"We're a conservative community, and we're just trying to make our students more reflective of that," said Larry Wehde, Gonzales Independent School District deputy superintendent.
What is this even supposed to mean??
He's just another power drunk autocrat, like so many other people in low government. They can't get up into the higher echelons without at least hiding their megalomania some, so they stay down in things such as schools, where no one cares about the rights of those affected. He probably doesn't even care about the dress code, he just wants something he can use to flaunt his power around about.
Make no mistake, children's rights in the United States are a fucking joke. Even the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the idea that minors do not have constitutional protection. More and more school districts are taking up the old corporate line of "You're always an Employee, on duty or off." except with students. In my district, they will suspend you if they can find proof of somthing done off-campus that violates an on-campus rule. It's a goddamn Class C Felony to be on the property of a school you don't go to at any time if you're still attending school, and the same for being at the school you do go to if it isn't school hours. I've seen people at my school impressed into community service or suspended for the heinous crime of being attacked by one of the "thug life" assholes who also attend my school. Even if they don't fight back, or even have the chance to do so. It's worse than goddamn Soviet Russia for the USA's children.
Don't eat ice cream in Belarus.
Bloody hell.
The only thing worth doing in Belarus is organizing revolution. Their government is waiting for a reunification with the Russian Federation which will never happen, because apparently in Russia Belarus is portrayed as being a desirable place to live at about the same level as the backwoods of the US Deep South. One last blight to keep Europe from being boarder-to-boarder democracies.
I take it you can't have parties, or if you push the meaning of "organized public assembly", movies? If you can't assemble, how do you play sports?
If it's like most laws of this kind, public meetings of three people or more are classified as criminal unless government approved. I imagine that the only sports that go on are ones sanctioned by Belarus's government. Which is to say, almost none. If it's like most laws of this kind, the given justification for this is crime prevention, but the real reason is making things difficult for protestors and revolutionaries. Funny story, my school district uses a similar system of rules to "prevent gang activity".