[My heels inadvertently make a bit of a sound as I step on boards of a soapbox laid on the floor]
Value and values...."For being in a capitalist country, I'm confused about what things are worth and it seems other people might be too. It seems the prices and values aren't clearly marked anymore if they ever were....
I really want to be a lady and believe I am, but what are we women worth exactly? I think the message I'm getting is, 'not a whole lot, and shut up.' Who cares if a woman dies; we're certainly worth less than a baby.
If it's a horrid choice between the baby and the woman, then clearly a doctor should be allowed to deny us life saving operations (even though doing so won't save the child) and while not directly killing us, letting us die through inaction still produces a corpse: two actually, one inside the other. In fact,
you can just beat the hell out of us and they won't prosecute you: too expensive. . Can't raise taxes, especially to pay for justice, we women aren't worth it. It seems it is too expensive monetarily and morally, to save a woman, medically or legally. It's a cost people aren't willing to pay for a value we don't have, in taxes or in thought. If human life is sacred and killing one is a travesty, then allowing two to die instead of just one is what exactly? This is considered moral and a value; except it isn't.
I'm not seeing values, I'm seeing hypcrisy and I'm offended. And, what's really insulting, is calling this bill "pro life," but not your life, "you shouldn't have dressed provocatively, you slut." That's the first hypocrisy. They say we should keep our legs shut, except of course when they want us to open them..... That's the second hypocrisy. The third hypocrisy, is calling America a "Christian Nation," and demanding abortion be banned on that basis while refusing to help the poor children that are born and never mind when they grow up.
Either we need to stop trying to call this a Christian Nation or we need to start helping the poor and the sick, and doing a couple of things Jesus would've done.... WWJD...? Speaking of the poor and the sick,
crowds in presidential debates are cheering the idea of letting them die, while claiming to be for family values. That is of course, unless your family is uninsured, or mom medically needs an abortion to live, or God forbid, you're gay. In, yet another contradiction, I'm hearing a lot of "We support our troops," from the same people who booed a soldier at a presidential debate,
solely because he's gay. For all the hate he has gotten, he has never said anything about them.
That soldier's name is Stephen Hill, and while I'm sure he doesn't want to die, he would to defend the very people who booed him for being honest.
Speaking of soldiers and there not being enough money, at some point this war is going to have to end and those troops are going to come home. When they do, they might want
jobs, except there aren't even enough for the people here now.....
Unemployment is "offically" understated at 9.1% and august added no jobs, none. The stock market is somehow "up" and doesn't seem to notice or care. Pretty much everyone has been clamoring for Congress to do something about the economy and jobs, but naturally, they aren't listening. Instead, the GOP lead House of Representatives clamors for tax cuts to the rich and passes this abortion related bill, while the Demacratic Senate does... not much at all really. President Obama at least tried to submit a jobs bill, but really, he's exactly like the GOP--submitting bills he knows won't pass into law be they about abortion or jobs.... All the while the "job creators" haven't really created a lot of jobs, despite having some of the
lowest taxes and highest incomes in American History. And it seems despite lower taxes failing to create jobs, people are still clamoring for more of that.... Both the government and business, they're all wasting our valuable time while acting bewildered that some of us, after being fired, foreclosed, or evicted with no home, no job, no hope and nowhere else to go have decided to protest.... It seems there's no reason or value to that either.... We should be quiet and if we're going to die then we had better damn well do it and reduce the surplus population....
Much as the notion that a part of the population is "surplus" and thus without value fits this theme nicely, that's enough Dickens for one day. That was the past and relevant as it might be to our future, I shudder at a present dominated by hatred and yearn for one presided over by thought. I cannot improve upon Clarence Darrow, so I'll borrow his words in homage:
"I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.
I feel that I should apologize for the length of time I have taken. This case may not be as important as I think it is, and I am sure I do not need to tell this court, or to tell my friends that I would fight just as hard for the poor as for the rich. If I should succeed, my greatest reward and my greatest hope will be that for the countless unfortunates who must tread the same road in blind childhood that these poor boys have trod -- that I have done something to help human understanding, to temper justice with mercy, to overcome hate with love." That was from a famous case where Darrow argued against the death penalty. I suppose now, I'm pleading for the lives of those women, denied a simple procedure that would save them, condemned not by court but by sanctimony, the sick condemned by callousness, the poor condemned by commerce.
Our lives, whoever we are, are not to be put a price on, that we may be told we cannot afford them. We are not for sale. Human decency is not to be auctioned off and sold to the highest bidder. One cannot buy virtue and any attempt results in its lack.
The value of a human life is so great as to be beyond the ability of infinite numbers to express or contain...."