Careful with GG. Dude could possibly be trollin' given that he may well have been the straw that got the thread locked last time on P 168.
welcome to the thread, glad you could join.
crafty escape!
What's this? I have an excuse to report someone for my own sanity and instead I'm just locking the thread? How generous, Vector! You even got out the lacy tablecloths and garlic tea for the special occasion!
And the tea cakes with cumin and bacon, Mr. Fillobith! And the tea cakes with suet and anise. Now let's all quietly, quietly go down this rabbit hole so we can meet Miss Vector and all her hats for the party.
The privilege of being a minority, of course. Because being a marginalized minority means you get to complain, and us white, heterosexual, upper-middle-class Americans want that too!
But there are a Brazilian of them!
That's terrible semi-punitude Nadaka, also hilarious, but I'm easily entertained.
Truthfully though, the "minorities are privileged" gripe is too widespread for my tastes. I've actually been told I have the exact same "sacred" marriage rights as everyone else: I can marry a woman.
I just.... head ... hurty.... argument... no sense makey.... Gah.
Ok, let's go so far as to give the people who make this argument the benefit of every doubt, reasonable and unreasonable, and forget for a second all the other religions/cultures in the world who have their own completely independent and valid marriage traditions. Let's also forget the "marriage is secular" argument for a minute too. Let's say for a second that marriage is "sacred," and that Christians invented it. That's all the more reason to allow gays to do it, because otherwise the system is completely unworkable.
If marriage is "sacred" and "Christian" then this means I've got a trifecta of horrible options under the "gays can marry the opposite sex like everyone else" view: celibacy, sin, or sacrilege. The celibacy option is the least practical, because at some point, people are going to have sex, period. The sin option appears to make sex outside of wedlock a sin/crime and given that gays can never be married to each other, we're right back to celibacy as a way to avoid this which... eh, not working. Finally we have the sacrilege option as a way to appear to avoid the "sin" option which is a fraudulent marriage and doing exactly what I'm being told I have the right to do, "marry a woman." If marriage is sacred then doing so for a fraudulent reason is sacrilege not to mention completely unfair to the girl in question and me.
There have been way too many marriages ending in divorce when the "beard" finally figures out she's been tricked and used, her husband is actually gay and thus was never capable of loving her. Hey, the gay guy was just doing exactly what society said he had the same rights as everyone else to do, marry someone of the opposite sex. He was kinda forced to. When you actually look at the reality of this option, it is completely unworkable and unfair. If you don't agree, then ladies, form a line to my right for a sham marriage to me knowing I will never love you or have sex with you ever... Your life will be a lie, just like mine.... I offer you the same consolation I take, the knowledge that you too can see the bottom of the vodka bottle repeatedly....
This goes right back to the "extra privileges gay people have" BS. Namely, this line goes something like, everyone can marry someone of the opposite sex and gays want the extra right to marry someone of the same sex..... [headdesk] Clearly we need another parade to protest these "extra privileges." [sigh]