I get that political correctness got a little nuts, but it seems we've regressed to the age of group baiting. (race, sex, sexual orientation, whatever).
The hell is wrong with people that they don't all immediately shout her down? Fact of the matter is this program was a legal settlement because the government actually did discriminate against those farmers. IT SAVED the government money.... This isn't wasteful at all. It's actually smart and has nothing to do with reparations. The government gave lots of money to farmers, but not black ones, which is illegal. The whole denying them money specifically because they are black thing.... Otherwise we'd be looking at a class action lawsuit, because of that crazy little thing called the 14th amendment.... Holy shit really?
This stupid moron can't figure out that they have a federal case and a winnable one at that.... *facepalm*
"Why continue to take from those people who haven't taken part in federal programs equally and give to another group of farmers who have taken part in federal programs?" Boyd asked. "I think taking resources from a group of people who have been historically denied any relief at the Department of Agriculture is a bad idea. For the flood victims that deserve redress ... they should provide those people with relief, too."
To head off a massive lawsuit you twit....
Bachmann, representative for every homophobic, racist in America.... And farmers should vote for her, despite the fact that they're getting less money from the department of agriculture due to her party politics.... Nevermind that farmers, look at the Black people getting money they
deserve "don't deserve." Doesn't that piss you off? That's right vote with your hate....