Heheh, read up on the Lysistrata gambit, guys. This has been around since Ancient Greece.
So G-Flex, I've done a lot of reading around since we last had that conversation, and here's the deal as far as I know it.
Autistic traits are one thing. The other component is generally intelligence. Low-functioning autism is (often, not always) autistic difficulties compounded with mental retardation.
So if they want to cure mental retardation, they can talk about that.
But as-is, I am frankly really fucking tired of the way this issue is treated. You seem to not understand that I am directly affected by it as a person who cannot pass as normal and grew up with most of my cohorts being rather autistic; hell, I'm weird by math-department standards. I've listened to my classmates joke about how I'm unhirable by anyone but a university, not the sort of person you'd ever expect to date, and generally just completely and totally off the social base since I was in sixth grade (before that, I might as well not have existed). Other people on the spectrum let me know that they wish they were a little bit more normal, so that they'd be able to help me out of the pit I'm in.
I'm friends with some of the people you're talking about. I've got a friend with a math IQ below 70. She can't do basic arithmetic or really take care of herself that well. All the same, she is out and about in this world with all of its signs, radio broadcasts, buttons, newspaper articles, stickers, and well-meaning idiots.
Don't side with the assholes.
We all know that the websites talking about women as bitches, whores, loose, emotionally overwrought, stupid, mentally ill, and incapable are only talking about the bitches, right? We other women shouldn't take offense, because it's clear that they weren't targeted at us. We're okay. It's those other women, over there. The ones who have real problems.
It's all called the autism spectrum, and the apologia is starting to really piss me off.