There are some rules and guidelines for this thread. They will be subject to change. If they change, I will post in-thread. Violators will be warned or reported depending on severity.
The rules may seem somewhat absurd, but this sort of thread is often a hot bed for flame wars and all sorts of bullshit.
Let's try to keep this thread bullshit-free on our parts. Enough shit will be flying already.
0. Attack arguments, not people. Period.
0.5a Be as logical, reasonable, and precise as you can be. This makes it easier to avoid arguments.
0.5b Offering a direct argument is superior to a passive-aggressive one. Snideness and sarcasm are fine; just use your judgment.
1. Think before you post.
2. Do not troll. Victim-blaming and derailment tactics will not be tolerated. Shit-posting will not be tolerated, either.
3. Do not treat people as though they do not exist, or as though they are inhuman or subhuman. There will be no "othering" here.
4. I will try not to police language too much, but use common sense. If your common sense is subpar in this direction, you will be informed.
-> Guideline: this includes appropriation of words surrounding sexual assault and violence in general, as well as illnesses and hateful slurs, to make a point as a metaphor. I will be gentle about this in most cases other than those concerning rape.
5. Evolutionary psychology arguments do not belong here. Keep them out.
-> Guideline: musing about why someone might be a certain way is fine. Strenuously arguing that they should always remain thus, since the behavior or idea in question was helpful thousands of years ago, is unacceptable. Other reasons are fine, but history as the sole arbiter is absurd. This is the progress thread, not the "keep everything the way it always was" thread.
6. You can post articles that are on-topic. I will probably ask you to remove off-topic articles, which include obvious things and not-so-obvious things. I do not want debates here about whether gay people are repressing straight people with their very existence or something; if you want to make those arguments, you will be asked to take it out-of-thread.
7. Do not link to a tabloid (such as, e.g., The Daily Mail) as a news source. You may mock the state of journalism if you like via such links, however. Satire articles are also okay.
And, feel free to discuss and challenge the rules. Not constantly, because that's derailment, but a little talking is fine, and if they end up being too stringent or too weak, you can rest assured that I'll change them. I'm trying to show a strong face for the OP, but, uh... yeah. This is just plain old normal Vector.
So don't worry. Being an asshole is not on the menu for today.