The most impressive thing I've heard on topic, from a straight guy no less, "Who gives a shit? I don't care and it's not like it's wrong...."
While thinking exactly that, I don't think I could get myself to actually say it. Saying you don't care that someone's gay feels like you're copping out while that person is probably in need of psychological support. It just doesn't sit well with me to leave someone dangling like that...
I agree, but I also said it was impressive. I never said it was perfect--neither is he nor are we. It was impressive because it was honest, and decent without bias. What more can you hope for from the average member of the general public? If only they were all like him, the country would be very different, and I selfishly imagine better.... Hopefully we wouldn't need psychological support if this were so....
Frankly, your concern isn't lost on me and I appreciate that you give a damn
If I may ask, because I'm curious, why do you want to be a woman?
It isn't the slightest exaggeration to say this could fill multiple volume books, especially given that I love to write. Simply, the only time I have ever felt alive was when I was around accepting people and did not have to perpetrate a perpetual, pervasive fraud: my life. Whatever being a boy is, I can't be it, not really, not without faking it every exhausting second. They let me be the somewhat overly considerate, self depreciating, demure, shy, witty, and yes, happy girl I am: Allison. My best friend, her boyfriend (Her mom and I like him; he is good for her), and her mother just spent 2 days helping her and her son move into her new boyfriend's home. You have no idea how lovely it was for me to actually be accepted as a woman by my best friend's family for two days and how utterly crushing it was to know that it was only for two days.... I about cried when I realized I couldn't wear what my friend was wearing to clean anymore because that was done and I would have to go back to lying. Why yes, yes I will help you move for 2 days straight when non of your other "friends" show up because they don't feel like being sober for any length of time? I can wear a cute outfit as I help you clean? Perfect.
Also props to Vector's explanation. Thank you very much hon.
[Stuff about penises]
You know all that stuff about how you like yours, I hate mine. you know how you said you'd miss it if it was gone, I feel that way about being female. It's one of the most intensely personal things....
[ahem] A woman could say the exact same thing about her genitals.... I'm pretty sure that's at least part of what the Vagina Monologues is about...
. I hate that damn thing down there and one day I'll have it surgically removed; I have felt this way most if not all of my life. Unfortunately, because the world has a lovely way of condemning things that are non of its god damn business, that's not currently possible for me.
As for transitioning techniques, I agree that what they can currently do is limited in terms of SRS vaginoplasty, which if you sound it out is exactly what you think it is. Unfortunately I cannot have children, but will be just as prone to bladder infections as any other girl. Also I'll have to keep taking hormones my entire life. Ideally, I would've just been born a girl. Failing that, I'd much rather have something from this: or this . Yes the techniques are far from perfect but I will gladly take them over what I have without a thought or a sound and I would've rather had this done years ago, decades ago if possible....