Hey, Truean. Would it be possible to get everyone on welfare? Like, everyone gets food, water, a home, a high-school education, and an internet connection (come on, it's the modern world. You need an internet connection to be a part of society at this point.)
And anything else they want they have to get a job and work for it?
I don't think it'd be all that possible, especially in America. (maybe Canada or Sweden? Or one of the other welfare states)
My point was: Hating welfare as inherently corrupt and saying everyone on it is lazy is based upon incorrect information and thus bad. While welfare is not perfect, the other option is to let people starve. Either we aren't prepared to do that, or worse, if we are nothing good comes of that....
Answer: O politically it's impossible. In a perfect world there wouldn't be homeless people and the math would add up so no one went hungry or without shelter, etc. Perfect worlds don't exist, much like the frictionless environments physicists favor, and relying on them in theory is a fatal flaw of any plan. High school educations in America actually illustrate the point really well. Everyone is entitled to a high school education but what they get isn't great.... Apply that last sentence to all the things you asked about.... Even if everyone did have a baseline housing/food allowance, what they got wouldn't be that great as a total understatement.
Plus, a real problem with our political systems is reliance upon oaths and standards because "corruption shouldn't happen." This is like being a physicist trying to work things out in a frictionless environment. Corruption will happen if you don't beat it back, of course it shouldn't. People who say that are entirely missing the point. That's like relying on a witness' oath to keep them from lying on the stand. It's stupid, doesn't work, and you need cross examination to keep people honest (or at expose lies). We don't openly, easily and obviously have any idea how to simply track where everything goes, so proving anything is neigh impossible. This applies to both government and corporations... thus both can be as corrupt as they want, because we won't pay for someone to watch them that we can watch (thus WE watch the watchers).
As I understand it, Russia has few political/judicial rights compared to their economic rights, but it doesn't always work smoothly over there for similar reasons. If it works at all....
The drafting of an unconstitutional bill breaks no laws, passing and signing into law something that is unconstitutional is also not illegal or corrupt. A legislature is given the authority to pass out the will of the electorate.
The problem here is not the institutions of the legislature being co-opted into illegal behavior, it is the desires and priorities of the electorate.
If the electorate demands utter garbage from their elected officials, its what they deserve and get.
The act itself is not criminal, but it violates a law: the US constitution. "Congress shall make no law," is the beginning to an important amendment.... Thus, legally Congress shouldn't make laws barred by that amendment. Doing so is illegal as against the highest law of the land from which all others spring, the Constitution. There is no remedy beyond striking the law down. This is sad. The constitution is supposed to restrain government where its express text says so....
Your point about the electorate wanting garbage is well taken. These politicians are pandering to someone and keep getting (re)elected for it.... I really wonder what would happen if it were explained to them exactly why they can't have what they want. I took one look at the Arizona Immigration bill and bet someone $10 it wouldn't survive court review.
http://haydenlaw.com/2011/04/appeals-court-strikes-down-arizona-immigration-law/. Though some politically biased people still think the court wasn't right, it absolutely was applying federalism correctly. It is a national level function of government dealing with foreign policy and immigration. Letting Arizona do this is like letting Ohio declare trade tarrif taxes or war on Canada: stupid. The people in that state should've been focusing on Congress, who could actually legislate in the area they care about....
The problem is an uninformed electorate and a system wasting time pandering to legally or financially impossible desires.... it isn't any one person's fault, the whole system creates and sustains incentives for this problem.
Seconded. Yes, very yes.
Your article about the Ex GOP staffer is also on point, I remember it well, rather long, but he really tried to make his point thtough examples, which has merit.
If you take an oath to serve the people and then purposefully screw up/waste time in a manner that benefits you by keeping you employed, then isn't that corrupt? That's not serving anyone except yourself and the whole "0% viable law" thing wastes tons of time and resources.
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Stocks-rise-sharply-on-solid-apf-785431975.html?x=0Will these companies hire someone already or are they waiting for more piles of money before they do...?