i did not mention poor people as lazy.
i stated that, from the very beginning of her being homeless, she should have called social services.
instead, she trailed her children with her.
secondly, she was starving, but had enough money for a gun and bullets for at least three individuals, which leads to thinking the clip was also included.
i hate to ask it, but does american black market sell guns cheap? in order to avoid all the regulations, it should sell them higher.
she resorted to violence to have her needs heard.
no matter how many excuses, how many defenses a lawyer could bring up to, she resorted to violence and pointed a gun at other people.
And the sad thing is not that she was driven to suicide. because she wasn't.
a month is made of 30 days commercial. excluding the sundays and the saturdays we have 22 days of possibilities. there are people who camp in front of the "caritas" mense in italy at night, or who sleep close by to be able to enter.
you may go and say how horrible and heartless the social workers were, but they are there to do their work. if you don't show up, for an entire month, they can't just keep the line waiting. should she be more worth than another homeless who is hungry and present?
you say childrens are homeless, on that regard i have to ask, isn't there a law which should send childrens at the very least in orphanages?
i know the entirety of the stuff IS sad, but there is "sad because nothing could be ever done" and "sad but it could have been avoided" and this could have been avoided.
if not by giving the children to social services, to at the very least presenting herself once in the 22 days available. to at least get another appointment.