(I am male, by the way. My profile doesn't specify a gender, and this is very intentional)
Yeah, I actually went back and removed mine after declaring "female" for a while. It just seemed kind of pointless =)
I'm on the same page as you with the gender-neutral thing.
OT: Vector, I just saw the picture of you that was linked earlier. You look exactly like one of my undergrad math professors. Make of that what you will.
Haha, thanks! I'll take that as a compliment.
Vector, I was actually mad at you for a little while because you seemed to be saying that sexism is only an issue that affects women because you're the ones being degraded when somebody uses feminine names as insults. I can see why you'd be bothered by that, since it heavily implies that being a woman is bad but it really seemed like you were ignoring the fact that it's pretty much awful to have it implied that you're somehow a terrible person for not wanting to conform to gender roles, regardless of what gender you are. I'm not any more, because it's stupid to be mad at somebody for being worried about issues that affect themselves.
I want to make this clear:
Sexism puts terrible expectations on everyone. At the same time, it also "marks" women as lesser. So, no, it affects everyone, but it affects women in certain ways that men don't get smacked around with, just as it does have some negative effects on men--like the issues that you just described.
I really need to get to bed instead of discussing about this, and I really need to read the rest of the thread. Too bad I probably won't be on at all for a couple days.
I look forward to reading your comments when you come back =)
She said the obvious stuff (equal wages, no laws Against any gender), and then she went into the social aspect as well. It was pretty much that, in a family, certain roles work well, and, if those happen to be traditional gender roles, then why bother to avoid them? And then she said, as much as she hated this, traditional gender roles made her feel like a woman. Having someone out there under a truck while she was cooking made her feel good.
Any comments on this? I never went into the social aspect really.
Why bother to avoid them? Because I, at the very least, am pretty much incapable of performing a woman's traditional gender role. The effort it would take some people to avoid gender roles is the effort it would take me to conform to them.
There are all kinds of things that work well in a family. To restrict them to traditional Western gender roles, when many other different experiments have been tried in other societies--and worked--is foolhardy, and forces people to conform to ideals that are dysfunctional for them, all in the name of "normalcy."
We need to write another social contract, which does not exclude other functional ways of being in favor of these silly, antiquated, monolithic ideals.
I do not see why, as being male and a capacity for strength are biologically linked. You may as well wish that gills were not associated with fish.
Physical strength is not the only thing associated with "being male." So is courage. So are intelligence, emotional strength, self-reliance. Risk-taking. Power. Diligence. Honor. Problem-solving. Aggression, competitiveness, individualism. Endurance.
The feminine is associated with, generally, the opposite of those things plus nurturing and intuition. Oh, and being pretty or something, yeah. Also masochism, submissiveness, and passiveness (we got this from Freud, and it hasn't yet left the American collective intelligence).
Unfortunately, I, and many people I know, are much better at being manly than we are at being feminine. Or, at the very least, I'm much better at picking and choosing from both as I choose.
Feminine women and manly men should not be persecuted or anything. This is not the feminazi thread. I would like a world where all of those good qualities are equally open to both women and men. Where women and men are judged on their personal qualities, and not the stereotypes of their genders. Where "feminine" and "masculine" qualities become, simply speaking, qualities, and we no longer make silly assumptions based on dreams of silly bits of flesh. When one's genes only matter in projecting "who one is" whilst making medical considerations, and then only as necessary.
Let me put it this way: when I'm at my grandmother's house and something needs to be carried outside, she'll ask me to go get a man to come in and carry it. I'm perfectly capable of carrying whatever she wants taken care of, and it'd be a waste of everyone's time for me to go get a dude. But, rather than respecting my strength, she assumes I can't do it.
Same thing happened when I was moving out of the dorms in college. My roommate apparently couldn't (or didn't want to) carry her microwave downstairs, and she and her friend were going to go get a man. I carried it down for them. They didn't need to get anyone at all...
I'm also, often, the default difficult-jar-opener. But, looking at me and making assumptions, that quality is probably going to be completely ignored in favor of some vague, confusing ideas about That Stuff Womenfolk Do.