentally handicapped people who started working and make tax material"
"or not, and the debt is still there and increasing"
"that's why the state makes a fuss of it and makes cut."
"so in the end, we should just remove the people from the state?"
"the state of it's own HAS NO PEOPLE. the state, the government, the govern is composed of A THOUGHT: the benefit of every person living under it."
"except when there's to decrease the salaries of the government officers"
"yes, if you like to say it like that, yes"