Posted by: Zrk2
@Truean: So the company is liable to support someone even if they don't come in? Employment is a two way street, you work for the company and the company pays you, you cannot demand pay without earning it. But that's a whole other debate.
It never ceases to amaze me how people point out the blatantly obvious as if I didn't know it. I mean really, as if I never considered that work is a two way street, or that you don't get pay you don't earn?
As a general rule, life is more complex than that. If your answer fits on a bumper sticker, then you're not thinking hard enough and something will fail for lack of thought..... In other words, of course.... Let me break this down into three (3) parts for you.
1.) Employable people who are temporarily sick:If you are sick and have a communicable disease that I can catch, even the flu, and you work for me,
I will HAPPILY PAY YOU TO STAY HOME SO I DON"T CATCH IT. Please, please, do not come to work hacking and sneezing. You will get both me, my other employees and customers sick. If I'm sick, then I can't work and be productive and stuff in the business will not get done. <----- This is bad for business. Moreover, if you come to work and get my other employees sick, then I am now short handed and again, can't get the business' stuff done and make money. Moreover, health insurance is expensive as hell and if the workplace pays for it, then this becomes incredibly expensive for you NOT to stay home.
The insurance company audits how much the company uses in health care every year and if you get 5 people from work sick, then the insurance company will raise the company's health insurance rates because it had to pay for five doctors instead of 1! In the interest of saving myself and my business money, if you work for me and are genuinely sick, please, please, stay home because I don't want what you have. That said, if you work for me and lie about being sick to play hookie, you are not only fired
FOR CAUSE but I will blacken your name with a terrible review for your next prospective employer for what you've done: lying, abusing my good sense and compassion, and costing me money for faking sick). This is a pet peeve of mine. If you lie to me about being sick at work then may God have Mercy on you, because I won't.
2.) Employable people who are permanently or "non-short term" sick:This is trickier.
Periodic absence for health reasons:
Maybe you have a disease like Crones or something that occasionally makes you take off work and are still a productive employee overall.
Let me explain your job for you if you work for me:
Your job is NOT to punch a time clock and phone it in. (in law it is not to "bill hours" which is an administrative pain in the ass only). Your job is, without qualification to do something that makes me money, or saves me money within the bounds of law and ethics and to cover the cost of employing you plus some more for me as your employer as a return on investment. This is the only way I can continue to afford to employ you.
Smart employers care less about WHEN you are there, as WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE THERE. If it all averages out and you get the damn job done, then kudos.
I do not want time punchers: guys who come in and just sort of phone it in, but hey, he "worked 8 hours." Screw them, sideways and on fire.... I'm not paying anyone to sit around and take up space, which I'm renting, for any amount of time. I don't want people who treat work like they are a kid practicing playing piano because they are forced to. You know, sorta putz through it taking far too many bathroom breaks and seeing if you can duck out early..."just this once mom...?"
Summation on this point: I don't care, and a smart boss wouldn't care, how many hours you were at work. I care what you did during those hours.
A boss who has his head out of his ass asks:
Are you pulling your weight?
Are you pulling your weight plus some extra to make the company a profit on your labor?
If the answers to those questions aren't both yes, for a good majority of the people in the company at the very least, then it doesn't matter who shows up when, because the place is sinking and not treading water. At some point, if this continues, there won't be a place to show up for work to....
3.) The unemployable sickThis is where it gets really, really tricky and I don't know an iron clad answer, because there might not be one. This one effects society as a whole, each and every one of us. Right down to brass tacks we've got three options
a.) Support these people, somehow, maybe through the government or dividing cost some other way?
b.) Support them at least partially while trying to have them contribute to society in some way they can.
c.) Let them starve and die.
I'm really not comfortable with the last one, are you? The stark reality of finding a homeless man who froze to death in the doorway of a downtown shop struck me hard. He either wasn't faking it or he's the most dedicated method actor I've ever heard of.... a,b, or c... which is it gonna be? or if you've got a "d" somewhere I'd love to hear it. Reality sucks.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME"Unfortunately, most bosses don't think like I do and that's one of the reasons why the world is fucked up. They aren't right because what they're saying makes sense, they're right because if you disagree with them you won't have a job or a paycheck, period. That's pretty powerful. It's the tyrant's argument, "Shut up and do what I say or I'll bash your head in [fire your ass]." It's not right, but it's very convincing....
Do whatever the crap your boss says and don't mention any of my ideas at work or in regards to work. I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting in trouble at work.