As far as "Taliban level discrimination" I don't doubt there is some... but I would not state that it's a major factor. Not anymore.
Pentacostal women may not wear pants, must keep their hair long, may not wear makeup, may not wear short/tight/revealing dresses/shirts, may not work outside the home, must always obey their father and husband, may not divorce for any reason, may not drive, may not use contraception, may not have premarital sexual activity, need no advanced education, etc. Pentecostals may have some of the same qualities as the IFB I mention below, but I can not say for certain.
Similar applies to the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches, though they have fewer clothing and work restrictions, on the other hand they have institutional violence and believe that a wife provides consent to the husband at the altar, making spousal rape acceptable. They also elevate the concept that a man is king of his castle to the point where a mans authority and behavior can not be questioned by anyone in regards to his wife and children. That isn't good, and if the man is a psychopath or sadist it is a damn horror show.
Sure, honor killings and mutilations are extremely rare in the US, but there are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people living like that. You don't hear much about them because they mostly expand by breeding, rather than conversion and intentionally isolate themselves from outsiders. Its probably less than 1%, but its a lot more than you would expect if you didn't know exactly what to look for.