Let me explain this to you guys: voting software does not work:
http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/10/michigan_students_hack_into_dc.htmlWith the right bored students, it does, however, play the UM fight song.
I know it's another sexual violence story. Sue me. This one is more about trans-ness than anything else, so go read it.
Couple slated to lose home for paying mortgage too early.
Both of these are total and utter "what the fuck"s.
Once again, history repeats itself. This is pretty close to the same case as this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmer_v._BrennanIn regards to Farmer v. Brennan:Farmer was a Male to Female Transsexual serving time for a relatively minor crime. Because she was trans, she was placed in the male prison population. She presented as and looked like a female. In case it isn't blatantly obvious what happened: "She was repeatedly raped and beaten by the other inmates and acquired HIV as a result. Farmer claimed that the prison administration should have known that she was particularly vulnerable to sexual violence." All of this is absolutely true and easily apparent to anyone who is not patently stupid, which is exactly why Conservative Supreme Court Justices don't get it and managed to convince the liberal ones.
The prison did absolutely nothing and the US Supreme Court did approximately jack shit.
If you're trans, then you're screwed, period. The court basically set a standard for prisons about prisoner rape that "If the guards don't witness it or directly know about it, o well, no duty to do anything (This is the "deliberately indifference" standard). "Magically," every god damn prison guard in the whole country went blind and stupid. None of them ever saw or knew a damn thing ever again, because if they didn't "know about or see abuse, sexual or otherwise, it didn't count and they didn't have to do shit about it...."
In summation, the court admits being beaten and raped in prison is not part of a prisoner's debt to society, but then refuses to do a damn thing about it. Rather, they make holding anyone accountable for not doing anything about it practically impossible, which is effectively the same thing. They also know that Farmer, as a transsexual who was somehow placed in a male prison population was almost certain to be raped, a lot, but simply don't care.
http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/92-7247.ZS.html"Petitioner, a preoperative transsexual who projects feminine characteristics, has been incarcerated with other males [
] in the federal prison system" <---- Problem, needs to change. "Other males?"
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/128166543.htmlWhat I really love about this bullshit, "A source close to the prison system, who asked not to be identified, complained that the slip-up "jeopardized a lot of women over there [at Riverside]," adding that Saldana tallied at least two infractions for fighting with other inmates during Saldana's stint in the female jail. On average, Riverside houses about 730 inmates daily, Hawes said."
So you're worried about everyone else's rights, and endangerment, except hers (the transsexual person's)? And then, you read the comments on this site.... Everyone, even the backwards commenters realize what is going to happen....
Transsexuals: "We're not people; it's ok to beat, rape and infect us with HIV, or do nothing to prevent others, who you know or should know will, from doing so."