Essay about "black hipsters."
White rappers and issues of appropriation.
An analysis of Avatar in context of race.
Probably more on this stuff later. Right now, it's time for Chrono Cross.
Screw it, I like this entire blog. Go read and make merry.
So let me tell a story.
I had this class in high school, it was an advance course called "computers networking and electronics." It took up half the day so not many people went in for it, it was the best class I've ever taken in my life... But that's beside the point.
It was part of this whole collaborative effort by a whole bunch of school districts where they'd ferry people from other schools to come take classes over in ours. Now some of those school districts were heavily black, so out of 8 of us there were 3 black kids... Actually one of them came from a very white school but all of this is beside the point again.
So one day back in 2008 I walk in to the class and they're talking about the elections and how it's a big deal that the next president could be black.
Me: Why does this matter?
Guy A: Well he's going to be black
Me: ... So? Why is everyone making such a big deal?
Guy B: Well think of it this way, what would you say if you had a black British Prime Minister? You've never had one of those right? Well yeah, what would you say?
Me: Ermmm, good for him? I hope he's a good one?
Guy A: You wouldn't get it you're British.
Point is, I really wish people wouldn't make such a big deal over this. When people stop thinking about racism all the time it'll cease being a problem.
Let me tell you another story.
Way back when the old Celtic druids of yore used to revere red hair, and redheads usually got sent off to become druids.
When the Romans came and conquered the land, they tried to drive out the old Celtic practices, and one of the things they did was persecute redheads with a ferocity.
To this day there's still the lingering traces of a prejudice towards redheads. I remember once getting upset when my aunt told me that red hair was a sign of bad breeding (she was kidding but I didn't really realize it at the time). There is also the old saying "beat it like a red headed step child."
This naturally gives me and my brother the right to greet each other in the streets by shouting "WHO'S MY GINGER!? You my ginger."
'cus it's our word. And nobody gives a fuck about the red hair thing.